Nombre de documents : 6.
Article de revue
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Communication invitée
Knowledge discovery from texts on agriculture domain.
Roche Mathieu.
In : Proceedings of International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems. Université de Constantine 2
. Constantine : Université de Constantine 2, 47 p.
MISC 2016 : International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems. 4, Constantine, Algérie, 7 Mai 2016/8 Mai 2016.
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Communication avec actes
Communication overload management through social interactions clustering.
Lossio-Ventura Juan Antonio, Hacid Hakim, Roche Mathieu, Poncelet Denis.
In : Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Ossowski Sascha (ed.)
. New-York : ACM, 1166-1169.
ISBN 978-1-4503-3739-7 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016). 31, Pisa, Italie, 4 Avril 2016/8 Avril 2016.
SIFR project: the semantic indexing of French biomedical data resources.
Lossio Ventura Juan Antonio, Jonquet Clément, Roche Mathieu, Teisseire Maguelonne.
In : SIMBig 2014. Information management and big data. Lossio-Ventura Juan Antonio (ed.), Alatrista-Salas Hugo (ed.)
. Montpellier : CEUR-WS, 58-61.
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1318)
Symposium on Information Management and Big Data (SIMBig'2014), Cusco, Pérou, 8 Septembre 2014/10 Septembre 2014.
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