Martin-Laurent F., Frémont M., Lee S.K., Tham Foong Yee, Prin Yves, Tan T.K., Diem Hoang Gia. 1999. Effect of inoculation with selected Bradyrhizobium spp. on the survival and growth of Acacia mangium saplings after 20 months in the field. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 11 (2) : 470-483.
Résumé : This work was designed to test the long-term effect of the inoculation of #Acacia mangium# seedlings with 10 selected strains of #Bradyrhizobium spp.#. The percentage of survival of seedlings inoculated with any of the #Bradyrhizobium# strains was increased by 10% as compared to the control plants. However, out of the 10 #Bradyrhizobium# strains tested, only 3 strains, Aust l3c, Lu 4 and Tel 8, belonging to the phylogenelic group 1, significandy enhanced the growth of #A. mangium# after 20 months in the field. For the first time, inoculation with indigenous Malaysian strains #Bradyrhizobium# such as Tel 8 and Lu 4 at the seedling stage is reported to produce enhanced and sustained growth and development of #A. mangium# in the field. We propose that in the future, it may be best to isolate and select local strains front each reforestation plot using a simple screening to deterinine their phylogenetic group, and conducting a simple nursery inoculation test to assess their competitivity and efficiency when associated with #A. mangium# seedlings.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : Acacia mangium, Bradyrhizobium, Imperata cylindrica, inoculation, graine, phylogénie, génétique, choix des espèces, plantation forestière, forêt tropicale humide, Fixation de l'azote, méthode statistique
Classification Agris : F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes
F03 - Production et traitement des semences
Auteurs et affiliations
- Martin-Laurent F.
- Frémont M., National University of Singapore (SGP)
- Lee S.K., Nanyang Technological University (SGP)
- Tham Foong Yee, Nanyang Technological University (SGP)
ORCID: 0000-0002-3706-0045
- Tan T.K., National University of Singapore (SGP)
- Diem Hoang Gia, CNRS (FRA)
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : BA_BR903 [(Bibliothèque de Baillarguet)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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