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Nombre de documents : 5.

Article de revue

Non biocide treatments for the protection of short rotation teak wood against subterranean termites. Martha Resa, Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, George Béatrice, Rahayu Istie, Darmawan Wayan, Gérardin Philippe. 2024. Construction and Building Materials, 450:138638, 11 p.

Heat treatment of poplar plywood: Modifications in physical, mechanical and durability properties. Marcon Bertrand, Viguier Joffrey, Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, Butaud Jean-Claude, Pignolet Luc, Gartili Adélaïde, Denaud Louis, Collet Robert. 2023. Iforest, 16 (1) : 1-9.

Anti-fungal and anti-termite activity of extractives compounds from thermally modified ash woods. Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, Collet Robert, Gerardin Philippe, Dumarçay Stéphane. 2020. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología, 22 (2) : 223-240.

Termite and decay resistance of bioplast-spruce green wood-plastic composites. Candelier Kévin, Atli Atilla, Alteyrac Jérôme. 2019. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 77 (1) : 157-169.
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Enhanced termite resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) solid wood by phenolformaldehyde treatment. Gascon Garrido Patricia, Militz Holger, Mai Carsten, Thévenon Marie-France. 2015. Wood Research, 60 (6) : 873-880.

Liste générée le Wed Mar 5 13:59:17 2025 CET.