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Nombre de documents : 19.

Water accounting in the Berrechid plain (Morocco): A process approach. El Meknassi Yousoufi Ehssan, Hammani Ali, Kuper Marcel, Bouarfa Sami, Vallée Domitille. 2024. Irrigation and Drainage, 73 (1) : 180-197.
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A novel approach to include small reservoirs into a global hydrological model: Assessing its potential to reduce the agricultural water gap of smallholder farmers in Senegal. Hoogeveen Anna C., Sutanudjaja Edwin H., Falconnier Gatien, Van Beek Rens, Wanders Niko, Bierkens Marc F.P., Hoch Günter. 2024. Journal of Hydrology. Regional Studies, 56:102074, 26 p.

Participatory Groundwater monitoring using a mobile phone application in South Africa - Potchestroom. Ouedraogo Rahim, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel. 2023. s.l. : Egroundwater, 7 p. (Egroundwater Working Paper, 2)

Riding the waves of discomfort: Reflecting on the dialogue of hydrologists with society. Riaux Jeanne, Kuper Marcel, Massuel Sylvain, Mekki Insaf. 2023. Journal of Hydrology, 626 (Part A):130189, 12 p.


Explaining societal change through bricolage: Transformations in regimes of water governance. Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Dajani Muna, Cleaver Frances, Naouri Mohamed, Kuper Marcel, Hartani Tarik. 2022. Environment and Planning. E, Nature and Space, 6 (4) : 2654-2677.

Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests. Sousa Thaiane R., Schietti Juliana, Ribeiro Igor O., Emilio Thaise, Herrera Fernández Rafael, Ter Steege Hans, Castilho Carolina V., Esquivel-Muelbert Adriane, Baker Timothy R., Pontes-Lopes Aline, Silva Camila V. J., Silveira Juliana M., Derroire Géraldine, Castro Wendeson, Monteagudo Mendoza Abel L., Ruschel Ademir R., Prieto Adriana, Nogueira Lima Adriano Jose, Rudas Agustin, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Parada Gutierrez Alexander, Andrade Ana, Roopsind Anand, Manzatto Angelo Gilberto, Di Fiore Anthony, Torres-Lezama Armando, Dourdain Aurélie, Marimon Beatriz Schwantes, Marimon-Junior Ben Hur, Burban Benoit, van Ulft Bert, Herault Bruno, Quesada Carlos Alberto, Mendoza Casimiro, Stahl Clément, Bonal Damien, Galbraith David, Neill David, de Oliveira Edmar A., Hase Eduardo, Jimenez-Rojas Eliana, Vilanova Emilio, Arets Eric, Berenguer Erika, Álvarez-Dávila Esteban, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Almeida Everton José, Coelho Fernanda, Cornejo Valverde Fernando, Elias Fernando, Brown Foster, Bongers Frans, Ramirez Arevalo Freddy, Lopez-Gonzalez Gabriela, Van Der Heijden Geertje, Aymard Corredor Gerardo A., Flores Llampazo Gerardo, Pardo Guido, Ramirez-Angulo Hirma, do Amaral Iêda Leão, Guimarães Vieira Ima Célia, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco Isau, Comiskey James A., Singh James, Silva Espejo Javier, Del Aguila-Pasquel Jhon, Zwerts Joeri Alexander, Talbot Joey, Terborgh John, Ferreira Joice Nunes, Barroso Jorcely, Barlow Jos, Camargo Jose Luis C., Stropp Juliana, Peacock Julie, Serrano Julio, Melgaço Karina, Ferreira Leandro V., Blanc Lilian, Poorter Lourens, Valenzuela Gamarra Luis, Aragao Luiz E.O.C., Arroyo Luzmila, Silveira Marcos, Peñuela-Mora Maria Cristina, Nuñez Vargas Percy, Toledo Marisol, Disney Mathias, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Baisie Michel, Kalamandeen Michelle, Pallqui Camacho Nadir C., Davila Cardozo Nallaret, Silva Natalino, Pitman Nigel C.A., Higuchi Niro, Banki Olaf, Alvarez Loayza Patricia, Graça Paulo M. L. A., Morandi Paulo, van der Meer Peter J., van der Hout Peter, Naisso Petrus, et al.. 2022. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (8) : 1571-1588.
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Analyse de l'extension des palmeraies oasiennes et de son impact sur les ressources en eau souterraine dans la région de Kébili, sud-ouest de la Tunisie. Mekki Insaf, Ferchichi Intissar, Taoujouti Nesrine, Faysse Nicolas, Zaïri Abdel Aziz. 2021. Les Annales de l'I.N.R.G.R.E.F., 22 : 123-143.

Assessing physical and economic water productivity in crop-livestock systems. Taher Srairi Mohamed, Lamya Assis, Kuper Marcel. 2021. African and Mediterranean Agricultural Journal - Al Awamia (133) : 63-82.

Learning from the past to build the future governance of groundwater use in agriculture. Petit Olivier, Dumont Aurélien, Leyronas Stéphanie, Ballin Quentin, Bouarfa Sami, Faysse Nicolas, Kuper Marcel, Molle François, Alcazar Charlotte, Durand Emmanuel, Ghoudi Ridha, Hubert Aline, Le Visage Selin, Messaoudi Imane, Montginoul Marielle, Ndao Seyni, Ferroudji Audrey Richard, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel, Trottier Julie, Aubriot Olivia, Elloumi Mohamed, Boisson Marc, Fofack-Garcia Rhoda, Maurel Frédéric, Rojat Dominique, Romagny Bruno, Salgues Emmanuelle. 2021. Water International, 46 (7-8) : 1037-1059.

Transformations to groundwater sustainability: From individuals and pumps to communities and aquifers. Zwarteveen Margreet, Kuper Marcel, Olmos-Herrera Cristian, Dajani Muna, Kemerink-Seyoum Jeltsje, Frances Cleaver, Beckett Linnea, Lu Flora, Kulkarni Seema, Kulkarni Himanshu, Aslekar Uma, Börjeson Lowe, Verzijl Andres, Dominguez Guzmán Carolina, Teresa Oré Maria, Leonardelli Irene, Bossenbroek Lisa, Ftouhi Hind, Chitata Tavengwa, Hartani Tarik, Saidani Mohamed Amine, Johnson Michelaina, Peterson Aysha, Bhat Sneha, Bhopal Sachin, Kadiri Zakaria, Deshmukh Rucha, Joshi Dhaval, Komakech Hans, Joseph Kerstin, Mlimbila Ebrania, De Bont Chris. 2021. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49 : 88-97.

From oasis archipelago to pioneering eldorado in Algeria's sahara. Amichi Farida, Bouarfa Sami, Kuper Marcel, Caron Patrick. 2020. Irrigation and Drainage, 69 (S1), n.spéc. Innovations in irrigation systems in Africa : 168-176.

Overlapping groundwater service markets in a palm grove in the Algerian Sahara. Hamamouche Meriem Farah, Kuper Marcel, Hartani Tarik, Bouarfa Sami. 2020. Irrigation and Drainage, 69 (S1), n.spéc. Innovations in irrigation systems in Africa : 155-167.

The blind angle: Performance assessment of drip irrigation-in-use in a large-scale irrigation scheme in Morocco. Boularbah Sara, Kuper Marcel, Hammani Ali, Mailhol Jean-Claude, Taky Abdelilah. 2019. Irrigation and Drainage, 68 (5) : 925-936.
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Simulating the effects of different potassium and water supply regimes on soil water content and water table depth over a rotation of a tropical Eucalyptus grandis plantation. Christina Mathias, Le Maire Guerric, Nouvellon Yann, Vezy Rémi, Bordon B., Battie Laclau Patricia, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Delgado-Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. Forest Ecology and Management, 418 : 4-14.
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Unraveling the enduring paradox of increased pressure on groundwater through efficient drip irrigation. Kuper Marcel, Ameur Fatah, Hammani Ali. 2017. In : Drip irrigation for agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Venot Jean-Philippe (ed.), Kuper Marcel (ed.), Zwarteveen Margreet (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 85-104. ISBN 978-1-13-868707-3
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Liberation or anarchy? The Janus nature of groundwater use on North Africa's new irrigation frontiers. Kuper Marcel, Faysse Nicolas, Hammani Ali, Hartani Tarik, Marlet Serge, Hamamouche Meriem Farah, Ameur Fatah. 2016. In : Integrated groundwater management: concepts, approaches and challenges. Jakeman, Anthony J. (ed.), Barreteau Olivier (ed.), Hunt Randall J. (ed.), Rinaudo Jean-Daniel (ed.), Ross Andrew (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 583-615. ISBN 978-3-319-23576-9

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