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Nombre de documents : 26.

Measuring Agroecology and its Performance (MAP). Key findings from applying the FAO Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Madagascar in the context of the Global Programme Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security (ProSoil). Geck Matthias, Adeyemi Chab, Adoyo Beatrice, Alpuerto Joe, Arinloye Ademonla A.D.D., Ateku Dickens, Autfray Patrice, Barahona Carlos, Chacha Robin, Cluset Rémi, Karari Valentine, Mills Dave, Ravonjiarison Nasandratra, Sörensen Levke, Thomson Alex, Weullow Elvis, Winowiecki Leigh, Woldemeskel Endalkachew, Zampela Pittaki, Sinclair Fergus. 2024. Bogor : CIFOR-ICRAF, 80 p. (Working Paper, 8)

Cost benefit analysis of a netting technology package in real farming conditions among smallholder farmers in Kenya. Mujuka Esther, Parrot Laurent, Baird William, Delettre Emilie, Simon Jim, Mburu John, Martin Thibaud. 2023. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector. Mathé S. (ed.), Neven D. (ed.). ISHS. Angers : ISHS, 153-158. (Acta Horticulturae, 1380) ISBN 978-94-6261-379-9 International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector. 31, Angers, France, 14 Août 2022/20 Août 2022.
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Price as a political construct: institutionalization trajectories and valorization of agroecology in Kenya. Parrot Laurent. 2022. In : Proceedings of International Symposium on Agroecology and System Approach for Sustainable and Resilient Horticultural Production. Dussi M.C. (ed.), Simon S. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 311-318. (Acta Horticulturae, 1355) ISBN 978-94-62613-54-6 International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022): International Symposium on Agroecology and System Approach for Sustainable and Resilient Horticultural Production. 31, Angers, France, 14 Août 2022/20 Août 2022.

Scénariser des crises complexes et stimuler la prospective par le jeu: approches pour créer une arène de réflexion collective parmi des Masai (Kenya). Bostvironnois Arthur, Le Page Christophe, Mialhe François, Gunnell Yanni. 2022. In : Recueil des contributions des Rencontres Jeux et Enjeux 20-22 juin 2022. Polytech Lille. Lille : Polytech Lille-Université de Lille, 54-60. Rencontres Jeux et Enjeux 2022, Lille, France, 20 Juin 2022/22 Juin 2022.

Composition of weed communities in seasonally flooded rice environments in East Africa is determined by altitude. Irakiza Runyambo, Makokha Derek, Malombe Itambo, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Chitiki Alfred K., Rodenburg Jonne. 2021. South African Journal of Botany, 140 : 143-152.

Peste des Petits Ruminants virus infection at the wildlife-livestock interface in the greater serengeti ecosystem, 2015-2019. Jones Bryony Anne, Mahapatra Mana, Mdetele Daniel, Keyyu Julius, Gakuya Francis, Eblate Ernest, Lekolool Isaac, Limo Campaign, Ndiwa Josephine N, Hongo Peter, Wanda Justin, S., Shilinde Ligge, Mdaki Maulid, Benfield Camilla T.O., Parekh Krupali, Neto Martin Mayora, Ndeereh David, Misinzo Gerald, Makange Mariam R., Caron Alexandre, Bataille Arnaud, Libeau Geneviève, Guendouz Samia, Swai Emmanuel, Nyasebwa Obed, Koyie Stephen L., Oyas Harry, Parida Satya, Kock Richard. 2021. Viruses, 13 (5):838, 30 p.

Urban physical food environments drive dietary behaviours in Ghana and Kenya: A photovoice study. Pradeilles Rebecca, Irache Ana, Wanjohi Milka Njeri, Holdsworth Michelle, Laar Amos, Zotor Francis, Tandoh Akua, Klomegah Senam, Graham Fiona, Muthuri Stella, Kimani-Murage Elizabeth W., Coleman Nathaniel, Green Mark Alan, Osei-Kwasi Hibbah Araba, Bohr Marco, Rousham Emily, Asiki Gershim, Akparibo Robert, Mensah Kobby, Aryeetey Richmond Nii Okai, Bricas Nicolas, Griffiths Paula. 2021. Health and Place, 71:102647, 12 p.

Contribution to a renewed framework to analyse the interactions between family and capitalist agriculture. Pédelahore Philippe, Uwizeyimana Laurien, Wainaina Juliet, Toko Claude, Vaast Philippe. 2020. Journal of Agrarian Change, 20 (3) : 485-503.
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Large agricultural investments in Kenya's Nanyuki Area: Inventory and analysis of business models. Giger Markus, Mutea Emily, Kiteme Boniface, Eckert Sandra, Anseeuw Ward, Zaehringer Julie G.. 2020. Land Use Policy, 99:104833, 14 p.

Unhealthy eating practices of city-dwelling Africans in deprived neighbourhoods: Evidence for policy action from Ghana and Kenya. Holdsworth Michelle, Pradeilles Rebecca, Tandoh Akua, Green Mark Alan, Wanjohi Milka Njeri, Zotor Francis, Asiki Gershim, Klomegah Senam, Abdul-Haq Zakia, Osei-Kwasi Hibbah Araba, Akparibo Robert, Bricas Nicolas, Auma Carol, Griffiths Paula, Laar Amos. 2020. Global Food Security, 26:100452, 13 p.

Influence of floods and growth duration on the productivity of wet grasslands of Echinochloa stagnina (Retz) P. Beauv. in an East African Floodplain. Leauthaud Crystèle, Hiernaux Pierre, Musila W., Kergoat Laurent, Grippa Manuela, Duvail Stéphanie, Albergel Jean, Rode Nicolas-Olivier. 2019. Wetlands, 39 : 935-944.

MIKOKO: A data sharing platform on Kenyan mangrove species. Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Munyoki Kathuku Alexander, Grard Pierre. 2019. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 3:e46698, 3 p. Biodiversity Next: Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data, Leiden, Pays-Bas, 22 Octobre 2019/25 Octobre 2019.

Shade trees improve coffee health without reducing (too much) coffee potential yield. Barkaoui Karim, Nyaga J., Pinard Fabrice, Vaast Philippe, Lamanda Nathalie. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 794. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Labor Impacts of Large Agricultural Investments: focus on Mozambique, Kenya and Madagascar? Burnod Perrine, Reys Aurélien, Mercandalli Sara, Anseeuw Ward, Giger Markus, Kiteme Boniface, Ralandison Tsilavo. 2018. In : 19th Annual Conference on Land and Poverty. World Bank. Washington : World Bank, 24 p. Annual Conference on Land and Poverty. 19, Washington, États-Unis, 20 Mars 2018/24 Mars 2018.

Modelling the growth of floodplain grasslands to explore the impact of changing hydrological conditions on vegetation productivity. Leauthaud Crystèle, Kergoat Laurent, Hiernaux Pierre, Grippa Manuela, Musila W., Duvail Stéphanie, Albergel Jean. 2018. Ecological Modelling, 387 : 220-237.

How national and local contexts shape the impacts of foreign investment in land: a comparative analysis from three African countries. Giger Markus, Anseeuw Ward, Fouilleux Eve, Mercandalli Sara, Burnod Perrine, Eckert Sandra, Kiteme Boniface, Oberlack Christoph, Zahringer Julie, Adelle Camilla, Messerli Peter. 2017. . Bern : University of Bern, Résumé, 2 p. International Conference on Research for Development ICRD 2017. 4, Bern, Suisse, 5 Septembre 2017/8 Septembre 2017.

Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 2: Crop sensitivity. Philippon Nathalie, Baron Christian, Boyard-Micheau Joseph, Adde Antoine, Leclerc Christian, Mwongera Caroline Njeri, Camberlin Pierre. 2016. International Journal of Climatology, 36 (2) : 917-932.
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The dynamics of rural household livelihood diversification: panel evidence from Kenya. Alobo Loison Sarah. 2016. In : 10 ème Journées de recherches en sciences sociales (JRSS). INRAE, SFER, CIRAD. Paris : SFER, 1-29. Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales. 10, Paris, France, 8 Décembre 2016/9 Décembre 2016.

Production de modèles numériques de terrain et de hauteur à partir d'images satellites tri-stéréoscopiques pour la cartographie et l'analyse des couverts végétaux arborés. Rançon Florian. 2015. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 88 p. Mémoire de fin d'études : AGROTIC (Technologies de l'information et de la communication) : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Chemical composition of the main raw materials used in animal feeds in Kenya. Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent, Hervouet Catherine, Fermet-Quinet Eric. 2006. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 23 p.

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