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Nombre de documents : 4.


A Green House Gas (GHG) balance contrasted between seasons but achieving equilibrium over the whole year cycle – a case of a pastoral landscape in the Sahel. Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Vayssières Jonathan, Hiernaux Pierre, Ickowicz Alexandre, Corniaux Christian, Lecomte Philippe. 2017. In : Le pastoralisme dans le courant des changements globaux : Défis, enjeux, perspectives. Livre des résumés P2CG 2017 = Pastoralism in the current of global changes: stakes, challenges and prospects. Book of abstracts P2CG 2017. Diao Camara Astou (ed.), Taubourdeau Simon (ed.). ISRA, CIRAD, PPZS. Dakar : PPZS, 81-82. Colloque sur le Pastoralisme dans le courant des changements globaux (P2CG 2017), Dakar, Sénégal, 20 Novembre 2017/24 Novembre 2017.

Using the KoBoCollect tool to analyse the socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects of commercial hunting and consumption of migratory waterbirds in the Lakes Chad and Fitri (Chad). Deniau Christophe, Gaillard Tommy, Mbagogo Audrey, Réounodji Frédéric, Le Bel Sébastien. 2017. In : Conference proceedings of 2017 EFITA WCCA congress: European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector. EFITA, WCCA. Montpellier : IRSTEA, Résumé, 87-88. ISBN 978-2-85362-686-6 European Federation for Information in Agriculture, Food and Environment (EFITA 2017), Montpellier, France, 2 Juillet 2017/6 Juillet 2017.

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