
Reduced impact logging experiments. Impact of harvesting intensities and logging techniques on stand damage

Sist Plinio, Bertault Jean-Guy. 1998. Reduced impact logging experiments. Impact of harvesting intensities and logging techniques on stand damage. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 139-161. ISBN 2-87614-3100

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Autre titre : Expériences de réduction des impacts d'exploitation. Impacts des intensités de récolte et des techniques d'exploitation sur les dommages du peuplement forestier

Résumé : Timber harvesting was investigated both in terms of commercial timber volume extracted and impact on residual stand. Conventional (CNV) and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques were compared on the basis of pre- and post-harvesting stand inventories. Timber volume extracted averaged 87 m3/ha and the resulting commercial volume was 46 m3/ha (i.e. 53.8% of the felled volume). On average, logging damage affected 40% of the residual trees (dbh > 10 cm); injured and dead trees were recorded in equivalent proportions (21% and 19%, respectively). Generally, felling operations caused injury to trees, crown damage being most common, whereas skidding caused death to trees, essentially by uprooting. Tree injury and death from RIL, in contrast, was substantially lower (30.5%) than from conventional methods (48.1%). This study demonstrated that the impact of logging on trees can be substantially reduced by strict supervision and planning of logging operations and limit of harvesting intensity, which should not exceed 80 m3/ha. If these technical recommendations are followed, it is possible to reduce the damage by 20% which is equivalent to about 100 stems.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : forêt tropicale humide, production forestière, abattage d'arbres, exploitation forestière, dégât, impact sur l'environnement

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Kalimantan

Classification Agris : K10 - Production forestière

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Sist Plinio, CIRAD-FORET-FORETS NATURELLES (IDN) ORCID: 0000-0002-4565-4417

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