
Metabolismo de açucares durante o densenvolvimento de frutos de café

Geromel Clara, Ferreira Lucia Pires, Cavalari Aline Andréia, Perreira Luiz Filipe Protasio, Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, Leroy Thierry, Mazzafera Paulo, Marraccini Pierre. 2005. Metabolismo de açucares durante o densenvolvimento de frutos de café. In : Anais do IV Simposio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 2 a 5 de Maio de 2005, Londrina, PR (Brasil). EMBRAPA-Café. Brasilia : EMBRAPA, 4 p. Simposio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil. 4, Londrina, Brésil, 2 Mai 2005/5 Mai 2005.

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Titre anglais : Sugar metabolism during coffee fruit development

Résumé : In this study, we investigated the sucrose synthase (Susy: EC2.4.1.13) at the biochemical and molecular levels during the development of coffee fruits. Our results suggest that Susy is the main enzyme responsible for sucrose metabolism in coffee fruits. In the pulp and endosperm of fruits at the last stage of maturation, a peak of Susy activity was observed and correlates with an increase of sucrose. At the molecular level, we cloned two cDNAs encoding different Susy isofomus. We also showed that both Susy-encoding genes were expressed in coffee fruits, with differences regarding their spatial and temporal expression. In addition, feeding experiments with 14C-sucrose and incubation of fruits with 14CO2 were carried out. These experiments showed that sugars are not only transported from the leaves to the fruits, but also there is an intense communication among the tissues composing the fruits.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Coffea arabica, fève de café, développement biologique, fruit (botanique), métabolisme des glucides, expression des gènes, activité enzymatique, ligase, saccharose, Clonage moléculaire

Classification Agris : F62 - Physiologie végétale - Croissance et développement
F60 - Physiologie et biochimie végétale

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Geromel Clara, UNICAMP (BRA)
  • Ferreira Lucia Pires, IAPAR (BRA)
  • Cavalari Aline Andréia, UNICAMP (BRA)
  • Perreira Luiz Filipe Protasio, EMBRAPA (BRA)
  • Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, IAPAR (BRA)
  • Leroy Thierry, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR PIA (FRA)
  • Mazzafera Paulo, UNICAMP (BRA)
  • Marraccini Pierre, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR PIA (BRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-7637-6811

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