Nombre de documents : 12.
Article de revue
Control of black leaf streak disease without mancozeb in commercial plantations of Ivory Coast.
De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Wyvekens Antoine, Asara Samuel, Ouattara Mory, Pugeaux Aurélien, Carlier Jean, Pagès Christine, Normand Alain.
Acorbat Revista de Tecnología y Ciencia,
1 (1):30 : 232-242. Reunión Internacional Acorbat 2024. 24, Mérida, Mexique, 23 Avril 2024/25 Avril 2024.
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Identification of Resistance QTLs to Black Leaf Streak Disease (Due to Pseudocercospora fijiensis) in Diploid Bananas (Musa acuminata).
Carreel Françoise, Martin Guillaume, Ravel Sébastien, Roussel Véronique, Pagès Christine, Habas Rémy, Cantagrel Théo, Guiougou Chantal, Delos Jean-Marie Eric, Hervouet Catherine, Mournet Pierre, D'Hont Angélique, Yahiaoui Nabila, Salmon Frédéric.
10, n.spéc. Developments in the Genetics and Breeding of Banana Species:608, 18 p.
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A world-wide analysis of reduced sensitivity to DMI fungicides in the banana pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis.
Chong Pablo, Ngando Essoh Otto Josué, Arango Isaza Rafael E., Keizer Paul, Stergiopoulos Ioannis, Seidl Michael F., Guzman Mauricio, Sandoval Jorge A., Verweij Paul E., Scalliet Gabriel, Sierotzski Helge, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Crous Pedro W., Carlier Jean, Cros Sandrine, Meijer Harold J.G., Peralta Esther Lilia, Kema Gert H.J..
Pest Management Science,
77 (7) : 3273-3288.
Communication invitée
Communication par affiche
Novel pipelines for assembling and annotation of genomes for plant pathogenic fungi. Application on two major banana pathogens [P4.3-024].
Ravel Sébastien, Bache Simon, Durand Théo, Mostert Diane, Viljoen Altus, Carlier Jean, Wicker Emmanuel.
In : 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023): One health for all plants, crops and trees. Book of abstracts. ISPP, SFP
. Lyon : ISP, Résumé, p. 334.
International Conference on Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023). 12, Lyon, France, 20 Août 2023/25 Août 2023.
Epidemiosurveillance in the French West Indies of genotypes involved in the adaptation to varietal resistances in the fungus Pseudocercospora fijiensis causing the black leaf streak disease of banana.
Dumartinet Thomas, Ravel Sébastien, Bonnot François, Roussel Véronique, Lubin Nadia, Chilin-Charles Yolande, Trouspance Yohan Emmanuel, Aguayo Jaime, Abadie Catherine, Carlier Jean.
In : Abstract book of the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference. Genetics society of America
. Pacific Grove : Genetics society of America, Résumé, 182.
Fungal Genetics Conference. 30, Pacific Grove, CA, États-Unis, 12 Mars 2019/17 Mars 2019.
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