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Nombre de documents : 30.

Article de revue

Musa species in mainland Southeast Asia: From wild to domesticate. Jenny Christophe, Sachter-Smith Gabriel, Breton Catherine, Rivallan Ronan, Jacquemoud-Collet Jean-Pierre, Dubois Cécile, Chabannes Matthieu, Ly Ngoc-Sam, Haevermans Thomas, Trieu Tien Dung, Insisiengmay Oudomphone, Zhang Ting, Caruana Marie-Line, Sardos Julie, Perrier Xavier. 2024. PloS One, 19 (10):e0307592, 34 p.

Multicriteria assessment of alternative cropping systems at farm level. A case with maize on family farms of South East Asia. Lairez Juliette, Jourdain Damien, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Syfongxay Chanthaly, Affholder François. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 212:103777, 15 p.

The role of actor networks in enabling agroecological innovation: Lessons from Laos. Castella Jean-Christophe, Lestrelin Guillaume, Phimmasone Sisavath, Tran Quoc Hoa, Lienhard Pascal. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (6):3550, 18 p.

Can traders help farmers transition towards more sustainable maize based farming systems? Evidence from the Lao-Vietnamese border. Yadav Lava Prakash, Smith Dominic, Aziz Ammar Abdul, Le Thuy Cu Thi, Thao Hoang Xuan, Le Huu Huan, Nicetic Oleg, Quyen Luu Ngoc, Vagneron Isabelle. 2021. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 19 (3-4) : 234-254.
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Context matters: Agronomic field monitoring and participatory research to identify criteria of farming system sustainability in South-East Asia. Lairez Juliette, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Jourdain Damien, Falconnier Gatien N., Lienhard Pascal, Striffler Bruno, Syfongxay Chanthaly, Affholder François. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 182:102830, 16 p.
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Modelling the location and spatial pattern of a crop boom. A case study from Laos. Ornetsmüller Christine, Castella Jean-Christophe, Thanichanon Puwadej, Lestrelin Guillaume, Verburg Peter. 2019. Environmental Science and Policy, 99 : 58-71.

New records in the flora checklists of Laos, resulting from a survey of Phou Hi Poun national diversity conservation area. Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Lamxay Vichith, Hallé Francis, Bompard Jean Marie, Blanc Patrick, Ramesh B.R., Ayyappan Narayanan, Cardinal Sarah. 2018. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 75 (1) : 91-106.

Burkholderia pseudomallei in a lowland rice paddy: Seasonal changes and influence of soil depth and physico-chemical properties. Manivanh L., Pierret Alain, Rattanavong Sayaphet, Kounnavongsa O., Buisson Y., Elliott I., Maeght Jean-Luc, Xayyathip K., Silisouk J., Vongsouvath Manivanh, Phetsouvanh R., Newton Paul, Lacombe Guillaume, Ribolzi Olivier, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Dance D. A. B.. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7:3031, 11 p.

From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: Effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment. Ribolzi Olivier, Evrard Olivier, Huon Sylvain, De Rouw Anneke, Silvera Norbert, Latsachack Keo Oudone, Soulileuth Bounsamai, Lefèvre Irène, Pierret Alain, Lacombe Guillaume, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Valentin Christian. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7:3987, 12 p.

Regional mapping of groundwater resources in data-scarce regions: The case of Laos. Viossanges Mathieu, Pavelic Paul, Rebelo Lisa-Maria, Lacombe Guillaume, Sotoukee Touleelor. 2017. Hydrology, 5 (1):2, 24 p.

Contradictory hydrological impacts of afforestation in the humid tropics evidenced by long-term field monitoring and simulation modelling. Lacombe Guillaume, Ribolzi Olivier, De Rouw Anneke, Pierret Alain, Latsachak Keoudone, Silvera Norbert, Pham Dinh Rinh, Orange Didier, Janeau Jean-Louis, Soulileuth Bounsamai, Robain Henri, Taccoen Adrien, Sengphaathith Phouthamaly, Mouche Emmanuel, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Tran Duc Toan, Valentin Christian. 2016. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20 (7) : 2691-2704.

REDD+ on hold: Lessons from an emerging institutional setup in Laos. Vongvisouk Thoumthone, Lestrelin Guillaume, Castella Jean-Christophe, Mertz Ole, Broegaard Rikke Brandt, Thongmanivong Sithong. 2016. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 57 (3), n.spéc. Food Politics and Relations in East Asia : 393-405.


Food systems profile. The Lao people's Democratic Republic. Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems. Boulom Sayvisene (collab.), Nanthanavone Thongdeuane (collab.), Guéneau Stéphane (collab.), Mehta Meeta Punjabi (collab.), Khosla Pooja (collab.), Tuazon Maria Antonia (collab.), Vagneron Isabelle (collab.), Werleigh Leyla (collab.), Tefft James (collab.). 2022. Rome : FAO-European Union, 46 p. ISBN 978-92-5-136303-4

Developing capacities for agricultural innovation systems: Lessons from implementing a common framework in eight countries. Toillier Aurélie, Guillonnet Renaud, Bucciarelli Manuela, Hawkins Richard. 2020. Rome : FAO-Agrinatura, 116 p. ISBN 978-92-5-133375-4 ; 978-2-35709-020-0

Adding values to agriculture: A vision and roadmap for sustainable development in the Lao Uplands. Castella Jean-Christophe, Sysanhouth Khamsone, Saphangthong Thatheva, Victor Michael, Ingalls Micah, Lienhard Pascal, Bartlett Andrew, Sonethavixay Sengphachanh, Namvong Souvanthong, Vagneron Isabelle, Ferrand Pierre. 2018. s.l. : Lao Uplands Initiative, 16 p.

Towards an agroecological transition in Southeast Asia: Cultivating diversity and developing synergies. Castella Jean-Christophe, Kibler Jean-François. 2015. Nogent-sur-Marne : GRET, 92 p.

Communication sans actes

Characterizing farms agroecological intensity in the Mekong region. Filloux Titouan, Castella Jean-Christophe, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Bienabe Estelle, Blanchard Melanie, Lienhard Pascal. 2024. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Conference on Green Transformation 2024. 1, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 24 Octobre 2024/25 Octobre 2024.

Integrated cattle production systems and use of resources in Northern Vietnam and Laos. Huyen Le Thi Thanh, Blanchard Melanie. 2018. . Hanoï : VNUA, 11 p. Atelier sur L'élevage des ruminants: situation actuelle et solutions. "Hội thảo “Chăn nuôi động vật nhai lại: hiện trạng và giải pháp", Hanoï, Viet Nam, 26 Juillet 2018/26 Juillet 2018.

North Annamites: an interactive software for plant identification. Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Grard Pierre, Kebler P.J.A, Svengsuksa B., Lamxay Vichith. 2008. . Université Royale de Phnom Penh, MNHN. Phnom Penh : Université Royale de Phnom Penh, 2 p. Symposium de la Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam. 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 8 Décembre 2008/14 Décembre 2008.


Study on the impacts of feeder road Expansion on livelihood in Natong Cluster, Huaphan Province, Lao PDR. Phaipasith Sonnasack. 2016. Nanjing : Hohai University, 98 p. Master of Public Administration : Land Resource Management : Hohai University

Cropping system sensitivity to climate change in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. An agroclimatic modeling approach. Lechevallier Esther. 2015. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 67 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Agronomie. Production végétale durable : Montpellier SupAgro

Rapport d'expertise

Understanding commercial relationships and contract farming in the maize sector in Houaphanh province, Lao PDR. Guéneau Stéphane, Yang Fue, Chomlamounty Thidsadee, Vagneron Isabelle. 2022. s.l. : CIRAD, 41 p.


Document technique et de recherche

The institutionalisation of agroecology in Lao PDR. Guéneau Stéphane, Xiong Maiyer. 2022. s.l. : CIRAD, 4 p. (Policy Brief / MALICA)

Community-based Agricultural Development Planning (CADP):Engaging farming communities into participatory land use planning. Castella Jean-Christophe, Lienhard Pascal, Tran Quoc Hoa, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Phimmasone Sisavath, Chaivanhna Soulikone, Phonekhampeng Chantavone. 2020. Ventiane : EFICAS project-CIRAD, 33 p. (EFICAS Know-How series)

The EFICAS game: exploring eco-friendly intensification with farmers. Castella Jean-Christophe, Collombet Robin, Nandee Khameun, Lienhard Pascal, Tran Quoc Hoa, Phimmasone Sisavath. 2020. Ventiane : CIRAD, 19 p. (EFICAS Know-How series)

Agrarian dynamics in Laos and Cambodia, socio-economic and environmental impacts. Kong Rada, Suos Vuthy, Leng Vira, Tivet Florent, Lestrelin Guillaume, Lienhard Pascal, Castella Jean-Christophe. 2018. s.l. : CANSEA-ACTAE, 4 p.

Agrarian dynamics in Laos and Cambodia, socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Kong Rada, Suos Vuthy, Leng Vira, Castella Jean-Christophe, Lestrelin Guillaume, Tivet Florent. 2018. s.l. : CANSEA-ACTAE, 13 p.

Rapport de mission

Potential of Xieng Khouang Province as flagship site for agroecology and safe food system transitions in Laos. Souliyalath Phetsakhone, Phonekhampheng Chanthavone, Boulom Sayvisene, Yang Fue, Phommabouth Hongnapha, Khounsombath Chansome, Phengphachanh Bounma, Norlakham Thongsavanh, Guéneau Stéphane. 2021. Vientiane : AFD, 40 p.


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