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Nombre de documents : 13.

Article de revue

Advancing breeding for climate-resilient yam production in Côte d'Ivoire. Kouakou Amani Michel, Chaïr Hanâ, Dibi Konan Evrard Brice, Dossa Komivi, Arnau Gemma, Ehounou Adou Emmanuel, Cornet Denis. 2023. Plants, People, Planet, 12 p.

Pan-Arctic plankton community structure and its global connectivity. Ibarbalz Federico M., Henry Nicolas, Mahe Frédéric, Ardyna Mathieu, Zingone Adriana, Scalco Eleonora, Lovejoy Thomas E., Lombard Fabien, Jaillon Olivier, Iudicone Daniele, Malviya Shruti, Sullivan Matthew B., Chaffron Samuel, Karsenti Eric, Babin Marcel, Boss Emmanuel, Wincker Patrick, Zinger Lucie, de Vargas Colomban, Bowler Chris, Karp-Boss Lee. 2023. Elementa, 11 (1):00060, 17 p.

Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species. Pouteau Robin, Brunel Caroline, Dawson Wayne, Essl Franz, Kreft Holger, Lenzner Bernd, Meyer Carsten, Pergl Jan, Pysek Petr, Seebens Hanno, Weigelt Patrick, Winter Marten, van Kleunen Mark. 2022. Diversity and Distributions, 28 (1) : 53-64.

Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots., et al., Baisie Michel (collab.), Bénédet Fabrice (collab.), Naisso Petrus (collab.), Sist Plinio (collab.), Droissart Vincent (collab.), Rejou-Mechain Maxime (collab.), Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie (collab.), Derroire Géraldine (collab.), Herault Bruno (collab.), Blanc Lilian (). 2021. Biological Conservation:108849, 27 p.

Neonicotinoids in global agriculture: Evidence for a new pesticide treadmill? Bakker Lieneke, Van Der Werf Wopke, Tittonell Pablo, Wyckhuys Kris, Bianchi Felix J.J.A.. 2020. Ecology and Society, 25 (3):26, 22 p.

On the relative role of climate change and management in the current desert locust outbreak in East Africa. Meynard Christine N., Lecoq Michel, Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Piou Cyril. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (7) : 3753-3755.
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Analyzing coastal coupled infrastructure systems through multi-scale serious games in Languedoc, France. Bonte Bruno, Therville Clara, Bousquet François, Abrami Géraldine, Dhenain Sandrine, Mathevet Raphaël. 2019. Regional Environmental Change, 19 (7) : 1879-1889.
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Genetic structure of a European forest species, the edible dormouse (Glis glis): A consequence of past anthropogenic forest fragmentation? Michaux Johan, Hürner H., Krystufek B., Sarà M., Ribas A., Ruch T., Vekhnik V., Renaud S.. 2019. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 126 (4) : 836-851.

Modelling the continuous exchange of nitrogen between microbial decomposers, the organs and symbionts of plants, soil reserves and the atmosphere. Pansu Marc Antoine, Ibrahim Hatem, Hatira Abdessatar, Brahim Nadhem, Drevon Jean Jacques, Harmand Jean-Michel, Chotte Jean-Luc, Blavet Didier. 2018. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 125 : 185-196.

A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Datry Thibault, Foulquier Arnaud, Corti Roland, von Schiller Daniel, Tockner K., Mendoza-Lera C., Clément J.C., Gessner M.O., Moleón M., Stubbington R., Gücker B., Albariño R., Allen D.C., Altermatt Florian, Arce María Isabel, Arnon Shai, Banas Damien, Banegas-Medina Andy, Beller Erin, Blanchette Melanie L., Blanco-Libreros Juan F., Blessing Joanna J., Boëchat G., Boersma Kate S., Bogan Michael T., Bonada Núria, Bond Nick R., Brintrup Barría Kate C., Bruder Andreas, Burrows Ryan M., Cancellario Tommaso, Canhoto C., Carlson Stephanie M., Cauvy-Fraunié Sophie, Cid Núria, Danger Michael, de Freitas Terra Bianca, De Girolamo Anna Maria, de La Barra Evans, del Campo Ruben, Diaz-Villanueva V.D., Dyer Fiona, Elosegi Arturo, Faye Emile, et al.. 2018. Nature Geoscience, 11 : 497-503.

Land use sustainability on the South-Eastern Amazon agricultural frontier: Recent progress and the challenges ahead. Arvor Damien, Tritsch Isabelle, Barcellos Christovam, Jégou Nicolas, Dubreuil Vincent. 2017. Applied Geography, 80 : 86-97.

Communication avec actes

Multi-scale adaptations and vulnerability transfer in an artificial society: From sugarscape to sugarscale. Bonte Bruno, Abrami Géraldine, Therville Clara, Kistemaker Louisa Helena, Bousquet François, Barreteau Olivier, Anderies John M.. 2016. In : Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Vol4.. Sauvage, S. (ed.), Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. (ed.), Rizzoli, A.E. (ed.). Toulouse : Université de Toulouse, 1078. ISBN 978-88-9035-745-9 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Sofware (iEMSs 2016). 8, Toulouse, France, 10 Juillet 2016/14 Juillet 2016.


Carbon and nutrient fluxes in oil palm sustainable agro-system: Interfacing tree to molecular scales. Lamade Emmanuelle. 2025. Angers : Université d'Angers, 139 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université d'Angers

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