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Nombre de documents : 1.
Influence of avoided biomass decay on a life cycle assessment of oil palm residues-based ethanol.
Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman, Bardant Teuku Beuna, Muryanto Muryanto, Triwahyuni Elka, Ishizaki Riaru, Dahnum Deliana, Putri Ary Mauliva Hada, Irawan Yan, Maryana Roni, Sudiyani Yanni, Sulaswatty Anny, Wiloso Edi Iswanto, Ahamed Tofael, Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Noguchi Ryozo.
Energy, Ecology and Environment, 21 p.
Liste générée le Thu Dec 19 01:21:27 2024 CET.