
Sustainable tea production through agroecological management practices in Vietnam: A review

Le Viet San, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Hudek Lee, Quyen Luu Ngoc, Bräu Lambert. 2021. Sustainable tea production through agroecological management practices in Vietnam: A review. Environmental Sustainability, 4 : 589-604.

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Résumé : Tea is one of the most important crops in Vietnam, as both an export and domestic commodity. In Vietnam, tea farming has been dominated by conventional management practices for decades. The continuity of this approach has led to a number of issues. These range from serious soil degradation, low economic efficiency, poor tea quality and environmental contamination. Recently, there has been a growing conversion from conventional tea farming to agroecological tea management practices. To date, limited studies have been conducted to determine the viability of this conversion in Vietnam, particularly regarding technical aspects. Focusing on aspects of soil health, tea productivity and quality, here we highlight the benefits and challenges of conventional tea production system and provide a comprehensive evaluation of potential advantages agroecological tea management practices could have for Vietnam. The outcomes of this review are an informative resource for tea producers, tea production management authorities and other relevant organizations; enabling more informed decisions regarding the management methods, policies and programs to promote agroecological tea management in Vietnam and other tea producing nations.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : agroécologie, pratique culturale, pratique agricole, Camellia sinensis, dégradation du sol, qualité du sol, agriculture durable, productivité agricole, système de production

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Viet Nam

Mots-clés libres : Agroecological management and conventional management, Sustainable development, Soil health, Tea quality, Vietnam

Classification Agris : F08 - Systèmes et modes de culture
P36 - Érosion, conservation et récupération des sols
P01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières

Champ stratégique Cirad : CTS 2 (2019-) - Transitions agroécologiques

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Le Viet San, Deakin University (AUS) - auteur correspondant
  • Lesueur Didier, CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR Eco&Sols (VNM) ORCID: 0000-0002-6694-0869
  • Herrmann Laetitia, Deakin University (AUS)
  • Hudek Lee, Deakin University (AUS)
  • Quyen Luu Ngoc, NOMAFSI (VNM)
  • Bräu Lambert, Deakin University (AUS)

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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