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Nombre de documents : 76.




Biodiversity conservation value of swidden agroforestry systems vs. RSPO oil palm in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Simamora T.I., Suriyanto I., Dewo S., Laumonier Yves. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 153. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Reconciling canopy interception parameterization and rainfall forcing frequency in the community land model for simulating evapotranspiration of rainforests and oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Fan Yuanchao, Meijide Ana, Lawrence David M., Roupsard Olivier, Carlson Kimberly M., Chen Hsin-Yi, Röll Alexander, Niu Furong, Knohl Alexander. 2019. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11 (3) : 732-751.


Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan. Tao Hsiao-Hang, Donough Christopher, Gerendas Joska, Hoffmann Munir P., Cahyo Angger, Sugianto Hendra, Wandri Ruli, Rahim Gatot Abdul, Fisher Myles, Rötter Reimund P., Dittert Klaus, Pardon Lénaïc, Oberthür Thomas. 2018. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 112 (3) : 317-333.

The imprint of logging on tropical forest carbon stocks: A Bornean casestudy. Rozak Andes Hamuraby, Rutishauser Ervan, Raulund-Rasmussen Karsten, Sist Plinio. 2018. Forest Ecology and Management, 417 : 154-166.


Fire activity in Borneo driven by industrial land conversion and drought during El Niño periods, 1982–2010. Sloan Sean, Locatelli Bruno, Wooster Martin, Gaveau David L.A.. 2017. Global Environmental Change, 47 : 95-109.


Completing the picture: Importance of considering participatory mapping for REDD+ measurement, Reporting and verification (MRV). Beaudoin Guillaume, Rafanoharana Serge, Boissière Manuel, Wijaya Arief, Wardhana Wahyu. 2016. PloS One, 11 (12):e0166592, 24 p.


Ecosystem services and biodiversity in a rapidly transforming landscape in Northern Borneo. Labriere Nicolas, Laumonier Yves, Locatelli Bruno, Vieilledent Ghislain, Comptour Marion. 2015. PloS One, 10 (10):e0140423, 18 p.



Mission to PT Rea Kaltim Oil PAlm Plantation (Indonesia), may 2010. Bonneau Xavier. 2010. Montpellier : CIRAD, 11 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-PERSYST N°2325


Role of transitory carbon reserves during adjustment to climate variability and source-sink imbalances in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Legros Sandrine, Mialet-Serra Isabelle, Clément-Vidal Anne, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Siregar Fahri Arief, Fabre Denis, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2009. Tree Physiology, 29 (10) : 1199-1211.



Deforestation, agricultural concession policies and potential conflicts in Sanggau district, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. Penot Eric, Geissler Cathy. 2004. In : Beyond tropical deforestation : from tropical deforestation to forest cover dynamics and forest development. Babin Didier (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 333-353. ISBN 2-87614-577-4

A review of recent molecular genetics evidence for sugarcane evolution and domestication. Grivet Laurent, Daniels C., Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, D'Hont Angélique. 2004. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 2 (1) : 9-17.


Déforestation, concessions agricoles et conflits potentiels : province de Ouest-Kalimantan, Indonésie. Penot Eric. 2003. In : Actes du XIIe Congrès forestier mondial : La forêt, source de vie. Des forêts pour les gens. FAO, Québec-Ministère des Ressources naturelles, de la faune et des parcs. Québec : Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, Résumé, 317-318. ISBN 2-923174-00-3 Congrès forestier mondial. 12, Québec, Canada, 21 Septembre 2003/28 Septembre 2003.

Déforestation, concessions agricoles et conflits potentiels : province de Ouest-Kalimantan, Indonésie. Penot Eric. 2003. In : Congress proceedings. XII world forestry congress : Forests, source of life. Forests for people. FAO, Québec-Ministère des Ressources naturelles, de la faune et des parcs. Québec : Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, Résumé, 295-296. ISBN 2-923174-01-1 Congrès forestier mondial. 12, Québec, Canada, 21 Septembre 2003/28 Septembre 2003.

Farming system characterization for rubber smallholders in West Kalimantan. Courbet Philippe, Penot Eric, Ilahang I.. 2003. In : Proceedings of the SRAP workshop on rubber agroforestry systems in Indonesia, September 29-30, 1997, Bogor, Indonesia. Penot Eric, Wibawa Gede, Boutin Dominique. USAID, GAPKINDO, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, CIRAD-CP-HEVEA, ICRAF. Bogor : ICRAF, 16 p. SRAP Workshop on Rubber Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia, Bogor, Indonésie, 29 Septembre 1997/30 Septembre 1997.

The Improved Genetic Rubber Planting Material (IGPM) availability and use by smallholders in the province of West Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Schueller Wilfrid, Penot Eric, Sunaryo I.. 2003. In : Proceedings of the SRAP workshop on rubber agroforestry systems in Indonesia, September 29-30, 1997, Bogor, Indonesia. Penot Eric, Wibawa Gede, Boutin Dominique. USAID, GAPKINDO, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, CIRAD-CP-HEVEA, ICRAF. Bogor : ICRAF, 36 p. SRAP Workshop on Rubber Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia, Bogor, Indonésie, 29 Septembre 1997/30 Septembre 1997.

Reduced-impact logging in Indonesian Borneo : some results confirming the need for new silvicultural prescriptions. Sist Plinio, Sheil Douglas, Kartawinata Kuswata, Priyadi Hari. 2003. Forest Ecology and Management, 179 : 415-427.

Report of mission to the PT MEDCO oil palm plantations in Central Kalimantan (Indonesia) from 21st to 26th July 2003. Bonneau Xavier. 2003. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 19 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1634

Rubber Agroforestry System (RAS) on-farm experimentation in West Kalimantan: results of rice trials in cropping seasons 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97. Penot Eric, Sunario. 2003. In : Proceedings of the SRAP workshop on rubber agroforestry systems in Indonesia, September 29-30, 1997, Bogor, Indonesia. Penot Eric, Wibawa Gede, Boutin Dominique. USAID, GAPKINDO, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, CIRAD-CP-HEVEA, ICRAF. Bogor : ICRAF, 19 p. SRAP Workshop on Rubber Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia, Bogor, Indonésie, 29 Septembre 1997/30 Septembre 1997.


Characterisation of biodiversity in improved rubber agroforests in West-Kalimantan, Indonesia : Real potential uses for spontaneous plants. Diaz-Novellon Stéphanie, Penot Eric, Arnaud Michel. 2002. In : Land-use, nature conservation and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia, Bogor, Indonesia, September 29 -October 3. s.l. : s.n., 16 p. International Symposium Land-use, nature conservation and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia, Bogor, Indonésie, 29 Septembre 2002/3 Octobre 2002.

Perennial crops trigger land-use and land-tenure changes in Indonesia : (Example of the province of West-Kalimantan). Penot Eric, Wibawa Gede, Geissler Cathy. 2002. In : Regional workshop on land issues, Pnomh Penh, Cambodia, June 04-06, 2002. s.l. : s.n., 15-7 p. Regional Workshop on Land Issues in Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 4 Juin 2002/6 Juin 2002.



De l'innovation technique dans les sociétés paysannes : la diffusion de la monoculture clonale d'hévéa à Kalimantan Ouest (Indonésie). Chambon Bénédicte. 2001. Montpellier : UM1, 366 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences économiques : Université Montpellier 1

De l'innovation technique dans les sociétés paysannes : la diffusion de la monoculture clonale d'hévéa à Kalimantan Ouest (Indonésie). Chambon Bénédicte. 2001. Montpellier : UM1, 340 p, 1 Cd-Rom. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences économiques : Université Montpellier 1

Does rubber trigger reforestation after deforestation in Indonesia ? Penot Eric, Ruf François, Courbet Philippe, Chambon Bénédicte. 2001. In : Indonesian Rubber Conference and IRRDB Symposium 2000, Bogor, Indonesia, 12 - 14 September 2000 : Proceedings. Azwar Rasidin (ed.), Karyudi (ed.), Wibawa Gede (ed.), Suryaningtyas Heru (ed.), Arizal Ridha (ed.), Honggokusumo Suharto (ed.), Suparto Dadang (ed.), Supriadi M. (ed.), Anwar Chairil (ed.), Suwana Ayuni-Dewi (ed.). IRRDB, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute. Medan : Indonesian Rubber Research Institute, 468-489. ISBN 979-8507-05-3 IRRDB Symposium, Bogor, Indonésie, 12 Septembre 2000/14 Septembre 2000.

Dynamics of a lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan two years after logging. Sist Plinio. 2001. In : Proceedings of 6th Round Table Conference on Dipterocarps. Cox M.C. (ed.), Elouard Claire (ed.). IUFRO-IWGD, Institut français de Pondichéry, Karnataka Forest Department. Perth : Curtin University of Technology, 62-75. ISBN 1-7406-7114-7 Round Table Conference on Dipterocarps. 6, Bangalore, Inde, 8 Février 1999/12 Février 1999.

Etude du processus d'innovation autour de l'introduction du clone dans les systèmes agroforestiers à base d'hévéa clonal, à Kalimantan Ouest : étude d'impact d'expérimentations sur les systèmes agroforestiers à base d'hévéa clonal et sur l'intégration du palmier à huile dans les systèmes de production de petits planteurs. Bornéo, Indonésie. Trouillard Karine. 2001. Montpellier : CNEARC, 178 p. Mémoire MSc : Développement agricole tropical. Option Agronomie, gestion des écosystèmes cultivés et innovations en milieu rural : Centre national d'études agronomiques des régions chaudes

Improved jungle rubber systems. Penot Eric. 2001. In : The Indonesian uplands. From slash and burn to replanting. ed. F. Lancon, F. Ruf. s.l. : s.n., 101-116.

Modélisation des exploitations hévéicoles à ouest Kalimatan, districts de Sanggau et Sintang (Indonésie). Lecomte Julie. 2001. Lempdes : ENITA, 66 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Techniques agricoles : Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs des travaux agricoles de Clermont-Ferrand


La recomposition de cartes thématiques par MAPINFO comme outil d'analyse de l'évolution de l'occupation des sols à Bornéo (sur la période 1985 à 1998) : Document de travail. Geissler Cathy, Penot Eric. 2000. Montpellier : CIRAD-TERA, 25 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-TERA N° 83/00 ; THI N° 67/00


Prospects for conservation of biodiversity within productive rubber agroforests in Indonesia. Penot Eric. 1999. In : Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia: selected proceedings of an international workshop. 17-19 November 1997. Sist P. (ed.), Sabogal C. (ed.), Byron Y. (ed.). Bogor : CIFOR, 21-32. Management of Secondary and Logged-Over Forests in Indonesia, Bogor, Indonésie, 17 Novembre 1997/19 Novembre 1997.

Stand structure and floristic composition of a primary lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan. Sist Plinio, Saridan A.. 1999. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 11 (4) : 1-11.


Description of the primary lowland forest of Berau. Sist Plinio, Saridan A.. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 51-94. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Executive summary. Grison François. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 11-19. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Growth and mortality patterns before and after logging. Nguyen-The Nicolas, Favrichon Vincent, Sist Plinio, Houde Louis, Bertault Jean-Guy, Fauvet Nicolas. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 181-216. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Harvesting intensity versus sustainability in Indonesia. Sist Plinio, Nolan T., Bertault Jean-Guy, Dykstra Dennis P.. 1998. Forest Ecology and Management, 108 : 251-260.

Liberation thinnings in logged-over forests. Sist Plinio, Abdurachman. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 171-180. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Modelling the dynamics of a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest stand : application of a density-dependent matrix model. Favrichon Vincent, Young Cheol Kim. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 229-248. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Phenology of some dipterocarps. Nguyen-The Nicolas, Sist Plinio. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 95-110. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Reduced impact logging experiments. Impact of harvesting intensities and logging techniques on stand damage. Sist Plinio, Bertault Jean-Guy. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 139-161. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). 1998. Montpellier : CIRAD, 250 p. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Some aspects of natural regeneration. Nguyen-The Nicolas, Rizal F.. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 217-228. ISBN 2-87614-3100

Strek project objectives and methodology. Bertault Jean-Guy, Sist Plinio, Nguyen-The Nicolas. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 29-49. ISBN 2-87614-3100

The economic implications of reduced impact and conventional logging. Karsenty Alain. 1998. In : Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy (ed.), Kadir K. (ed.). CIRAD, Indonésie-Ministry of Agriculture-Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, CIRAD-Forêt. Montpellier : CIRAD, 163-170. ISBN 2-87614-3100


Production et utilisation du matériel végétal amélioré d'Hevea brasiliensis par les petits planteurs de la province de Kalimantan Ouest, Indonésie. Schueller Wilfrid. 1997. Gradignan : ENITAB, 135 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Techniques agricoles : Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs des travaux agricoles de Bordeaux

The STREK Project, Indonesia. Sist Plinio, Bertault Jean-Guy. 1997. FAO Forest Harvesting Bulletin, 7 (1) : 4.


Assessment of the PT Agroindomas oil palm plantations project, Kalimantan, Tengah, Indonesia, 17th - 24th August 1996. Quencez Pierre. 1996. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 26 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 676

Completion of Strek project. Sist Plinio. 1996. CIFOR News (113) : 6-7.

Summary and main conclusions of a mission to central Kalimantan and Sumatra 11 - 22 May 1996. Ochs Robert, Godon Philippe, De Taffin Gabriel. 1996. Jakarta : CIRAD, 11 p.


Rubber agroforestry systems as sustainable alternatives to Imperata grassland in West Kalimantan. Penot Eric. 1995. In : Séminaire ICRAF sur l'Imperata. Anon. s.l. : s.n., 12-39. Séminaire ICRAF sur l'Imperata, Benjarmasin, Indonésie, Janvier 1995.


Field trip to West Kalimantan. Mission report. Identification of smallholder rubber agroforestry systems : sustainable alternatives. Penot Eric, De Foresta Hubert, Garrity Dennis P., Budiman A.F.S., Delabarre Michel. 1994. Bogor : ICRAF, 2 vol. (150 p.)

Structure and diversity of dipterocarps in a lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan. Sist Plinio. 1994. In : Proceedings fifth round-table conference on dipterocarps. FRIM. Kuala Lumpur : FRIM, 60-80. Round-Table Conference on Dipterocarps. 5, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 7 Novembre 1994/10 Novembre 1994.




Quand la forêt tropicale s'enflamme. Près de trois millions d'hectares détruits à Kalimantan. Bertault Jean-Guy. 1991. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (230) : 5-14.




Forest inventory in Kalimantan Tengah : first report on the survey. Cossalter Christian. 1980. Nogent-sur-Marne : GERDAT-CTFT, 4 p.


Etude papetière des bois d'Indonésie (Est de Kalimantan) : swamp forest - Indonésie. GERDAT - COG. 1978. Nogent-sur-Marne : GERDAT-CTFT, 21 p.

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