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Nombre de documents : 3.
Document technique et de recherche
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Consumer testing of boiled plantain in rural and urban areas in Cameroon. Understanding the drivers of trait preferences and the development of multi-user RTB product profiles, WP1, Step 4.
Ngoh Newilah Gérard, Kendine Vepowo Cédric, Takam Ngouno Annie, Nya Nzimi Cendy Raymonde, Kuate Kengne Cédric, Ngombi Ngombi Eric, Nkouandou Mama,
Isabelle (collab.), Fliedel
Geneviève (collab.), Adinsi
Laurent (collab.), Bechoff
Aurélie (collab.).
Njombé : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 22 p.
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Consumer testing of boiled potato in rural and urban areas in Uganda. Understanding the drivers of trait preferences and the development of multi-user RTB product profiles, WP1, Step 4.
Tinyiro Samuel Edgar, Mudege Netsayi, Mayanja Sarah, Swanckaert Jolien, Mukani Moyo,
Geneviève (collab.), Adinsi
Laurent (collab.), Bechoff
Aurélie (collab.).
Kampala : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 23 p.
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Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 12:14:46 2025 CET.