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Nombre de documents : 23.

Article de revue

Does seasonal flowering and fruiting patterns of cacao only depend on climatic factors? The case study of mixed genotype populations in Côte d'Ivoire. Wibaux Thomas, Normand Frédéric, Vezy Rémi, Durand Jean-Baptiste, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2024. Scientia Horticulturae, 337:113529, 15 p.

Dynamique à court terme de la masse sur pied et de la digestibilité de fourrages herbacés sous pâture ou mis en défens dans le Sahel sénégalais. Diatta Ousmane, Salgado Paulo, Diatta Sekouna, Ndiaye Ousmane, Ngom Daouda, Bastianelli Denis, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Ickowicz Alexandre, Taugourdeau Simon. 2023. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 76:37271, 8 p.

Estimation of seasonal water use of Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev. in a Sahelian agroforestry parkland. Sarr Mame Sokhna, Diouf Khalisse, Roupsard Olivier, Rocheteau Alain, Orange Didier, Jourdan Christophe, Diehdiou Ibrahima, Seghieri Josiane, Do Frédéric C.. 2023. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 27 (3), dossier Colloque Agroforesterie en Afrique de l'Ouest : 196-204.

African plum (Dacryodes edulis [G. Don] H.J. Lam) fruit development indexes clearly defined and phenophases correlated with temperature in the tropics. Nsangou Salamatou Mpemboura, Tonfack Libert Brice, Mbéguié-A-Mbéguié Didier, Temegne Nono Carine, Ntsomboh-Ntsefong Godswill, Youmbi Emmanuel. 2021. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 9 (1) : 47-57.

Integration of genomics with crop modeling for predicting rice days to flowering: A multi-model analysis. Yang Yubin, Wilson Lloyd Ted, Li Tao, Paleari Livia, Confalonieri Roberto, Zhu Yan, Tang Liang, Qiu Xiaolei, Tao Fulu, Chen Yi, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Boote Ken, Gao Yujing, Onogi Akio, Nakagawa Hiroshi, Yoshida Hiroe, Yabe Shiori, Dingkuhn Michael, Lafarge Tanguy, Wang Jing, Hasegawa Toshihiro. 2021. Field Crops Research, 276:108394, 15 p.

Multi-model evaluation of phenology prediction for wheat in Australia. Wallach Daniel, Palosuo Taru, Thorburn Peter J., Hochman Zvi, Andrianasolo Fety, Asseng Senthold, Basso Bruno, Buis Samuel, Crout Neil, Dumont Benjamin, Ferrise Roberto, Gaiser Thomas, Gayler Sebastian, Hiremath Santosh, Hoek Steven, Horan Heidi, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Huang Mingxia, Jabloun Mohamed, Jansson Per-Erik, Jing Qi, Justes Eric, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Launay Marie, Lewan Elisabet, Luo Qunying, Maestrini Bernardo, Moriondo Marco, et al.. 2021. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 298-299:108289, 10 p.

The chaos in calibrating crop models: Lessons learned from a multi-model calibration exercise. Wallach Daniel, Palosuo Taru, Thorburn Peter J., Hochman Zvi, Gourdain Emmanuelle, Andrianasolo Fety, Asseng Senthold, Basso Bruno, Buis Samuel, Crout Neil, Dibari Camilla, Dumont Benjamin, Ferrise Roberto, Gaiser Thomas, Garcia Cécile, Gayler Sebastian, Ghahramani Afshin, Hiremath Santosh, Hoek Steven, Horan Heidi, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Huang Mingxia, Jabloun Mohamed, Jansson Per-Erik, Jing Qi, Justes Eric, et al.. 2021. Environmental Modelling and Software, 145:105206, 11 p.

The powdery mildew disease of rubber (Oidium heveae) is jointly controlled by the winter temperature and host phenology. Zhai De-Li, Thaler Philippe, Luo Yiqi, Xu Jianchu. 2021. International Journal of Biometeorology, 65 : p. 17071718.
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Asynchrony in shoot and root phenological relationships in hybrid walnut. Mohamed Awaz, Monnier Yogan, Mao Zhun, Jourdan Christophe, Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Dupraz Christian, Dufour Lydie, Millan Mathilde, Stokes Alexia. 2020. New Forests, 51 (1) : 41-60.

Future development of apricot blossom blight under climate change in Southern France. Tresson Paul, Brun Laurent, Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri Inaki, Audergon Jean-Marc, Buléon Sophie, Chenevotot Hélène, Combe Freddy, Dam Doriane, Jacquot Maxime, Labeyrie Baptiste, Mercier Vincent, Parveaud Claude Eric, Launay Marie. 2020. European Journal of Agronomy, 112:125960, 9 p.

Latitudinal shift in the timing of flowering of tree species across tropical Africa: Insights from field observations and herbarium collections. Ouédraogo Dakis-Yaoba, Hardy Olivier J., Doucet Jean-Louis, Janssens Steven B., Wieringa Jan J., Stoffelen Piet, Angoboy Ilondea Bhely, Baya Fidèle, Beeckman Hans, Daïnou Kasso, Dubiez Emilien, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Fayolle Adeline. 2020. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 36 : 159-173.
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Machine learning using digitized herbarium specimens to advance phenological research. Pearson Katelin D., Nelson Gil, Aronson Myla F.J., Bonnet Pierre, Brenskelle Laura, Davis Charles C., Denny Ellen G., Ellwood Elizabeth R., Goeau Hervé, Heberling J. Mason, Joly Alexis, Lorieul Titouan, Mazer Susan J., Meineke Emily K., Stucky Brian J., Sweeney Patrick W., White Alexander E., Soltis Pamela S.. 2020. BioScience, 70 (7) : 610-620.

Phenotypic diversity assessment within a major ex situ collection of wild endemic coffees in Madagascar. Rimlinger Aurore, Raharimalala Nathalie, Letort Véronique, Rakotomalala Jean-Jacques, Crouzillat Dominique, Guyot Romain, Hamon Perla, Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel. 2020. Annals of Botany, 126 (5) : 849-863.

Annual cycles are the most common reproductive strategy in African tropical tree communities. Adamescu Gabriela S., Plumptre Andrew J., Abernethy Katharine A., Polansky Leo, Bush Emma R., Chapman Colin A., Shoo Luke P., Fayolle Adeline, Janmaat Karline R.L., Robbins Marha M., Ndangalasi Henry J., Cordeiro Norbert J., Gilby Ian C., Wittig Roman M., Breuer Thomas, Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba Mireille, Sanz Crickette, Morgan David B., Pusey Anne E., Mugerwa Badru, Gilagiza Baraka, Tutin Caroline E.G., Ewango Corneille, Sheil Douglas, Dimoto Edmond, Baya Fidèle, Bujo Flort, Ssali Frederik, Dikangadissi Jean-Thoussaint, Jeffery Kathryn J., Valenta Kim, White Lee, Masozera Michel, Wilson Michael L., Bitariho Robert, Ndolo Ebika Sydney T., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Mulindahabi Felix, Beale Colin M.. 2018. Biotropica, 50 (3) : 418-430.

On the relationship between sub-daily instantaneous and daily total gross primary production: Implications for interpreting satellite-based SIF retrievals. Zhang Yao, Xiao Xiangming, Zhang Yongguang, Wolf Sebastian, Zhou Sha, Joiner Joanna, Guanter Luis, Verma Manish, Sun Ying, Yang Xi, Paul-Limoges Eugénie, Gough Christopher M., Wohlfahrt Georg, Gioli Beniamino, van der Tol Christiaan, Nouvellon Yann, Lund Magnus, De Grandcourt Agnès. 2018. Remote Sensing of Environment, 205 : 276-289.

Variation of Vitellaria paradoxa phenophases along the north-south gradient in Mali. Kelly Bokary Allaye, Poudyal Mahesh, Bouvet Jean-Marc. 2018. Research in Plant Biology, 8 : 8-16.

Leaf emergence, tillering, plant growth, and yield in response to plant density in a high-yielding aerobic rice crop. Clerget Benoît, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Domingo Abigail J., Layaoen Heathel Loren, Vial Leigh. 2016. Field Crops Research, 199 : 52-64.

Performance of 10 Hevea brasiliensis clones in Ecuador, under South American Leaf Blight escape conditions. Rivano Franck, Vera John, Cevallos Victor, Almeida Diana, Maldonado Lucrecia, Flori Albert. 2016. Industrial Crops and Products, 94 : 762-773.

Communication avec actes

Linking vegetative growth, reproduction and irregular bearing in the mango tree. Normand Frédéric, Boudon Frédéric, Capelli Mathilde, Dambreville Anaëlle, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2018. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alternate Bearing. Marra F.P. (ed.), Caruso T. (ed.), Mitra S.K. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 341-348. (Acta Horticulturae, 1229) ISBN 978-94-6261-226-6 International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Set and Alternate Bearing, Palerme, Italie, 19 Juin 2017/23 Juin 2017.

Linking vegetative growth, reproduction and irregular bearing in the mango tree. Normand Frédéric, Boudon Frédéric, Capelli Mathilde, Dambreville Anaëlle, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2017. In : International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit Sed and Alternate Bearing. Book of abstractso. Marra Francesco Paolo (ed.), Caruso Tiziano (ed.), Mitra Sisir K. (ed.). University of Palermo. Palermo : University of Palermo, Résumé, p. 90. International Symposium on Flowering, Fruit set and Alternate Bearing, Palermo, Italie, 19 Juin 2017/23 Juin 2017.
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Communication sans actes

Quantitative approach of oil palm phenology in different environments for Deli x La Mé and Deli and Yangambi Deli materials. Investigations in the inflorescences cycles process. Lamade Emmanuelle, Bonnot François, Kabul Pamin, Setiyo Indra Eko. 1998. . IOPRI. Bali : IOPRI, 22 p. International Oil Palm Conference, Bali, Indonésie, 23 Septembre 1998/25 Septembre 1998.

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