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Nombre de documents : 22.

Regional model to predict sugarcane yield using sentinel‑2 imagery in São Paulo State, Brazil. Amaro Rafaella Pironato, Christina Mathias, Todoroff Pierre, Le Maire Guerric, Fiorio Peterson Ricardo, De Carvalho Pereira Ester, Dos Santos Luciano Ana Claudia. 2025. Sugar Tech, 27 (1) : 108-118.
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Effect of land use change on carbon stocks in an agricultural region of southern Benin. Houssoukpèvi Issiakou Alladé, Le Maire Guerric, Aholoukpè Hervé Nonwègnon Sayimi, Fassinou Démayi Jorès Mauryo, Amadji Guillaume Lucien, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Chevallier Tiphaine. 2023. Land Degradation and Development, 34 (5) : 1447-1463.
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Increased mineral fertilizer use on maize can improve both household food security and regional food production in East Africa. Falconnier Gatien N., Leroux Louise, Beillouin Damien, Corbeels Marc, Hijmans Robert J., Bonilla-Cedrez Camila, Van Wijk Mark T., Descheemaeker Katrien, Zingore Shamie, Affholder François, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Malézieux Eric, Makowski David, Rurinda Jairos, van Ittersum Martin K., Vanlauwe Bernard, Giller Ken E., Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Waha Katharina. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 205:103588, 14 p.

Mapping global hotspots and trends of water quality (1992-2010): A data driven approach. Desbureaux Sébastien, Mortier Frédéric, Zaveri Esha, van Vliet Michelle T.H., Russ Jason, Rodella Aude Sophie, Damania Richard. 2022. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (11):114048, 9 p.

High probability of yield gain through conservation agriculture in dry regions for major staple crops. Su Yang, Gabrielle Benoît, Beillouin Damien, Makowski David. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11:3344, 8 p.

Quantifying invasion degree by alien plants species in Reunion Island. Fenouillas Pauline, Ah‐Peng Claudine, Amy Elise, Bracco Isabelle, Dafreville Stéphanie, Gosset Mélodie, Ingrassia Florent, Lavergne Christophe, Lequette Benoit, Notter Jean-Cyrille, Pausé Jean-Marie, Payet Guillaume, Payet Nicolas, Picot Frédéric, Poungavanon Nila, Strasberg Dominique, Thomas Hermann, Triolo Julien, Turquet Vincent, Rouget Mathieu. 2021. Austral Ecology, 46 (7) : 1125-1137.

Use of very high spatial resolution imagery for mapping wood energy potential from tropical managed forest stands, Reunion island. Bley-Dalouman Hélène, Broust François, Tran Annelise. 2021. In : XXIV ISPRS Congress "Imaging today, foreseeing tomorrow". Paparoditis N. (ed.), Mallet C. (ed.), Lafarge F. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Jiang J. (ed.), Shaker A. (ed.), et Al.. Hanovre : ISPRS, 189-194. (ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2021) ISPRS Congress 2021 Commission III. 24, s.l., 5 Juillet 2021/9 Juillet 2021.

Assessing Worldview-3 multispectral imaging abilities to map the tree diversity in semi-arid parklands. Lelong Camille, Kalenga Tshingomba Urcel, Soti Valérie. 2020. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 93:102211, 10 p.

Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018. Beillouin Damien, Schauberger Bernhard, Bastos Ana, Ciais Philippe, Makowski David. 2020. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 375 (1810), dossier Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale:20190510, 13 p.

Landscape-scale spatial modelling of deforestation, land degradation, and regeneration using machine learning tools. Grinand Clovis, Vieilledent Ghislain, Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiana, Rakotoarijaona Jean-Roger, Nourtier Marie, Bernoux Martial. 2020. Land Degradation and Development, 31 (13) : 1699-1712.
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SAR analysis of wetland ecosystems: Effects of band frequency, polarization mode and acquisition dates. Rapinel Sébastien, Betbeder Julie, Denize Julien, Fabre Elodie, Pottier Eric, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2020. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 170 : 103-113.

VectorNet data series 3: Culicoides abundance distribution models for Europe and surrounding regions. Balenghien Thomas, Alexander Neil, Arnþórsdóttir Auður Lilja, Bisia Marina, Blackwell Alison, Bodker René, Bourquia Maria, Boutsini Sofia, Carpenter Simon, Colenutt Claire, Culverwell Lorna, Cvetkovikj Aleksandar, Dascălu Lenuța, De Regge Nick, Dhollander Sofie, Elbers Armin R.W., England Marion, Filatov Sehrii, Garros Claire, Goffredo Maria, Haddad Nabil, Hoye Hoke Thomas, Hristescu Doru, Khallaayoune Khalid, Kocisova Alica, Larska Magdalena, Lucientes Javier, Mathieu Bruno, Miranda Miguel Angel, Murchie Archie, Nitescu Cristina, Ozoliņa Zanda, Pereira da Fonseca Isabel, Petric Dusan, Pudar Dubravka, Ramilo David, Richardson Jane, Seglina Zanda, Sghaier Soufien, Stefanovska Jovana, Stougiou Despoina, Sviland Stale, Tchakarova Simona, Van Bortel Wim, Verdun Castello Marta, Veronesi Eva, Versteirt Veerle, Wint William. 2020. Open Health Data, 7 (2), 7 p.

A young age of subspecific divergence in the desert locust inferred by ABC Random Forest. Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Raynal Louis, Plantamp Christophe, Meynard Christine N., Blondin Laurence, Marin Jean-Michel, Estoup Arnaud. 2020. Molecular Ecology, 29 (23) : 4542-4558.
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Evaluation of sentinel-1 and 2 time series for land cover classification of forest–agriculture mosaics in temperate and tropical landscapes. Mercier Audrey, Betbeder Julie, Rumiano Florent, Baudry Jacques, Gond Valéry, Blanc Lilian, Bourgoin Clément, Cornu Guillaume, Ciudad Carlos, Marchamalo Miguel, Poccard-Chapuis René, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2019. Remote Sensing, 11:979, 20 p.

Soil moisture from remote sensing to forecast desert locust presence. Piou Cyril, Gay Pierre-Emmanuel, Benahi Ahmed Salem, Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi Ould, Chihrane Jamal, Ghaout Saïd, Cissé Sory, Diakite Fakaba, Lazar Mohamed, Cressman Keith, Merlin Olivier, Escorihuela Maria-José. 2019. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56 (4) : 966-975.

Google earth engine based three decadal landsat imagery analysis for mapping of mangrove forests and its surroundings in the trat province of Thailand. Pimple Uday, Simonetti Dario, Sitthi Asamaporn, Pungkul Sukan, Leadprathom Kumron, Skupek Henry, Som-ard Jaturong, Gond Valéry, Towprayoon Sirintornthep. 2018. Journal of Computer and Communications, 6 (1):e81443, 18 p.

Mango yield mapping at the orchard scale based on tree structure and land cover assessed by UAV. Sarron Julien, Malézieux Eric, Sane Cheikh Amet Bassirou, Faye Emile. 2018. Remote Sensing, 10 (12):1900, 21 p.

Mapping Lorey's height over Hyrcanian forests of Iran using synergy of ICESat/GLAS and optical images. Pourrahmati Manizheh Rajab, Baghdadi Nicolas, Darvishsefat Ali Asghar, Namiranian Manouchehr, Gond Valéry, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Zargham Nosratollah. 2018. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51 (1) : 100-115.

Uso de Geotecnologias para a detecção de Sistemas Integrados de Produção Agropecuária: Uma contribuição para o Monitoramento da Agricultura de Baixa Emissão de Carbono. Kuchler Calvano Patrick, Simoes Margareth, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Bégué Agnès. 2018. In : Anais 7º Simpósio de Geotecnologias no Pantanal. EMBRAPA. Jardim : Embrapa Informática Agropecuária/INPE, 1068-1077. Simpósio de Geotecnologias no Pantanal. 7, Jardim, Brésil, 20 Octobre 2018/24 Octobre 2018.

The potential of multisource remote sensing for mapping the biomass of a degraded amazonian forest. Bourgoin Clément, Blanc Lilian, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Cornu Guillaume, Berenguer Erika, Oszwald Johan, Tritsch Isabelle, Laurent François, Hasan Ali Fadhil, Sist Plinio, Gond Valéry. 2018. Forests, 9 (6):303, 21 p.

Estimating temporal changes in soil carbon stocks at ecoregional scale in Madagascar using remote-sensing. Grinand Clovis, Le Maire Guerric, Vieilledent Ghislain, Razakamanarivo Ramarson Herintsitohaina, Razafimbelo-Andriamifidy Tantely, Bernoux Martial. 2017. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 54 : 1-14.

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