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Nombre de documents : 19.

Article de revue


New challenges for innovation support services to improve cocoa quality and sustainability in Cameroon. Mathe Syndhia, Fongang Fouepe Guillaume Hansel, Sonfack Martial, Temple Ludovic, Abega Ndjana Jean, Talla Sadeu Michael Brice. 2023. Science, Technologie, Développement, 3 (1), 17 p.

Strengthening women's and youths' access to innovation support services (ISS): The 24 h' cassava retting case in Cameroon. Crestin-Billet Sarah, Kamga Boubda Armel Rodrigue, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Fongang Fouepe Guillaume Hansel, Mathe Syndhia, Knierim Andrea. 2022. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 13 (4) : 440-453.


Developing capacities for agricultural innovation systems: Lessons from implementing a common framework in eight countries. Toillier Aurélie, Guillonnet Renaud, Bucciarelli Manuela, Hawkins Richard. 2020. Rome : FAO-Agrinatura, 116 p. ISBN 978-92-5-133375-4 ; 978-2-35709-020-0

Communication avec actes

The role of the hub organisation in the emergence of Innovation Support Services Ecosystems: A social capital approach. Orbell Claire, Toillier Aurélie, Mignon Sophie. 2024. In : Systemic Change for Sustainable futures: Theme 3 Capacity development to support systemic change: approaches, methods and tools. Alex Koutsouris (ed.), Andrea Knierim (ed.), Pierre Labarthe (ed.), Fleur Marchand (ed.). IFSA. Trapany : IFSA, 8 p. IFSA Conference 2024. 15, Trapani, Italie, 30 Juin 2024/4 Juillet 2024.

Functional dynamics to strengthen an agroecological technological innovation: the case of seedlings from stem fragments (PIF) plantain propagation technology in Cameroon. Soule Adam Nawalyath, Temple Ludovic, Mathe Syndhia, Kwa Moïse. 2023. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector. Mathé S. (ed.), Neven D. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 111-118. (Acta Horticulturae, 1380) ISBN 978-94-6261-379-9 International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector. 31, Angers, France, 14 Août 2022/20 Août 2022.

Towards a framework to assess quality of innovation support services in AKIS: match and mismatch between farmers and providers' perceptions in Madagascar. Audouin Sarah, Ranaivomanana Salomé Valisoa, Randrianarison Narilala, Andriamanantsoa Mandranto Nantenaina, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Andriamaniraka Harilala, Mathe Syndhia. 2023. In : 26th European Seminar on Extension and Education: Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? Book of abstracts. Labarthe Pierre (ed.). INRAE. Toulouse : INRAE, Résumé, 416-422. ISBN 978-2-9589569-0-5 European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE 2023), Toulouse, France, 10 Juillet 2023/13 Juillet 2023.

What are the specificities of agricultural innovation systems in the South: an approach based on innovation support services. Mathé Syndhia, Audouin Sarah, Toillier Aurélie, Temple Ludovic, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Knierim Andrea, Randrianarison Narilala, Traoré Ousmane, Ngouambé Nestor, Fongang Guillaume. 2023. In : 26th European Seminar on Extension and Education: Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? Book of abstracts. Labarthe Pierre (ed.). INRAE. Toulouse : INRAE, Résumé, 410-416. ISBN 978-2-9589569-0-5 European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE 2023). 26, Toulouse, France, 10 Juillet 2023/13 Juillet 2023.

New challenges for innovation support services to improve cocoa quality and sustainability in Cameroun. Mathé Syndhia, Fongang Fouepe Guillaume Hansel, Sonfack Martial, Temple Ludovic, Abega Ndjana Jean. 2022. In : Digital book of proceedings: 14th European IFSA symposium. Farming systems facing climate change and resource challenges. IFSA. Evora : IFSA, 8-21. European IFSA Symposium (IFSA 2022). 14, Evora, Portugal, 8 Avril 2022/14 Avril 2022.

Rapid appraisal of innovation support services in agricultural innovation systems for agroecological transition: the RAISSA approach. Mathe Syndhia, Sy Mariam, Onumah Justina A., Ankrah Daniel Adu, Asafu-Adjaye Nana Yamoah, Audouin Sarah, Toillier Aurélie. 2022. In : Tropentag 2022, September 14-16 “Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views". Czech University of Life Sciences. Prague : Czech University of Life Sciences, Résumé, 1 p. Tropentag 2022, Prague, République tchèque, 14 Septembre 2022/16 Septembre 2022.
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Dynamics and diversity of innovation support services: Especially networking service activities on selected agro-food innovation cases in Madagascar and Burkina Faso. Ndah Hycenth Tim, Audouin Sarah, Crestin-Billet Sarah, Randrianarisona Narilala, Andriamaniraka Harilala, Toillier Aurélie, Traore Ousmane, Fongang Fouepe Guillaume Hansel, Mathé Syndhia, Knierim Andrea. 2021. In : Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2021. Jivka Deiters (ed.), Ursula Rickert (ed.), Gerhard Schiefer (ed.). Bonn : University of Bonn, 35-45. (Proceedings in Food System Dynamics) Proceedings in System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks 2021, Bonn, Allemagne, 22 Février 2021.

Communication par affiche

Performance of agricultural innovation support services: the case of cocoa agroforestry in savannah in Cameroon. Soule Adam Nawalyath, Temple Ludovic, Mathe Syndhia, Blundo Canto Genowefa. 2023. In : International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2022 - ISCR 2022. Booklet of Abstracts. Montpellier : ICCO-CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR 2022). 2, Montpellier, France, 5 Décembre 2022/7 Décembre 2022.

Which place of agricultural advisory services among innovation support services in Madagascar? Audouin Sarah, Dugué Patrick, Randrianarisona Narilala, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Ratsimbazafy Tovo, Andriamaniraka Harilala, Noharinjanaharya Edson Samuel, Ralisoa Noroseheno, Mathe Syndhia. 2021. . AFAAS, MAAIF, UFAAS. Kampala : AFAAS, 1 p. Africa-wide Agricultural Extension Week (AAEW2021). 5, Kampala, Angola, 15 Novembre 2021/16 Novembre 2021.

Communication sans actes

Assessing capabilities of the hub organisations of Innovation Support Services Ecosystems: an evaluation grid for researchers and practitioners. Orbell Claire, Toillier Aurélie, Mignon Sophie. 2023. In : Book of abstracts of the 26th European Seminar on Extension & Education : Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? Toulouse, 10-13 July 2023. INRAE. Toulouse : INRAE, 97-102. European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE 2023). 26, Toulouse, France, 10 Juillet 2023/13 Juillet 2023.

Functional analysis to strengthen an agricultural innovation process: the case of seedlings from stem fragments (PIF) plantain propagation technology in Cameroon. Soule Adam Nawalyath, Temple Ludovic, Kwa Moïse, Mathe Syndhia. 2022. . ISHS. Angers : ISHS, Résumé, 31 p. International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022). 31, Angers, France, 14 Août 2022/20 Août 2022.

Mapping innovation support services in the assessment of agricultural innovation system: evidence of functional gaps and new perspectives for innovation policies in support to sustainable agriculture. Toillier Aurélie, Kola Prosper, Sempore Aristide, Audouin Sarah, Mathé Syndhia, Traoré Ousmane. 2021. . ESEE. Cavan : ESEE, 3 p. European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE 2021). 25, Cavan, Irlande, 21 Juin 2021/23 Juin 2021.
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Designing frameworks for characterizing and assessing innovation support services and innovation support providers: SERVInnov project. Mathe Syndhia, Audouin Sarah, Fongang Guillaume, Gerster Betaya Maria, Knierim Andrea, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Randrianarison Narilala, Toillier Aurélie, Traoré Ousmane. 2019. . Acireale : s.n., 26 p. European Seminar on Extension and Education (ESEE 2019): Agricultural education and extension tuned on innovation for sustainability. Experiences and perspectives. 24, Acireale, Italie, 18 Juin 2019/21 Juin 2019.
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Document technique et de recherche

AgriSpin: Typology of innovation support services. Deliverable 1.4. Mathé Syndhia, Faure Guy, Knierim Andrea, Koutsouris Alexandros, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Temple Ludovic, Triomphe Bernard, Wielinga Eelke, Zarokosta Eleni. 2016. s.l. : Agrispin, 19 p.

Support to innovation processes: a theoretical point of departure. Deliverable 1.1. Knierim Andrea, Koutsouris Alexandros, Mathé Syndhia, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Temple Ludovic, Triomphe Bernard, Wielinga Eelke. 2015. s.l. : Agrispin, 40 p.

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