
Pyricularia oryzae: Lab star and field scourge

Baudin Maël, Le Naour-Vernet Marie, Gladieux Pierre, Tharreau Didier, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Lambou Karine, Leys Marie, Fournier Elisabeth, Cesari Stella, Kroj Thomas. 2024. Pyricularia oryzae: Lab star and field scourge. Molecular Plant Pathology, 25 (4):e13449, 16 p.

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Résumé : Pyricularia oryzae (syn. Magnaporthe oryzae), is a filamentous ascomycete that causes a major disease called blast on cereal crops, as well as on a wide variety of wild and cultivated grasses. Blast diseases have a tremendous impact worldwide particularly on rice and on wheat, where the disease emerged in South America in the 1980s, before spreading to Asia and Africa. Its economic importance, coupled with its amenability to molecular and genetic manipulation, have inspired extensive research efforts aiming at understanding its biology and evolution. In the past 40 years, this plant-pathogenic fungus has emerged as a major model in molecular plant–microbe interactions. In this review, we focus on the clarification of the taxonomy and genetic structure of the species and its host range determinants. We also discuss recent molecular studies deciphering its lifecycle. Taxonomy: Kingdom: Fungi, phylum: Ascomycota, sub-phylum: Pezizomycotina, class: Sordariomycetes, order: Magnaporthales, family: Pyriculariaceae, genus: Pyricularia. Host range: P. oryzae has the ability to infect a wide range of Poaceae. It is structured into different host-specialized lineages that are each associated with a few host plant genera. The fungus is best known to cause tremendous damage to rice crops, but it can also attack other economically important crops such as wheat, maize, barley, and finger millet. Disease symptoms: P. oryzae can cause necrotic lesions or bleaching on all aerial parts of its host plants, including leaf blades, sheaths, and inflorescences (panicles, spikes, and seeds). Characteristic symptoms on leaves are diamond-shaped silver lesions that often have a brown margin and whose appearance is influenced by numerous factors such as the plant genotype and environmental conditions.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Pyricularia oryzae, génie génétique, Magnaporthe, Magnaporthe grisea, Oryza sativa, résistance aux maladies, taxonomie, plante hôte, relation hôte pathogène, expression des gènes, effecteur moléculaire, champignon pathogène, variation génétique

Mots-clés libres : Blast disease, Disease cycle, Fungus, Genome, Magnaporthe oryzae, Pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae

Classification Agris : H20 - Maladies des plantes

Champ stratégique Cirad : CTS 4 (2019-) - Santé des plantes, des animaux et des écosystèmes

Agences de financement européennes : European Research Council

Agences de financement hors UE : H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Programme de financement européen : H2020

Projets sur financement : (EU) Virulence Activities of the Metalloprotease Effector AVR-Pita from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, (EU) Molecular determinants of host adaptation in fungal-plant pathogens: origins and evolution of virulence effectors by genomic, phylogenetic and association mapping studies, (EU) Unravelling new immunity-independent mechanisms for durable resistance to blast fungi using MAX effectors

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Baudin Maël, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Le Naour-Vernet Marie, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Gladieux Pierre, INRAE (FRA)
  • Tharreau Didier, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR PHIM (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0003-3961-6120
  • Lebrun Marc-Henri, INRAE (FRA)
  • Lambou Karine, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Leys Marie, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Fournier Elisabeth, INRAE (FRA)
  • Cesari Stella, INRAE (FRA)
  • Kroj Thomas, INRAE (FRA) - auteur correspondant

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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