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Nombre de documents : 5.

Article de revue

Protein quality of amaranth grains cultivated in Ethiopia as affected by popping and fermentation. Amare Endale, Mouquet-Rivier Claire, Servent Adrien, Morel Gilles, Adish Abdulaziz, Desse Haki Guletat. 2015. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 6 (1) : 38-48.

Communication avec actes

Building a sorghum grain: a transcriptome roadmap targeting protein content and digestibility. P69. Sene Mamadou, Berger Angélique, Catalayud Caroline, Rios Maelle, Bonicel Joelle, Morel Marie-Hélène, Mameri Hamza, Pot David, Terrier Nancy. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet, SorghumID, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, Résumé, p. 266. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.

Digging into the transcriptome of a developing sorghum grain to find the culprits of protein content and low digestibility. Terrier Nancy, Sene Mamadou, Berger Angélique, Calatayud Caroline, De Bellis Fabien, Rios Maelle, Bonicel Joelle, Morel Marie-Hélène, Mameri Hamza, Pot David. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Sorghum International Development, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, Résumé, p. 150. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.

Communication par affiche

Nitrosorg : A research program dedicated to develop tools for improving grain quality (protein content and digestibility) and adapted to poultry feeding. Terrier Nancy, De Bellis Fabien, Berger Angélique, Calatayud Caroline, Rami Jean-François, Pot David, Mameri Hamza, Morel Marie-Hélène, Recoules E., Trotereau Angélina, Gourichon D., Deveau Q., Jeanson P., Alcouffe Joël, Dufour Philippe, Melkior S., Pampouille E., Bonnal Laurent, Bastianelli Denis. 2021. . Toulouse : s.n., 1 p. European Congress of Sorghum. 3, Toulouse, France, 12 Octobre 2021/13 Octobre 2021.

Communication sans actes

Construction du grain de sorgho : une feuille de route transcriptomique ciblant la teneur et digestibilité des protéines. Sene Mamadou, Berger Angélique, Catalayud Caroline, Rios Maelle, Bonicel Joelle, Morel Marie-Hélène, Pot David, Terrier Nancy. 2023. . Nancy : INRAE, Diaporama, 1 p. Colloque Graines 2023, Versailles, France, 7 Novembre 2023/9 Novembre 2023.

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