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Nombre de documents : 13.

Article de revue

A survey of the applications of text mining for agriculture. Drury Brett, Roche Mathieu. 2019. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 163:104864, 13 p.

Web monitoring of emerging animal infectious diseases integrated in the French Animal Health Epidemic Intelligence System. Arsevska Elena, Valentin Sarah, Rabatel Julien, De Goër de Hervé Jocelyn, Falala Sylvain, Lancelot Renaud, Roche Mathieu. 2018. PloS One, 13 (8):e0199960, 25 p.

ECIR 2016 Workshop on modeling, learning and mining for cross/multilinguality (MultiLingMine '16). Lenco Dino, Roche Mathieu, Romeo Salvatore, Rosso Paolo, Tangarelli Andrea. 2016. SIGIR Forum, 50 (2) : 89-95.

Identification of associations between clinical signs and hosts to monitor the web for detection of animal disease outbreaks. Arsevska Elena, Roche Mathieu, Hendrikx Pascal, Chavernac David, Falala Sylvain, Lancelot Renaud, Dufour Barbara. 2016. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 7 (3) : 1-10.

Actes de congrès

MultiLingMine 2016: modeling, learning and mining for cross/multilinguality. Lenco Dino (ed.), Roche Mathieu (ed.), Romeo Salvatore (ed.), Rosso Paolo (ed.), Tagarelli Andrea (ed.). 2016. s.l. : CEUR-WS, 65 p. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1589) International Workshop on Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality (MultiLingMine 2016). 1, Padova, Italie, 20 Mars 2016.

Communication invitée

Knowledge discovery from texts on agriculture domain. Roche Mathieu. 2016. In : Proceedings of International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems. Université de Constantine 2. Constantine : Université de Constantine 2, 47 p. MISC 2016 : International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems. 4, Constantine, Algérie, 7 Mai 2016/8 Mai 2016.

Communication avec actes

Information retrieval for animal disease surveillance: a pattern-based approach. Valentin Sarah, Lancelot Renaud, Roche Mathieu. 2020. In : Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis. Holderness Eben (ed.), Yepes Antonio Jimeno (ed.), Lavelli Alberto (ed.), Lavelli Anne-Lyse (ed.), Pustejovsky James (ed.), Rinaldi Fabio (ed). Stroudsburg : Association for Computational Linguistics, 70-78. (LOUHI, 2020) ISBN 978-1-952148-81-1 International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, s.l., États-Unis, 16 Novembre 2020/20 Novembre 2020.

SciPuRe: a new Representation of textual data for entity identification from scientific publications. Lentschat Martin, Dibie-Barthélemy Juliette, Buche Patrice, Roche Mathieu. 2020. In : WIMIS 2020: 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 20). ACM,, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, IUT Bayonne Pays Basque. New York : ACM, 220-226. International Conference on Wev Intelligence, Mining and Semant (WIMS 20). 10, Biarritz, France, 30 Juin 2020/3 Juillet 2020.

Automatic Identification of Research Fields in Scientific Papers. Kergosien Eric, Farvardin Mohammad Amin, Teisseire Maguelonne, Bessagnet Marie-Noëlle, Schöpfel Joachim, Chaudiron Stephane, Jacquemin Bernard, Lacayrelle Annig, Roche Mathieu, Sallaberry Christian, Tonneau Jean-Philippe. 2018. In : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Calzolari Nicoletta (ed.), Choukri Khalid (ed.), Cieri Christopher (ed.), Declerck Thierry (ed.), Goggi Sara (ed.), Hasida Koiti (ed.), Isahara Hitoshi (ed.), Maegaard Bente (ed.), Mariani Joseph (ed.), Mazo Hélène (ed.), Moreno Asuncion (ed.), Odijk Jan. ELRA. Miyazaki : ELRA, 1902-1907. ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9 International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. 11, Miyazaki, Japon, 7 Mai 2018/12 Mai 2018.

Readitopics: Make your topic models readable via labeling and browsing. Velcin Julien, Gourru Antoine, Giry-Fouquet Erwan, Gravier Christophe, Roche Mathieu, Poncelet Pascal. 2018. In : Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18). Lang Jérôme (ed.). IJCAI. Vienne : International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 5874-5876. ISBN 978-0-9992411-2-7 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18). 27, Stockholm, Suède, 13 Juillet 2018/19 Juillet 2018.

Automatic biomedical term polysemy detection. Lossio-Ventura Juan Antonio, Jonquet Clément, Roche Mathieu, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2016. In : LREC 2016 Proceedings. Calzolari Nicoletta (ed.), Choukri Khalid (ed.), Declerck Thierry (ed.), Goggi Sara (ed.), Grobelnik Marko (ed.), Maegaard Bente (ed.), Mariani Joseph (ed.) , Mazo Hélène (ed.), Moreno Asuncion (ed.), Odijk Jan (ed.), Piperidis Stelios (ed.). ELRA, ELDA, ILC. Portoroz : ELRA, 1684-1688. ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1 International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). 10, Portoroz, Slovénie, 23 Mai 2016/28 Mai 2016.

Comment prendre en compte les spécificités de "l'écriture SMS" pour l'analyse de sentiments ? Khiari Wejdene, Bouhafs Hafsia Asma, Roche Mathieu. 2016. In : Actes des Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles JADT 2016. CNRS. Nice : CNRS, 12 p. Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT 2016). 13, Nice, France, 7 Juin 2016/10 Juin 2016.

MultiLingMine 2016: modeling, learning and mining for cross/multilinguality. Romeo Salvatore, Tagarelli Andrea, Ienco Dino, Roche Mathieu, Rosso Paolo. 2016. In : Advances in information retrieval. Ferro Nicola (ed.), Crestani Fabio (ed.), Moens Marie-Francine (ed), Mothe Josiane (ed.), Silvestri Fabrizio (ed.), Di Nunzio Giorgio Maria (ed.), Hauff Claudia (ed.), Silvello Gianmaria (ed.). University of Padua. Cham : Springer, 869-873. (Lecture notes in computer science, 9626) ISBN 978-3-319-30670-4 European Conference on IR Research ECIR 2016. 38, Padua, Italie, 20 Mars 2016/23 Mars 2016.

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