
Morphological and aromatic characterization of species related to Vanilla odorata C.Presl from Mexico

Pena Mojica Eduardo, Pérez-Silva Araceli, Hidalgo-Morales Madeleine, Grisoni Michel, Charron Carine. 2024. Morphological and aromatic characterization of species related to Vanilla odorata C.Presl from Mexico. In : Book of abstracts, 5th International Vanilla Congress, 4-7 June 2024, Reunion Island, France. CIRAD, Université de la Réunion. Saint-Pierre : CIRAD-Université de la Réunion, Résumé, p. 48. International Vanilla Congress (IVC 2024). 5, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, 4 Juin 2024/7 Juin 2024.

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Résumé : The objective of the study was to evaluate the morphological and aromatic characteristics of Vanilla odorata and related species from Mexico. For this purpose, morphological characterization was carried out on plants and fruits of populations related to V. odorata from three localities in Oaxaca, Mexico: 1) Naranjal, 2) Santiago Tlatepusco and 3) Rancho Gavil´an, based on the parameters established by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV, 2014). Moisture content by gravimetry and aromatic potential and profile by HPLC-DAD were evaluated in ripe fruits and cured beans. Morphological descriptions of three populations related to V. odorata from the state of Oaxaca were generated. Fruits moisture ranged between 80 – 85 g H2O/100 g. Fruits from location 2 showed the highest glucovainillin content (28.86 g/100g b. s) and the lowest value was determined in fruits from location 3 (0.59 g/100g b. s). In cured beans, the highest concentration of vanillin was for beans from location 2 (5.12 g/100g b. s), while beans from location 3 were characterized by a high content of anisyl alcohol (2.16 g/100g b. s). The analyses carried out on morphology, potential and aromatic profile showed differences between the vanilla samples studied.

Mots-clés libres : Vanilla odorata, Volatile compounds, Morphological characteristics

Agences de financement hors UE : Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías

Projets sur financement : (MEX) Estrategias para la adaptacion y mitigacion al cambio climatico necesarias para el rescate del cultivo de la vainilla en Mexico

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Pena Mojica Eduardo, Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz (MEX)
  • Pérez-Silva Araceli, Instituto Tecnologico de Tuxtepec (MEX)
  • Hidalgo-Morales Madeleine, Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz (MEX)
  • Grisoni Michel, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR PVBMT (MDG) ORCID: 0000-0001-9867-9098
  • Charron Carine, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR PVBMT (REU) ORCID: 0000-0003-0281-9936

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