
Bactrop: A platform of genomic resources to study organization and evolution of tropical crop species [S04-3]

Piffanelli Pietro, Noa-Carrazana Juan Carlos, Clément Didier, Ciampi Ana, Vilarinhos Alberto Duarte, Thibivilliers Sandra, Lagoda Pierre, Sabau Xavier, Ruiz Manuel, Karkouri Khalid, Leroy Thierry, Billotte Norbert, Seguin Marc, Safar Jan, D'Hont Angélique, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe. 2003. Bactrop: A platform of genomic resources to study organization and evolution of tropical crop species [S04-3]. In : 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, ISPMB 2003, Barcelona (Spain), June 23-28. Book of abstracts. ISPMB. Barcelone : ISPMB Office, Résumé, 58. International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. 7, Barcelone, Espagne, 23 Juin 2003/28 Juin 2003.

Communication sans actes
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : BAC libraries are essential tools for assisting genome organization and evolution. Given the rapid development of genomics projects on tropical crops, we have begun the creation of a platform of BAC library resources for a number of tropical species, called BACTROP. BAC libraries for 9 tropical plant species were constructed and characterised. Efforts are now focused on three main research axes: 1)comparative analysis between the genomes of three tropical monocots (banana, oil palm and coconut) and that of rice using highly conserved cDNA and genetically anchored RFLP probes; 2)characterise linkage disequilibrium patterns in the genome of perennial (coffee, rubber tree, cocoa) and annual crops (sorghum, sugarcane) with marked differences in their domestication and pollination strategies; 3)characterisation of genetically mapped resistance gene analogs co-segregating with QTLs for important agronomic traits in tropical perennial crop species (cocoa, rubber tree). To manage the approximately 4 million BAC clones of BACTROP a database called BACTROPDB is under development and will enable to keep track of screenings, replicas, and sequencing of BAC clones belonging to different BAC libraries. We acknowledge financial support to realise BACTROP from CIRAD-AMIS, Agropolis International, INIBAP, EMBRAPA, COCOP. (Texte intégral)

Mots-clés Agrovoc : pool de gènes, banque de données, banque de gènes, Musa, Elaeis guineensis, Cocos nucifera, Coffea, Hevea brasiliensis, Theobroma cacao, Sorghum, Saccharum, adn, RFLP

Mots-clés complémentaires : Linkage disequilibrium, QTL

Classification Agris : F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Piffanelli Pietro, CIRAD-AMIS-BIOTROP (FRA)
  • Noa-Carrazana Juan Carlos, CIRAD-FLHOR-BPA (FRA)
  • Clément Didier, CIRAD-CP-CACAO (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-7602-6472
  • Ciampi Ana, EMBRAPA (BRA)
  • Vilarinhos Alberto Duarte, CIRAD-FLHOR-BPA (FRA)
  • Thibivilliers Sandra
  • Lagoda Pierre, CIRAD-AMIS-BIOTROP (FRA)
  • Sabau Xavier, CIRAD-AMIS-BIOTROP (FRA)
  • Ruiz Manuel, CIRAD-AMIS-BIOTROP (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-8153-276X
  • Karkouri Khalid
  • Leroy Thierry, CIRAD-CP-CAFE (FRA)
  • Billotte Norbert, CIRAD-CP-PALMIER (FRA)
  • Seguin Marc, CIRAD-CP-HEVEA (FRA)
  • Safar Jan, Institute of Experimental Botany (CZE)
  • D'Hont Angélique, CIRAD-CA-Canne à sucre (FRA)
  • Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, CIRAD-AMIS-BIOTROP (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-9918-875X

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