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Nombre de documents : 11.

Article de revue

Impact of Indonesia's forest management units on the reduction of forest loss and forest fires in Sulawesi. Chervier Colas, Atmadja Stibniati Soeria, Nofyanza Sandy, Nur Annisa Choiriatun, Nurfatriani Fitri, Kristiningrum Rochadi, Sahide Alif K. Sahide, Suhardiman Ali, Umar Syukur. 2025. Ecological Economics, 227:108418, 15 p.

How is the capability approach applied to assess well-being impacts? A systematic review. Bartolomei Livia, Blundo Canto Genowefa, De Muro Pasquale. 2024. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 25 (3) : 367-399.

Impact of industrial logging concession on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC. Chervier Colas, Ximenes Arimatéa C., Ntirumenyerwa Mihigo Blaise-Pascal, Doumenge Charles. 2024. World Development, 173:106393, 17 p.

Using publicly available remote sensing products to evaluate REDD projects in Brazil. Demarchi Gabriela, Subervie Julie, Catry Thibault, Tritsch Isabelle. 2023. Global Environmental Change, 80:102653, 13 p.

Co-production, uptake of weather and climate services, and welfare impacts on farmers in Senegal: A panel data approach. Chiputwa Brian, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Steward Peter, Andrieu Nadine, Ndiaye Ousmane. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 195:103309, 21 p.

Assessing the effects of Farmer Field Schools on farmers' trajectories of change in practices. Bakker Teatske, Dugué Patrick, De Tourdonnet Stéphane. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41:18, 15 p.
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The different dimensions of livelihood impacts of Payments for Environmentals Services (PES) schemes: A systematic review. Blundo Canto Genowefa, Bax Vincent, Quintero Marcela, Cruz-Garcia Gisella S., Groeneveld Rolf A., Perez-Marulanda Lisset. 2018. Ecological Economics, 149 : 160-183.

Complémentarité des filières sorgho sucré et canne à sucre en Haïti : évaluation des conditions de développement sectoriel d'une innovation. Temple Ludovic, Levesque Annaïg, Lamour Adnet, Charles Daphnée, Braconnier Serge. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (5):55006, 9 p.


Communication sans actes

Multiple outcomes of building an information system to manage reflexive impact evaluations for agricultural research. Blundo Canto Genowefa, Devaux-Spatarakis Agathe, Martin Pierre, De Romemont Aurelle, D'Agostino Bruno, Mouret Nans. 2018. . Thessaloniki : s.n., 1 p. European Evaluation Society Biennal Conference: Evaluation for more resilient societies. 13, Thessaloniki, Grèce, 1 Mai 2018/5 Mai 2018.

Liste générée le Fri Mar 7 09:50:27 2025 CET.