
Résultats pour : "Oryctes rhinoceros"

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Nombre de documents : 38.


Coconut pests in South Asia - South Pacific and pest risk analysis : [Abstract]. Ollivier Laurence. 2006. In : Coconut revival : new possibilities for the tree of life : Proceedings of the International Coconut Forum held in Cairns, Australia, 22-24 November 2005. Adkins Steve W. (ed.), Foale M.A. (ed.), Samosir Yohannes M.S. (ed.). Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. Canberra : ACIAR, 100. (ACIAR Proceedings Series, 125) ISBN 1-86320-514-4 International Coconut Forum, Cairns, Australie, 22 Novembre 2005/24 Novembre 2005.


Models of traps for the coconut pests Rhyncophorus bilineatus and Scapanes australis and their trapping efficiency in Papua New Guinea. Kakul Titus, Laup Samson, Prior Robert N.B., Rochat Didier, Morin Jean-Paul, Embupa Sebastian, Ollivier Laurence. 2004. CORD. Coconut Research and Development, 20 (1) : 52-62.


Final report of project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Cirad report (October 1997 - September 2001). Morin Jean-Paul. 2002. In : INCO project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology for management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractant : Final report (1997-2001). Morin Jean-Paul (ed.). CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER, CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, INRA, CENIPALMA, IOPRI, CCRI. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 9-5 p.


Final report of project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : IOPRI report (October 1997 - September 2001). Purba Rolettha Y., Prawirosukarto Sudharto, Desmier De Chenon Roch. 2001. In : INCO project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology for management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research on and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractant : Final report (1997-2001). Morin Jean-Paul (ed.). CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER, CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, INRA, CENIPALMA, IOPRI, CCRI. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 9 p.

A new type of trap for capturing Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae), the main pest in young oil palm and coconut plantings. Morin Jean-Paul, Sudharto Ps, Purba Rolettha Y., Desmier De Chenon Roch, Kakul Titus, Laup Samson, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Rochat Didier. 2001. CORD. Coconut Research and Development, 17 (2) : 13-22.


Données récentes sur l'écologie chimique des dynastes (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Rochat Didier, Morin Jean-Paul, Ramirez-Lucas Olga Pamela, Malosse Christian, Aldana Rosa, Aldana Jorge, Kakul Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Desmier De Chenon Roch, Mohammadpoor Kazem, Avand-Faghih Arman. 2000. In : XIIIe Colloque sur la Physiologie de l'Insecte. INRA. Versailles : INRA, 1 p. Colloque sur la Physiologie de l'insecte. 13, Versailles, France, 21 Mai 2000/23 Mai 2000.

Effect of Oryctes rhinoceros pheromone (ethyl 4-methyloctanoate) diffusion rate on pest catches. Purba Rolettha Y., Prawirosukarto Sudharto, Morin Jean-Paul, Rochat Didier. 2000. In : XXI International congress of entomolgy. EMBRAPA-Soja; SEB. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Congress of Entomology. 21, Foz do Iguaçu, Brésil, 20 Août 2000/26 Août 2000.

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Cirad report. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER - FRA, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER - FRA. 2000. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Half-yearly progress report n°3... Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 1 p.

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Half-yearly progress report (October 1999 - May 2000). Purba Rolettha Y., Prawirosukarto Sudharto, Desmier De Chenon Roch. 2000. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Half-yearly progress report n°3... Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 8 p.

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Yearly progress report (October 1999 - September 2000). Purba Rolettha Y., Prawirosukarto Sudharto, Desmier De Chenon Roch. 2000. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Annual report n°3, November 2000. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 13 p.

INCO Project No. ERB3514PL961958. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Annual report year 3. Cirad report. Mariau Dominique, Morin Jean-Paul, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Desmier De Chenon Roch. 2000. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 3 - Annual report n°3, November 2000. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 10 p.


INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants. Year 2 - Annual report : Cirad report. Morin Jean-Paul, Ramirez-Lucas Olga Pamela, Ollivier Laurence, Desmier De Chenon Roch, Mariau Dominique. 1999. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 2 - Annual report n°2, November 1999. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 8-80 p.

INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants. Year 2 - Annual report : IOPRI report. Yearly progress report (October 1998-September 1999). Purba Rolettha Y., Prawirosukarto Sudharto, Desmier De Chenon Roch, Rochat Didier (collab.), Morin Jean-Paul (collab.). 1999. In : INCO Project ERB 18 CT 970199. New technology of pest management against insect pests of oil palm and coconut crops. Research and development of selective trapping using synthetic attractants : Year 2 - Annual report n°2, November 1999. Mariau Dominique. CIRAD-CP-PALMIER, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 7-8 p.

Methods of trapping pests. Morin Jean-Paul, Mariau Dominique, Quilici Serge. 1999. In : Integrated pest management of tropical perennial crops. Mariau Dominique (ed.). CIRAD-CP. Montpellier : CIRAD, 123-140. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-325-9

Structure des organes olfactifs des insectes : les antennes en lamelles des Oryctes spp. (Coléoptères). Renou Michel, Tauban D., Morin Jean-Paul. 1999. In : Structure et ultrastructure des sols et des organismes vivants. Elsass F. (ed.). INRA. Versailles : INRA, 161-167. (Les colloques, 92) ISBN 2-7380-0877-1 Colloque de microscopie électronique analytique, Versailles, France, 20 Novembre 1997/21 Novembre 1997.

Study mission in Indonesia for improvement of Oryctes rhinoceros trapping (27/11 to 18/12/1998) : EU-INCO Project N° IC18CT970199. Morin Jean-Paul. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 31 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1086 Bis


Structure and function of antennal pore plate sensilla of Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera : Dynastidae). Renou Michel, Tauban D., Morin Jean-Paul. 1998. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology, 27 (3) : 227-233.

A field key to identify some Rhinoceros and other beetle larvae breeding in coconut palm habitats in Papua New Guinea. Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence, Prior Robert N.B., Laup Samson. 1998. Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 41 (2) : 1-15.


Les phéromones d'insectes ravageurs des palmiers : recherches en cours et perspectives. Morin Jean-Paul, Zagatti Pierre, Rochat Didier, Descoins D., Mariau Dominique. 1997. Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 4 (2) : 91-103.


Le 4-méthyloctanoate d'éthyle, composant principal de la phéromone mâle de Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Morin Jean-Paul, Rochat Didier, Malosse Christian, Lettere Martine, Desmier De Chenon Roch, Wibwo H., Descoins C.. 1996. Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la Vie, 319 (7) : 595-602.

Mise en valeur du milieu et conséquence sur le développement des agents défavorables aux cultures. Cas des plantations de palmier à huile et cocotier. Mariau Dominique. 1996. In : Fertilité du milieu et stratégies paysannes sous les tropiques humides : actes. Pichot Jean-Pascal (ed.), Sibelet Nicole (ed.), Lacoeuilhe Jean Joseph (ed.). CIRAD-SAR, CIRAD-FLHOR-DIR, France-Ministère de la Coopération. Montpellier : CIRAD-SAR, 169-173. (Colloques) ISBN 2-87614-227-9 Séminaire Fertilité du milieu et stratégies paysannes sous les tropiques humides, Montpellier, France, 13 Novembre 1995/17 Novembre 1995.

Mission d'étude pour la mise en évidence de la phéromone d'Oryctes rhinoceros au Nord-Sumatra (Indonésie), du 12 novembre au 9 décembre 1995. Morin Jean-Paul. 1996. Paris : CIRAD-CP, 18 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 536, N° de rapport : CP_SIC 536 Bis
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Crop protection in coconut plantations in Fiji. De Taffin Gabriel, Fauoro Vilsoni, Lal S.N., Mereseini Nagatalevu. 1994. Suva : Ministry of Agriculture, 20 p.


Comment lutter contre la "bête coco". Vercambre Bernard. 1983. Réunion Agricole (206), 4 p.




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