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Nombre de documents : 4.

Non biocide treatments for the protection of short rotation teak wood against subterranean termites. Martha Resa, Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, George Béatrice, Rahayu Istie, Darmawan Wayan, Gérardin Philippe. 2024. Construction and Building Materials, 450:138638, 11 p.

Properties improvement of seven hardwood species by combination of thermal and chemical modifications. Damay Jérémie, Bender Tobias, Munk Christoph, Jousserand Michael, Creton Milena, Fredon Emmanuel, Rémond Romain, Méausoone Pierre-Jean, Pfriem Alexander, Gérardin Philippe. 2024. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 82 : 93-106.

Reversible and irreversible effects of mild thermal treatment on the properties of wood used for making musical instruments : comparing mulberry and spruce. Karami Elham, Brémaud Iris, Bardet Sandrine, Alméras Tancrède, Guibal Daniel, Langbour Patrick, Pourtahmasi Kambiz, Gril Joseph. 2022. Iforest, 15 (4) : 256-264.

Resistance of thermally modified ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) wood under steam pressure against rot fungi, soil-inhabiting micro-organisms and termites. Candelier Kévin, Hannouz Simon, Thévenon Marie-France, Guibal Daniel, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu, Collet Robert. 2017. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75 (2) : 249-262.
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