Peralta Esther Lilia, Bertin Yves.
2001. Caribbean phytosanitaire sub-group of iacnet : an integrated effort to improve the sanitary safety and cooperation in the caribbeanarea.
In : Sécurité sanitaire, sûreté alimentaire et qualité des productions et produits animaux et végétaux dans la Caraibe, 26 - 29 novembre 2001, Gosiers, Guadeloupe : présentation et communications. CIRAD, INRA
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Version publiée
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Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 diaporama (24 vues)
Résumé : Caribbean citrus phytosanitary group : an integrated effort to improve the Sanitary safety and cooperation in the caribbean area. The efficency of citrus production in the region is threatened by the rapid dissemination of several diseases with a high destructive potential and the invasion of vectors of other diseases present or not on the area. Dissemination of Toxoptera citricida throughout the Caribbean islands ; irruption of Citrus cancrosis (Xanthomonas citn) in Flonda ; invasion of Diaphorina citri. vector of the Huanglongbing in some of our countries and the recent report of citrus variegated chlorosis (Xyfefla fastidiosa) in Costa Rica are some of the post important problems at the moment. At the lime all the diseases that are transmitted through graffing and by incorrect nursery practices (psorosis, exocortis, concave gum, gummosis, xyloporosis and many others) cause also important Losses. The majority of Caribbean countries do not have the capacity nowadays to solve this situation and avoid great losses. Promoted by Cirad, French authorities and Caribbean participants of the regional phytosanitary workshop on citrus (november, 2000), the Caribbean Citrus Phytosanitary Group had been created in april, 2001, coordinate by IACNET. Main objectives of this technical cooperation group are directed to prevent the introduction and the spread of emerging and important pests between Caribbean countries and to strengthen technical capacities in our countries related to prevention, diagnostic and control of phytosanitary citrus problems. Identification of our problems and requirements in terms of phytosanitary conditions and formation had been already done as well as a course on citrus certification. New immediate tasks will be present in this seminar For accomplishing them, collaboration and support of French authorities, regional and international organizations are required
Classification Agris : H01 - Protection des végétaux - Considérations générales
Auteurs et affiliations
- Peralta Esther Lilia, Ministerio de la Agricultura (Cuba) (CUB)
- Bertin Yves, CIRAD-FLHOR-ARF (MTQ)
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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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