
The report of the Committee for the Sector Review of the Beef Industry (Vanuatu). Vol. 1. The executive report. Vol. 2. The draft appendices

Chabeuf Noël, Kingston J., Felton M., Dovo P., Bazely P.. 1985. The report of the Committee for the Sector Review of the Beef Industry (Vanuatu). Vol. 1. The executive report. Vol. 2. The draft appendices. Port-Vila : Ministère de l'agriculture, 311 p.

Texte intégral non disponible.

Autre titre : Rapport du comité chargé de l'étude de la filière viande bovine (Vanuatu). Vol. 1. Rapport de synthèse. Vol. 2. Annexes

Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 micro-fiche numéro VT851232

Résumé : The beef industry in Vanuatu has significant potential to increase cattle numbers and meat production. The principal elements of the proposed strategy are : The immediate stimulation of the existing plantation sector to undertake renovation and development. The continuing support of the smallholder sector by an efficient extension process, and - improved co-ordination of all industry sectors by improving the institutional framwork. The main policy recommendations are : the definition of the role of the existing expatriate plantations, the steady increase in ni-Vanuatu participation in the industry, the resolution of land-related constraints presently encountered by ni-Vuanatu Farmers, the provision of sufficient resources to the appropriate GOV departments to ensure adequate support is provided to the beef industry. A clear definition of the smallholder farming system, and their decision-making process, the establishment of a live cattle market, the success of the South Santo Cattle Project, and the success of VLD, are seen as being essential

Mots-clés Agrovoc : bovin de boucherie, production de viande, abattoir, Arecaceae, pathologie, pâturages, transport, quarantaine, viande bovine, marketing

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Vanuatu

Mots-clés complémentaires : Développement de l'élevage, Économie de l'élevage, Association agriculture élevage

Classification Agris : L01 - Élevage - Considérations générales

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Chabeuf Noël
  • Kingston J.
  • Felton M.
  • Dovo P.
  • Bazely P.

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