
Building a sorghum grain: a transcriptome roadmap targeting protein content and digestibility. P69

Sene Mamadou, Berger Angélique, Catalayud Caroline, Rios Maelle, Bonicel Joelle, Morel Marie-Hélène, Mameri Hamza, Pot David, Terrier Nancy. 2023. Building a sorghum grain: a transcriptome roadmap targeting protein content and digestibility. P69. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet, SorghumID, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, Résumé, p. 266. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.

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Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 poster

Résumé : Sorghum is the world's 5th most important grain crop. Its ability to cope with biotic and abiotic constraints could allow it to contribute to global food security in the context of climate change. However, the low digestibility of the grain reserve proteins (called kafirins) by gastrointestinal proteases is hampering its wider use for food and feed. The structure of the protein bodies in which are stored the kafirins is potentially responsible of this defect. The molecular mechanisms underlying the development and modification of kafirin-containing protein bodies are still largely unknown. In this context, our objective is to decipher the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the content and digestibility of sorghum grain reserve proteins. The evolution of the transcriptome was monitored during the grain development of the Macia genotype, and supplemented by an analysis of gene co-expression networks (GCN). In parallel, the protein content of the grains and their in vitro digestibility were measured. Analyses of allowed the identification of transcription factors (TFs) potentially regulating the mechanisms of protein reserve establishment. We identified co-expression modules involving kafirin genes and genes orthologs to TFs already known in maize, rice and arabidopsis. In those modules, we also identified not yet identified TFs. In the future, we plan to evaluate the role of these TFs by a simplified cellular overexpression system in sorghum protoplasts.

Mots-clés libres : Sorghum, Grain development, Transcriptome, Protein digestibility

Agences de financement hors UE : Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement, Compte d'affectation spécial Développement agricole et rural

Projets sur financement : (FRA) NitroSorg, (FRA) SOKAFI

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Sene Mamadou, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (FRA)
  • Berger Angélique, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (FRA)
  • Catalayud Caroline
  • Rios Maelle
  • Bonicel Joelle, INRAE (FRA)
  • Morel Marie-Hélène, Montpellier SupAgro (FRA)
  • Mameri Hamza, INRAE (FRA)
  • Pot David, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-6144-8448
  • Terrier Nancy, INRAE (FRA)

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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