Nombre de documents : 2.
Communication avec actes
Shallow text clustering does not mean weak topics: how topic identification can leverage bigram feature.
Velcin Julien, Roche Mathieu, Poncelet Pascal.
In : Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop, DMNLP 2016. Cellier Peggy (ed.), Charnois Thierry (ed.), Hotho Andreas (ed.), Matwin Stan (ed.), Moens Marie-Francine (ed.), Toussaint Yannick (ed.)
. s.l. : CEUR-WS, 33-40.
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1646)
Interactions between data mining and natural language processing. 3, Riva del Garda, Italie, 23 Septembre 2016/23 Septembre 2016.
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