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Nombre de documents : 35.


Effect of organic farming practices on soil health improvement of coconut farms. Nghia Nguyen Khoi, Robatjazi Javad, Vy Vo Duyen Thao, Tecimen Hüseyin Baris, Lasar Hendra Gonsalve W., Lesueur Didier, Hosseini Bai Shahla, Tran Huu-Tuan, Thien Nguyen Huu, Luan Do Thanh. 2025. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 38:104067, 16 p.

Multicriteria assessment of recently implemented conservation agriculture cropping systems across farmers' plots in northwestern Cambodia. Pheap Sambo, Thoumazeau Alexis, Murase Jun, Seng Vang, Sarthou Jean-Pierre, Sar Veng, Kimbo Linda, Kheam Soklin, Chan Pheakdey, Srean Pao, Leang Samrith, Hok Lyda, Tivet Florent. 2025. Farming System, 3 (2):100140, 12 p.


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) - Arachis pintoi intercropping system in the Central Highlands in Vietnam: Impact on the soil fertility and the diversity of native rhizobia. Nguyen Duy Quang, Herrmann Laetitia, Enez Aydin, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2024. In : The 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation (APMNF): Abstract book. Suranaree University of Technology, Chiang Mai University. Chiang Mai : Suranaree University of Technology, Résumé, 1 p. Asian-Pacific Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation (APMNF 2024). 6, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 7 Janvier 2024/9 Janvier 2024.


Is agricultural lime a profitable investment for African smallholders? Evidence from Rwanda. Jaleta Moti, Vasco Silva João, Ruganzu Vicky, Mvuyekure Simon Martin, Mujanama Erick, Voss Rachel C., Chamberlin Jordan, Baudron Frédéric. 2024. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18 (3) : 276-293.

Mitigating the diverse consortium of common pathogens devastating plantations of robusta coffee and black pepper in the Vietnamese central highlands with applications of commercial bioinoculants and promotion of agroecological practices. Nguyen Van Long, Herrmann Laetitia, Nguyen Quang Duy, Dinh Le Thao, Nguyen Van Chung, Nguyen Van Liem, Enez Aydin, Bräu Lambert, Venugopal Abhirami, Lesueur Didier. 2024. . s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Symposium Microbe-Assisted crop production - opportunities, challenges and needs (miCROPe 2024), Vienne, Autriche, 15 Juillet 2024/18 Juillet 2024.

Organic fertilization improves soil multifunctionality in sugarcane agroecosystems. Delmotte Sacha, Brunel Caroline, Castanier Louise, Fevrier Amélie, Brauman Alain, Versini Antoine. 2024. Agronomy (Basel), 14 (11), n.spéc. Application of Organic Amendments in Agricultural Production—2nd Edition:2475, 20 p.

Synthesis report 2024 on co-designing agroecology innovations for Lao PDR. Smith Bethany, Douangsavanh Somphasith, Dubois Mark, Degrune Florine (collab.), Xaydala Viengxay (collab.), Chanthalath Ammala (collab.). 2024. Montpellier : CGIAR-IWMI, 36 p.

Why scaling up cowpea inoculated with effective native rhizobia should be good for soil health and yields in Yen Bai Province of Northern Vietnam? Herrmann Laetitia, Nguyen Trung Thanh, Le Viet Dung, Fouillet Esther, Otieno Mary, Herviault Timothée, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2024. In : The 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation (APMNF): Abstract book. Suranaree University of Technology, Chiang Mai University. Chiang Mai : Suranaree University of Technology, Résumé, 1 p. Asian-Pacific Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation (APMNF 2024). 6, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 7 Janvier 2024/9 Janvier 2024.


Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Bellon Stéphane, Côte François-Xavier, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lescourret Françoise, Ratnadass Alain, Scopel Eric, Andrieu Nadine, Barberi Paolo, Becker Nathalie, Bouyer Jérémy, Brévault Thierry, Cerdan Claire, Cortesero Anne-Marie, Dangles Olivier, Delatte Hélène, Yen Dinh Phuong Thi, Dreyer Hans, Duru Michel, Flor Rica Joy, Gardarin Antoine, Husson Olivier, Jacquot Maxime, Javelle Aurélie, Justes Eric, Xuan Lam Mai Thi, Launay Marie, Van Le Vang, Longis Sandrine, Martin José, Munier-Jolain Nicolas, Thu Nguyen Nga Thi, Ngoc Nguyen Truc Thi, Penvern Servane, Petit Sandrine, Poisot Anne-Sophie, Robin Marie-Hélène, Rolland Bernard, Rusch Adrien, Sabourin Eric, Sanguin Hervé, Sarthou Jean-Pierre, Sester Mathilde, Simon Sylvaine, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Steinberg Christian, Tchamitchian Marc, Thoumazeau Alexis, Tibi Anaïs, Tivet Florent, Tixier Philippe, Trinh Xuan Thi, Vialatte Aude, Wyckhuys Kris, Lamichhane Jay Ram. 2023. In : Advances in Agronomy: Volume 178. Sparks Donald L. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1-59. (Advances in Agronomy, 178) ISBN 978-0-443-19260-9

Can commercial bioinoculants available on the market in Vietnam protect coffee seedlings from Meloidogyne incognita infestation under controlled conditions? [S2-O-04]. Nguyen Van Long, Herrmann Laetitia, Dinh Le Thao, Nguyen Van Chung, Nguyen Van Liem, Enez Aydin, Lambert Brau, Venugopal Abhi, Lesueur Didier. 2023. In : Book of abstracts of the 29th conference ASIC 2023. ASIC, VAAS. Hanoï : ASIC, Résumé, p. 44. ASIC Conference on Coffee Science. 29, Hanoï, Viet Nam, 11 Septembre 2023/14 Septembre 2023.

Dramatic consequences of two decades of intensive management on soil of coffee and black pepper plantations in Central Highlands – Vietnam: How to restore soil health for a sustainable and environmentally-friendly production before it becomes too late? Van Nguyen Long, Herrmann Laetitia, Abhi Venugopal, Nguyen Duy Quang, Aydin Enez, Phuong Nhat Thi Bui, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2023. . Hasanuddin University. Makassar : Hasanuddin University, Résumé, 2 p. International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics (FSSAT 2023). 4, Makassar, Indonésie, 15 Février 2023/15 Février 2023.
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Fertilizer and soil health in Africa: The role of fertilizer in building soil health to sustain farming and address climate change. Vanlauwe Bernard, Amede Tilahun, Bationo André, Bindraban Prem, Breman Henk, Cardinael Rémi, Couedel Antoine, Chivenge Pauline, Corbeels Marc, Dobermann Achim, Falconnier Gatien, Fatunbi Wole, Giller Ken E., Harawa Rebbie, Kamau Mercy, Merckx Roel, Palm Cheryl, Powlson David, Rusinamhodzi Léonard, Six Johan, Singh Upendra, Stewart Zachary, van Ittersum Martin, Witt Christian, Zingore Shamie, Groot Rob. 2023. Washington : IFDC, 76 p.

Healthy soils sustain food system transformations to contribute to the net zero CO2 emission target by 2050. Chotte Jean-Luc, Barot Sébastien, Blanchart Eric, Blanfort Vincent, Brauman Alain, Cardinael Rémi, Demenois Julien, Lardy Lydie, Luu Paul, Masse Dominique, Chevalier Tiphaine, Trap Jean, Wadoux Alexandre M. J. C.. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRD, 2 p. (Policy Brief)

Impact of lime application on soilborne pests and diseases in acidic soils of coffee plantations in the Central Highlands in Vietnam. Nguyen Van Long, Herrmann Laetitia, Dinh Le Thao, Nguyen Van Chung, Nguyen Van Liem, Lambert Brau, Enez Aydin, Venugopal Abhi, Lesueur Didier. 2023. In : Book of abstracts of the 29th conference ASIC 2023. ASIC, VAAS. Hanoï : ASIC, p. 197. ASIC Conference on Coffee Science. 29, Hanoï, Viet Nam, 11 Septembre 2023/14 Septembre 2023.

Improving soil health of commercial vegetable home gardens through conservation agriculture in Cambodia. Ngang Channaty, Srean Pao, Ader David R., Tivet Florent, Bates Ricky R.. 2023. Agritropica, 6 (2) : 73-80.

Soil health in temperate agroforestry: Influence of tree species and position in the field. Mettauer Romane, Thoumazeau Alexis, Le Gall Samuel, Soiron Alexis, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Berard Annette, Brauman Alain, Meziere Delphine. 2023. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 69 (10) : 1781-1800.
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Why soil health is crucial for sustaining soil biodiversity and enhancing crop yields in tropical agroecosystems? Herrmann Laetitia, Le Viet San, Bräu Lambert, Van Nguyen Long, Bui Thi Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Duy Quang, Ngo Phuong Anh, Lesueur Didier. 2023. . University of Ruhuna, University of Colombo, University of Moratuwa. Colombo : University of Ruhuna, 2 p. International Conference on Building Resilience in Tropical Agro-ecosystems (BRITAE 2023), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15 Mars 2023/16 Mars 2023.


How application of agricultural waste can enhance soil health in soils acidified by tea cultivation: A review. Le Viet San, Herrmann Laetitia, Hudek Lee, Nguyen Thi Binh, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2022. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 20 (1) : 813-839.
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Logging residues promote rapid restoration of soil health after clear-cutting of rubber plantations at two sites with contrasting soils in Africa. Perron Thibaut, Kouakou Aymard, Simon Charlotte, Mareschal Louis, Gay Frédéric, Soumahoro Mouman, Kouassi Daouda, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Rapidel Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul, Brauman Alain. 2022. Science of the Total Environment:151526, 12 p.

Metaphors about soil: An interdisciplinary investigation to reveal biases, inconsistencies and foster action for soil conservation. Taddei Antonia, Fallot Abigail. 2022. . BSSS, IUSS. Glasgow : British Society of Soil Science, 6 p. World Congress of Soil Science. 22, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni, 31 Juillet 2022/5 Août 2022.

Multifunctional soil recovery during the restoration of Brazil's Atlantic Forest after bauxite mining. Bizuti Denise T.G., Robin Agnès, Soares Thaís M., Moreno Vanessa S., Almeida Danilo R.A., Andreote Fernando Dini, Casagrande José Carlos, Guillemot Joannès, Hermann Laetitia, van Melis José Luiz, Perim Júlia E. L., de Medeiros Simone D.S., Sorrini Taísi B., Brancalion Pedro H.S.. 2022. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (9) : 2262-2273.
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Significance of agroecological practices and liming in enhancing soil health and yields for a sustainable tea production in Northern Vietnam. Le Viet San, Herrmann Laetitia, Nguyen Thi Binh, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2022. . International Alliance for Phytobiomes Research, Colorado State University. Denver : International Alliance for Phytobiomes Research, Résumé, p. 80. International Phytobiomes Conference 2022, Denver, États-Unis, 13 Septembre 2022/15 Septembre 2022.

Why can we realistically expect bio-inoculants improving smallholders livelihoods in tropical countries? Lesueur Didier. 2022. . Global Engage. Kuala Lumpur : Global Engage, 2 p. Microbiome for Agriculture Congress: Asia. 3, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 15 Novembre 2022/16 Novembre 2022.


Sustainability of agroecological tea management and land conversion practices for restoring soil health: A case study of Thai Nguyen province in Northern Vietnam. Le Viet San, Herrmann Laetitia, Hudek Lee, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2021. In : 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate. Book of abstracts. Zdunek Artur (ed.), Pacek-Bieniek Agata (ed.). Lublin : Institut of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Résumé, p. 36. International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2021). 13, Lublin, Pologne, 15 Novembre 2021/16 Novembre 2021.

Sustainable tea production through agroecological management practices in Vietnam: A review. Le Viet San, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Hudek Lee, Quyen Luu Ngoc, Bräu Lambert. 2021. Environmental Sustainability, 4 : 589-604.
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An evidence-based assessment of the environmental impacts of palm oil. Bessou Cécile. 2021. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de Montpellier


Assessment of biofertilizer use for sustainable agriculture in the Great Mekong Region. Atieno Mary, Hermann Laetitia, Nguyen Huong Thu, Thi Phan Hoan, Nguyen Nghia Khoi, Srean Pao, Than Maw Maw, Zhiyong Ruan, Tittabutr Panlada, Shutsrirung Arawan, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2020. Journal of Environmental Management, 275:111300, 9 p.
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Testing of commercial inoculants to enhance P uptake and grain yield of promiscuous soybean in Kenya. Faye Adana, Stewart Z.P., Ndung'u-Magiroi K.W., Diouf Macoumba, Ndoye Ibrahima, Diope T., Dalpé Y., Prasad P. V. Vara, Lesueur Didier. 2020. Sustainability, 12:3803, 15 p.


Biofunctool®: a new set of indicators to assess the impact of land management onsoil functioning. Thoumazeau Alexis, Bessou Cécile, Panklang Phantip, Suvannang Nopmanee, Thaler Philippe, Tivet Florent, Gay Frédéric, Brauman Alain. 2019. In : Book of abstarcts of the Wageningen Soil Conference 2019. WUR, ISRIC, IBED. Wageningen : Wageningen University and Research, Résumé, 64. Wageningen Soil Conference 2019: Understanding soil fonctions, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 27 Août 2019/30 Août 2019.

Do legume-based intercrops improve soil fauna and soil microbial diversity? Example of the cowpea-cassava intercropping system in Northern Vietnam (Yen Bai Province). Fouillet Esther, Herrmann L., Tham Nguyen T., Thanh Nguyen H.T., Otieno Mary, Zhong S., Lesueur Didier. 2019. In : Rhizosphere 5 abstract book. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon : University of Saskatchewan, 188. Rhizosphere 5, Saskatoon, Brunei, 8 Juillet 2019/11 Juillet 2019.
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Innovative biofertilizer and microbial biotech applications for soil and plant health. Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Atieno Mary, Bräu Lambert. 2019. . APO, CPC, ATRI. Pingtung : APO, Résumé, 2 p. International Conference on Biofertilizers and Biopesticides: IPM. 4, Pingtung, Taïwan / (République de Chine (Taïwan)), 20 Août 2019/23 Août 2019.
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Multi-functional assessment of soil health under Conservation Agriculture in Cambodia. Pheap Sambo, Lefèvre Clara, Thoumazeau Alexis, Leng Vira, Boulakia Stéphane, Koy Ra, Hok Lyda, Lienhard Pascal, Brauman Alain, Tivet Florent. 2019. Soil and Tillage Research, 194:104349, 9 p.
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Conservation agriculture systems alter the electrical characteristics (Eh, pH and EC) of four soil types in France. Husson Olivier, Brunet Alexandre, Babre Daniel, Charpentier Hubert, Durand Michel, Sarthou Jean-Pierre. 2018. Soil and Tillage Research, 176 : 57-68.

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