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Nombre de documents : 16.

Origins and evolution of oasis agriculture in the Sahara: Evidence from morphometric analyses of archaeological date palm seeds. Kaczmarek Thomas, Van der Veen Marijke, Ivorra Sarah, Mattingly David, Terral Jean-Frédéric, Gros-Balthazard Muriel. 2024. Holocene, 34 (3) : 353-365.

An engineering approach to support user-led innovation in improving the performance of artisanal irrigation pivots in the Algerian Sahara. Ould Rebai Abdelkrim, Hartani Tarik, Kuper Marcel, Molle Bruno, Bouarfa Sami, Laib Khalil. 2024. Agricultural Water Management, n.spéc. Performance gaps of Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean agriculture: can participatory action research for the adoption of technological innovations help?:109201, 11 p.

L'essor du maraichage sous pivot artisanal dans le Souf : pratiques paysannes au service d'une petite agriculture entrepreneuriale. Ould Rebai Abdelkrim, Hartani Tarik, Kuper Marcel. 2023. In : Société oasienne et nouvelles tendances de l'agriculture au Maghreb = Oasis society and the new trends of agriculture in the Maghreb. Ghodbani Tarik (ed.), Hadeid Mohamed (ed.), Bellal Sid-Ahmed (ed.). Oran : Centre de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle, 155-182. ISBN 978-9931-598-40-4

Sharing difficult waters: Community-based groundwater recharge and use in Algeria and India. Saidani Mohamed Amine, Aslekar Uma, Kuper Marcel, Kemerink-Seyoum Jeltsje. 2023. Water Alternatives, 16 (1), n.spéc. Transformations to sustainability? Learning from local approaches to groundwater governance : 108-133.
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Explaining societal change through bricolage: Transformations in regimes of water governance. Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Dajani Muna, Cleaver Frances, Naouri Mohamed, Kuper Marcel, Hartani Tarik. 2022. Environment and Planning. E, Nature and Space, 6 (4) : 2654-2677.

Reinventing the wheel: Adapting a traditional circular irrigation system to 'modern' agricultural extension areas in the Algerian Sahara. Saidani Mohamed Amine, Kuper Marcel, Hamamouche Meriem Farah, Benmihoub Ahmed. 2022. New Medit (5), n.spéc. : 35-53.


De foggara, een levend irrigatiesysteem in de Algerijnse Sahara. Bonte Bruno, Idda Salem, Kuper Marcel. 2021. In : ZemZem: Klimaatverandering. Van den Bent Josephine (ed.), Voorhoeve Maaike (ed.). Amsterdam : Stichting Soera, 51-58. (ZemZem, 1) ISBN 978-90-828791-6-2

From oasis archipelago to pioneering eldorado in Algeria's sahara. Amichi Farida, Bouarfa Sami, Kuper Marcel, Caron Patrick. 2020. Irrigation and Drainage, 69 (S1), n.spéc. Innovations in irrigation systems in Africa : 168-176.

Une innovation incrémentielle : la conception et la diffusion d'un pivot d'irrigation artisanal dans le Souf (Sahara algérien). Ould Rebai Abdelkrim, Hartani Tarik, Nacer Chabaca Mohamed, Kuper Marcel. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (3), n.spéc. Les oasis en Afrique du Nord : dynamiques territoriales et durabilité des systèmes de production agricole:35005, 9 p.

GIS-modelling of land-use trends: Impact of drought in the Naghamish Basin (North Western Egypt). Saidi Slim, Gintzburger Gustave, Bonnet Pascal, Daoud Ibrahim, Alary Véronique. 2016. Rangeland Journal, 38 (6) : 605-618.

Une Dromica au Nord-Cameroun, témoin d'une Rand Fauna (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Bruneau De Miré Philippe, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre. 2016. Le Coléoptériste, 19 (1) : 46-49.

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:50:26 2025 CET.