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Nombre de documents : 30.

Diverse microviruses circulating in invertebrates within a lake ecosystem. Lund Michael C., Hopkins Andrew, Dayaram Anisha, Galatowitsch Mark L., Stainton Daisy, Harding Jon S., Lefeuvre Pierre, Zhu Qiyun, Kraberger Simona, Varsani Arvind. 2024. Journal of General Virology, 105 (11), 13 p.

Effets longue-durée de différentes densités de Piliostigma reticulatum (DC) Hochst sur le stockage et la dynamique du carbone et de l'eau dans un Plinthosol épipétrique en zone nord-soudanienne du Burkina Faso. Gnissien Moussa, Coulibaly Kalifa, Barro Moussa, Douzet Jean-Marie, Cournac Laurent, Cicek Harun, Nacro Hassan Bismarck. 2023. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 17 (3) : 1220-1236.

Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors. Barreteau Olivier, Bonte Bruno, Caballero Yvan, Dubois Emmanuel, Farolfi Stefano, Garin Patrice, Hérivaux Cécile, Jourdain Damien, Le Coënt Philippe, Malard Julien, Montginoul Marielle, Morardet Sylvie, Neverre Noémie. 2022. Montpellier : UMR G-EAU, 37 p. (G-Eau Working Paper/Rapport de recherche, 13)

Coming back to a Commons approach to construct the Great Green Wall in Senegal. Delay Etienne, Ka Abdou, Niang Khoudia, Touré Ibra, Goffner Deborah. 2022. Land Use Policy, 115:106000, 12 p.

Enabling institutional environments conducive to livelihood improvement and adapted investments in sustainable land and water uses. Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Lejars Caroline, Farolfi Stefano, Adamczewski-Hertzog Amandine, Hassenforder Emeline, Faysse Nicolas, Jamin Jean-Yves. 2022. Rome : FAO, 58 p. (SOLAW Background Thematic Report, 21) ISBN 978-92-5-136633-2

Exploring the forestry potential of two legume species with contrasting ecological strategies in a seasonally dry tropical region. Ranieri Ribeiro Paula, Guillemot Joannès, Macedo Delarmelina William, de Souza Paulo Henrique, de Moraes Caio Rodrigues, Favoreto Campanharo Ítalo, Mendes Lucas José, Ocheuze Trivelin Paulo César, Hollunder Klippel Valéria, Trazzi Paulo André, Winckler Caldeira Marcos Vinicius. 2022. Trees, 36 : 1413-1424.
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In people's minds and on the ground: Values and power in climate change adaptation. Locatelli Bruno, Laurenceau Martin, Calla Chumpisuca Yaneth Roxana, Pramova Emilia, Vallet Ameline, Quispe Condé Yésica, Cervantes Zavala Ronal, Djoudi Houria, Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J.. 2022. Environmental Science and Policy, 137 : 75-86.

Life cycle assessment as decision support tool for water reuse in agriculture irrigation. Kalboussi Nesrine, Biard Yannick, Pradeleix Ludivine, Rapaport Alain, Sinfort Carole, Ait-Mouheb Nassim. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 836:155486, 11 p.

The 4C approach as a way to understand species interactions determining intercropping productivity. Justes Eric, Bedoussac Laurent, Dordas Christos, Frak Ela, Louarn Gaëtan, Boudsocq Simon, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Lithourgidis Anastasios, Pankou Chrysanthi, Zhang Chaochun, Carlsson Georg, Jensen Erik Steen, Watson Christine, Li Long. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 13 p.

Quinoa, a model crop for tomorrow's agriculture. Bazile Didier. 2021. In : Biology and biotechnology of quinoa: super grain for food security. Varam Ajit (ed.). Cham : Springer, 397-417. ISBN 978-981-16-3831-2

Analysis of surface water reveals land pesticide contamination: An application for the determination of chlordecone-polluted areas in Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Rochette Romain, Bonnal Vincent, Andrieux Patrick, Cattan Philippe. 2020. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (33), dossier Environmental and Human Health Issues Related to Long Term Contamination by Chlordecone in the French West Indies : 41132-41142.

From foresight exercise to operative rules for the collective use of water resources: the case of Niayes in Senegal. Delay Etienne, Hubert Aline, Camara Astou Diaw, Faye Amy, Bourgeois Robin, Jahel Camille. 2020. . IASC. s.l. : IASC, Résumé, 1 p. IASC 2020 Web Conference on African Commons, s.l., États-Unis, 13 Juillet 2020/27 Juillet 2020.
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The decision context for nature-based solutions in a Peruvian watershed: Adaptation in people's minds and on the ground. Locatelli Bruno, Laurenceau Martin, Calla Chumpisuca Yaneth Roxana, Vallet Ameline, Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J., Djoudi Houria. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 168. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

Collective irrigation, the state and social relations in the Eastern Pyrenees of France. Delay Etienne, Linton James. 2019. Environment and Planning. C, Politics and Space, 37 (7) : 1179-1197.

Political Ecologies of water in South Africa: A literature review. Bourblanc Magalie, Blanchon David. 2019. WIREs Water, 6 (5):e1371, 14 p.

Death by certainty: The Vinça dam, the French state, and the changing social relations of irrigation the Têt basin of the Eastern French Pyrénées. Linton Jamie, Delay Etienne. 2018. In : Water, technology and the Nation-State. Menga Filippo (ed.), Swyngedouw Erik (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 49-64. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) ISBN 978-1-13-872465-5

Nutrients load in ponds both water and soil due to application of different levels of carbon and nitrogen with feeding. Islam Md. Ariful, Nusrat Naima, Khan Md. Zulfikar, Billah Shaikh Motasim, Amin Md. Sadiqul, Kabir Kazi. 2018. Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 3 (4) : 1-16.

Can uplanders and lowlanders share land and water services? (A case study in Central Java Indonesia). Andriyani I., Jourdain Damien, Shivakoti Ganesh Prasad, Lidon Bruno, Kartiwa Budi. 2017. In : Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia: sustainable natural resources management in dynamic Asia, Volume 1. Ganesh Shivakoti (ed.), Ujjwal Pradhan (ed.), Helmi Helmi (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 321-330. ISBN 978-0-12-805454-3

Cash-based versus water-based payment for environmental services in the uplands of northern Vietnam: potential farmers participation using farm modeling. Jourdain Damien, Boere Esther, Van den Berg Marrit, Quang D.D., Thanh C.P., Affholder François. 2016. In : Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia: upland natural resources and social ecological systems in Northern Vietnam, Volume 2. Mai Van Thanh (ed.), Tran Duc Vien (ed.), Leisz, Stephen J. (ed.), Shivakoti, Ganesh P. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 43-62. ISBN 978-0-12-805453-6

Ecosystem Services and Climate Change. Locatelli Bruno. 2016. In : Routledge handbook of ecosystem services. Potschin Marion (ed.), Haines-Young Roy (ed.), Fish Robert (ed.), Turner R. Kerry (ed.). New York : Routledge, 481-490. ISBN 978-1-138-02508-0

Quantifying the process and performance of river basin water management decentralisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dinar Ariel, Correa Javier Ortiz, Farolfi Stefano, Mutondo Joao. 2016. Journal of African Economies, 25 (2) : 267-299.

Water, a resource requiring better governance in West Africa. Barbier Bruno, Kane Alioune, Ouedraogo Bega, Jamin Jean-Yves, Poussin Jean Christophe. 2016. In : A new emerging rural world. An overview of rural change in Africa. 2nd edition. Pesche Denis (ed.), Losch Bruno (ed.), Imbernon Jacques (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD-NEPAD, 66-67. ISBN 978-2-87614-719-5

Expansion of rubber mono-cropping and its implications for the resilience of ecosystems in the face of climate change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia. Fox Jefferson, Castella Jean-Christophe, Ziegler Alan D., Westley Sidney B.. 2014. Global Environmental Research, 18 (2) : 145-150.

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