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Nombre de documents : 5.
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InfraPhenoGrid: A scientific workflow infrastructure for plant phenomics on the Grid.
Pradal Christophe, Artzet Simon, Chopard Jérôme, Dupuis Dimitri, Fournier Christian, Mielewczik Michael, Nègre Vincent, Neveu Pascal, Parigot Didier, Valduriez Patrick, Cohen-Boulakia Sarah.
Future Generation Computer Systems,
67 : 341-353.
Scientific workflows for computational reproducibility in the life sciences: Status, challenges and opportunities.
Cohen-Boulakia Sarah, Belhajjame Khalid, Collin Olivier, Chopard Jérôme, Froidevaux Christine, Gaignard Alban, Hinsen Konrad, Larmande Pierre, Le Bras Yvan, Lemoine Frédéric, Mareuil Fabien, Ménager Hervé, Pradal Christophe, Blanchet Christophe.
Future Generation Computer Systems,
75 : 284-298.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 05:12:17 2025 CET.