
Résultats pour : "Pinus pinaster"

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Nombre de documents : 71.


Conversion in a char bed reactor of tars and syngas from a wood gasifier. Huchon Valentin, Martin Eric, Pinta François, Commandre Jean-Michel, Van De Steene Laurent. 2024. Energy, 288:129738, 11 p.

Tree drought-mortality risk depends more on intrinsic species resistance than on stand species diversity. Decarsin Renaud, Guillemot Joannès, Le Maire Guerric, Blondeel Haben, Meredieu Céline, Achard Emma, Bonal Damien, Cochard Hervé, Corso Déborah, Delzon Sylvain, Doucet Zoé, Druel Arsène, Grossiord Charlotte, Torres-Ruiz José Manuel, Bauhus Jürgen, Godbold Douglas L., Hajek Peter, Jactel Hervé, Jensen Joel, Mereu Simone, Ponette Quentin, Rewald Boris, Ruffault Julien, Sandén Hans, Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Serrano-León Hernán, Simioni Guillaume, Verheyen Kris, Werner Ramona, Martin-StPaul Nicolas K.. 2024. Global Change Biology, 30 (9):e17503, 15 p.


Modelling the growth stress in tree branches: eccentric growth vs. reaction wood. Van Rooij Arnoul, Badel Eric, Barczi Jean-François, Caraglio Yves, Alméras Tancrède, Gril Joseph. 2023. Peer Community Journal, 3:e78, 24 p.




Analyzing key factors of roots and soil contributing to tree anchorage of Pinus species. Yang Ming, Defossez Pauline, Danjon Frédéric, Fourcaud Thierry. 2018. Trees, 32 (3) : 703-712.
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Phylogeography of Monochamus galloprovincialis, the European vector of the pinewood nematode. Haran Julien, Rousselet Jérôme, Tellez David, Roques Alain, Roux Géraldine. 2018. Journal of Pest Science, 91 (1) : 241-257.
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A novel, easy method for estimating pheromone trap attraction range: application to the pine sawyer beetle Monochamus galloprovincialis. Jactel Hervé, Bonifacio Luis, Van Halder Inge, Vétillard Fabrice, Robinet Christelle, David Guillaume. 2018. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 21 (1) : 8-14.


Characterization and photodegradation mechanism of three Algerian wood species. Ouadou Yasmina, Aliouche Djamel, Thévenon Marie-France, Djillali Mohammed. 2017. Journal of Wood Science, 63 (3) : 288-294.
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Effect of temperature on the reproductive success, developmental rate and brood characteristics of Ips sexdentatus(Boern.). Pineau Xavier, David Guillaume, Peter Zsuzsanna, Sallé Aurélien, Baude Mathilde, Lieutier François, Jactel Hervé. 2017. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 19 (1) : 23-33.

How do sex and sexual maturation influence the response of Monochamus galloprovincialis to host odours? Giffard Brice, David Guillaume, Joubard B., Piou Dominique, Jactel Hervé. 2017. Journal of Applied Entomology, 141 (7) : 551-560.

Potential effects of climate warming on the survivorship of adult Monochamus galloprovincialis. David Guillaume, Giffard Brice, Piou Dominique, Roques Alain, Jactel Hervé. 2017. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 19 (2) : 192-199.

Which root architectural elements contribute the best to anchorage of Pinus species? Insights from in silico experiments. Yang Ming, Defossez Pauline, Danjon Frédéric, Dupont Sylvain, Fourcaud Thierry. 2017. Plant and Soil, 411 (1-2) : 275-291.


Caractérisations physico-mécaniques de bois sans défauts pour la conception mécanique : application aux pins de la région méditerranéenne française. Burgers Agnès. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 138 p. Thèse de doctorat : Mécanique et génie civil : Université de Montpellier

Control of wood thermal treatment and its effects on decay resistance: A review. Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, Pétrissans Anélie, Dumarçay Stéphane, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu. 2016. Annals of Forest Science, 73 (3) : 571-583.
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High-density SNP assay development for genetic analysis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). Plomion Christophe, Bartholomé Jérôme, Lesur Isabelle, Boury Christophe, Rodríguez-Quilón I., Lagraulet Hélène, Ehrenmann François, Bouffier L., Gion Jean-Marc, Grivet D., de Miguel Marina, de Maria Nuria, Cervera María-Teresa, Bagnoli F., Isik F., Vendramin Giovanni G., González-Martínez S.C.. 2016. Molecular Ecology Resources, 16 : 574-587.
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Heat treatment of Tunisian soft wood species: Effect on the durability, chemical modifications and mechanical properties. Elaieb Mohamed Tahar, Candelier Kévin, Pétrissans Anélie, Dumarçay Stéphane, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu. 2015. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología, 17 (4) : 699-710.

Utilization of temperature kinetics as a method to predict treatment intensity and corresponding treated wood quality: Durability and mechanical properties of thermally modified wood. Candelier Kévin, Hannouz Simon, Elaieb Mohamed Tahar, Collet Robert, Dumarçay Stéphane, Pétrissans Anélie, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu. 2015. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología, 17 (2) : 253-262.


Landscape diversity slows the spread of an invasive forest pest species. Rigot Thibaud, Van Halder Inge, Jactel Hervé. 2014. Ecography, 37 (7) : 648-658.

Production of a hydrogen-rich gas from fast pyrolysis bio-oils: Comparison between homogeneous and catalytic steam reforming routes. Remón J., Broust François, Valette Jérémy, Chhiti Younes, Alava I., Fernandez-Akkaregi A.R., Arauzo J., Garcia L.. 2014. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (1) : 171-182.

Tree stability under wind: simulating uprooting with root breakage using a finite element method. Yang Ming, Defossez Pauline, Danjon Frédéric, Fourcaud Thierry. 2014. Annals of Botany, 114 (4) : 695-709.


Autothermal and allothermal pyrolysis in a continuous fixed bed reactor. Milhe Mathieu, Van de Steene Laurent, Haube Michaël, Commandre Jean-Michel, Fassinou Wanignon Ferdinand, Flamant Gilles. 2013. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 103 : 102-111.

Gasification of wood char in single and mixed atmospheres of H2O and CO2. Tagutchou Jean-Philippe, Van de Steene Laurent, Escudero Sanz F.J., Salvador Sylvain. 2013. Energy Sources. Part A, Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 35 (13) : 1266-1276.

High-density linkage mapping in a pine tree reveals a genomic region associated with inbreeding depression and provides clues to the extent and distribution of meiotic recombination. Chancerel Emilie, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Lesur Isabelle, Noirot Céline, Klopp Christophe, Ehrenmann François, Boury Christophe, Le Provost Grégoire, Label Philippe, Lalanne Céline, Léger Valérie, Salin Franck, Gion Jean-Marc, Plomion Christophe. 2013. BMC Biology, 11 (50), 19 p.

Soil water stress affects both cuticular wax content and cuticle-related gene expression in young saplings of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait). Le Provost Grégoire, Domergue Frédéric, Labanne Céline, Ramos Campos Patricio, Grosbois Antoine, Bert Didier, Meredieu Céline, Danjon Frédéric, Plomion Christophe, Gion Jean-Marc. 2013. BMC Plant Biology, 13 (95), 12 p.


Saigner sans tuer, ou la récolte durable du caoutchouc. Thaler Philippe. 2012. Quatre-Temps, 36 (4) : 25-28.


Gasification of woodchip particles: Experimental and numerical study of char-H2O, char-CO2, and char-O2 reactions. Van de Steene Laurent, Tagutchou Jean-Philippe, Escudero Sanz F.J., Salvador Sylvain. 2011. Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (20) : 4499-4509.


Diversity of mycorrhiza and mycorrhizosphere bacteria associated with Pinus pinaster in the Landes forest according to vasrious soil phosphorus regimes. Waseem Muhammad, Domergue Odile, Prin Yves, Plassard Claude, Duponnois Robin, Guinberteau Jacques, Bakker Mark, Augusto Laurent, Trichet Pierre, Saur Etienne, Hinsinger Philippe, Jaillard Benoît, Galiana Antoine. 2010. In : 1er Congrès International sur les Symbioses Mycorhiziennes Ecosystèmes et Environnement en Milieu Méditerranéen, 11-13/10/2010, Marrakech, Maroc : [Abstracts] = 1er Congrès International Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Ecosystems and Environment of Mediterranean Area. Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Duponnois Robin (ed.). Université Cadi Ayyad-Faculté des sciences Semlalia. Marrakech : Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Résumé, 34-35. Congrès International MYCOMED (Symbioses Mycorhiziennes Ecosystèmes et Environnement en Milieu Méditerranéen). 1, Marrakech, Maroc, 11 Octobre 2010/13 Octobre 2010.

Environmental control of carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems in France: A comparison of temperate, Mediterranean and tropical forests. Granier André, Longdoz Bernard, Loustau Denis, Bakker Mark, Delzon Sylvain, Kowalski Andrew S., Rambal Serge, Dufrêne Eric, Bonal Damien, Nouvellon Yann. 2010. In : Forests, carbon cycle and climate change. Loustau Denis (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 27-53. ISBN 978-2-7592-0384-0

Estimating carbon stocks in forest stands: 1. Methodological developments. Saint André Laurent, Vallet Patrick, Pignard Gérôme, Dupouey Jean-Luc, Colin Antoine, Loustau Denis, Le Bas Christine, Meredieu Céline, Caraglio Yves, Porté Annabel, Hamza Nabila, Cazin Antoine, Nouvellon Yann, Dhôte Jean-François. 2010. In : Forests, carbon cycle and climate change. Loustau Denis (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 79-100. ISBN 978-2-7592-0384-0

Insights into fry-drying process of wood through a simplified approach of heat and mass transport phenomena. Grenier David, Bohuon Philippe, Méot Jean-Michel, Baillères Henri. 2010. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 49 (5) : 490-499.

(Not) Keeping the stem straight: a proteomic analysis of maritime pine seedlings undergoing phototropism and gravitropism. Herrera Raul, Krier Catherine, Labanne Céline, Ba El Hadji Maodo, Stokes Alexia, Salin Franck, Fourcaud Thierry, Claverol Stéphane, Plomion Christophe. 2010. BMC Plant Biology, 10 (217), 12 p.


Crown structure and wood properties : influence on tree sway and response to high winds. Sellier Damien, Fourcaud Thierry. 2009. American Journal of Botany, 96 (5) : 885-896.

Effect of vegetation heterogeneity on radiative transfer in forest fires. Pimont François, Dupuy Jean-Luc, Caraglio Yves, Morvan Dominique. 2009. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18 : 536-553.

Gazéification étagée de plaquette forestière : test et caractérisation d'un réacteur pilote de 75 kWth. Van de Steene Laurent, Pinta François, Alphonse Marie-Josée, Martin Eric, Valette Jérémy. 2009. Sud-Sciences et Technologies (18) : 15-21.

Pyrolysis of Pinus pinaster in a two-stage gasifier: Influence of processing parameters and thermal cracking of tar. Fassinou Wanignon Ferdinand, Van de Steene Laurent, Toure Siaka, Volle Ghislaine, Girard Philippe. 2009. Fuel Processing Technology, 90 (1) : 75-90.


Distinction between untreated and treated maritime pine wood by near infrared spectroscopy. Zahri Sofia, Charrier Fatima, Chaix Gilles, Baillères Henri, Charrier Bertrand. 2008. In : COST Action E37 Final Conference: Socio-economic perspectives of treated wood for the common European market, 29-30 septembre, Bordeaux, France. FCBA, Ghent University, VTI. Ghent : Ghent University, 1 p. Cost Action E37 Final Conference: Socio-economic perspectives of treated wood for the common European market, Bordeaux, France, 29 Septembre 2008/30 Septembre 2008.

Diversity and P-solubilizing ability of mycorrhizosphere bacteria associated with Pinus pinaster in the Landes forest ecosystem. Domergue Odile, Prin Yves, Waseem Muhammad, Plassard Claude, Guinberteau Jacques, Bakker Mark, Augusto Laurent, Trichet Pierre, Saur Etienne, Hinsinger Philippe, Jaillard Benoît, M'Balla-Morgan Joseph, Duponnois Robin, Galiana Antoine. 2008. In : 21st New Phytologist Symposium. The ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi, December 10-12, 2008, Montpellier, France. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. New Phytologist Symposium. 21, Montpellier, France, 10 Décembre 2008/12 Décembre 2008.

A numerical model of tree aerodynamic response to a turbulent airflow. Sellier Damien, Brunet Yves, Fourcaud Thierry. 2008. Forestry, 81 (3) : 279-297.


QTLs and candidate genes for wood properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Pot David, Rodrigues José Carlos, Rozenberg Philippe, Chantre Guillaume, Tibbits Josquin, Cahalan Christine, Pichavant Frédérique, Plomion Christophe. 2006. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 2 (1) : 10-24.


Nucleotide variation in genes involved in wood formation in two pine species. Pot David, McMillan Lisa, Echt Craig, Le Provost Grégoire, Garnier-Géré Pauline, Cato Sheree, Plomion Christophe. 2005. New Phytologist, 167 (1) : 101-112.

Root architecture and wind-firmness of mature Pinus pinaster. Danjon Frédéric, Fourcaud Thierry, Bert Didier. 2005. New Phytologist, 168 (2) : 387-400.

A density-based approach for the modelling of root architecture : application to Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) root systems. Dupuy Laure, Fourcaud Thierry, Stokes Alexia, Danjon Frédéric. 2005. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 36 (3) : 323-334.

The influence of cellulose content on tensile strength in tree roots. Genet Marie, Stokes Alexia, Salin Franck, Mickovski Slobodan B., Fourcaud Thierry, Dumail Jean-François, Van Beek Rens. 2005. Plant and Soil, 278 (1-2) : 1-9.


Numerical analysis of the anchorage of maritime pine trees in connection with root structure. Fourcaud Thierry, Danjon Frédéric, Dupuy Lionel. 2003. In : Proceedings of the International Conference Wind Effect on Trees, Karlsruhe, September 16-18, 2003. Eds B. Ruck, C. Kottmeier, C. Mattheck, C. Quine, G. Wilhelm. Karlsruhe : Universität Karlsruhe, 323-330. ISBN 3-00-011922-1 International conference on the wind effects on trees, Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 16 Septembre 2003/18 Septembre 2003.


Forecasting wood resources on the basis of national forest inventory data. Application to Pinus pinaster Ait. in southwestern France. Salas-Gonzalez Raul, Houllier François, Lemoine B., Pignard Gérôme. 2001. Annals of Forest Science, 58 (7) : 785-802.


Compression wood-responsive proteins in developing xylem of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Plomion Christophe, Pionneau Cédric, Brach Jean, Costa P., Baillères Henri. 2000. Plant Physiology, 123 (3) : 959-969.

Développement d'un modèle de la structure interne et du mécanisme de redressement pour Pinus Pinaster Ait. Sellier Damien. 2000. Bordeaux : Université de Bordeaux I, 24 p. Mémoire DEA : Mécanique : Université de Bordeaux I

Irregular heartwood formation in leaning trees of maritime pine: a result of a hydraulic or mechanical process ? Kokutse Adzo Dzifa, Stokes A., Berthier Stéphane, Fourcaud Thierry. 2000. In : Plant biomechanics 2000 : Proceedings of the 3rd plant biomechanics conference, Freiburg-Badenweiler, August 27th to September 2nd 2000. Spatz, H.C. (ed.), Speck, T. (ed.). Stuttgart : Georg Thieme, 434-435. Plant Biomechanics Conference. 3, Fribourg, Allemagne, 27 Août 2000/2 Septembre 2000.

La tempête, l'arbre et la forêt. Brunet Yves (ed.), Fourcaud Thierry (ed.). 2000. Bordeaux : Laboratoire de rhéologie du bois de Bordeaux, 52 p. Journées d'études sur la tempête, l'arbre et la forêt, Bordeaux, France, 3 Mai 2000/4 Mai 2000.

Structural root architecture of 5-year-old Pinus pinaster measured by 3D digitising and analysed with AMAPmod. Danjon Frédéric, Bert Didier, Godin-Maury Christophe, Trichet Patrick. 2000. In : The supporting roots of trees and woody plants: form, function, and physiology. Stokes A. (ed.). Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 61-75. (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 87) ISBN 0-7923-5964-X Colloque sur les Racines principales, structures et fonctionnement. 1, Bordeaux, France, 20 Juillet 1998/24 Juillet 1998.


Analysis and simulation of stem righting movements in Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Alteryrac J., Fourcaud Thierry, Castera Patrick, Stokes A.. 1999. In : Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software. Nepveu G. (ed.); IUFRO; INRA. Nancy : INRA, 105-112. Workshop on Connexion Between Silviculture and Wood Quality Through Modelling Approaches and Simulation Softwares. 3, La Londe-les-Maures, France, 5 Septembre 1999/12 Septembre 1999.

Characterisation of structural tree root architecture using 3D digitising and AMAPmod software. Danjon Frédéric, Sinoquet Hervé, Godin Christophe, Colin François, Drexhage M.. 1999. Plant and Soil, 211 : 241-258.

Défauts de forme et structure interne du pin maritime. Fourcaud Thierry. 1999. In : Actes du 5ème colloque "De la forêt cultivée à l'industrie de demain. Propriétés et usages du Pin maritime". ARBORA. Bordeaux : Conseil Général d'aquitaine, 77-84. Colloque de la forêt cultivée à l'industrie de demain, propriétés et usages du pin maritime. 5, Bordeaux, France, 2 Décembre 1999/3 Décembre 1999.

Structural root architecture of 5-year-old Pinus pinaster measured by 3D digitising and analysed with AMAPmod. Danjon Frédéric, Bert Didier, Godin-Maury Christophe, Trichet Patrick. 1999. Plant and Soil, 217 : 49-63.



Relation entre la distribution des déformations longitudinales de maturation et la forme de l'arbre chez un clone de Peuplier (Populus x euramericana cv. I214) et chez le Pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Ait.#). Sassus F., Combes Jean-Georges, Chanson Bernard, Baillères Henri, Fournier Meriem. 1996. In : 4ème Colloque sciences et industries du bois. Association pour la recherche sur le bois en Lorraine. Nancy : ARBOLOR, 11-18. ISBN 2-907086-08-1 Colloque Sciences et industries du bois. 4, Nancy, France, 11 Septembre 1996/13 Septembre 1996.


Etude des relations entre la morphologie de l'arbre et les propriétés mécaniques, physiques et chimiques du bois chez le pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Combes Jean-Georges. 1995. In : Architecture, structure, mécanique de l'arbre. USTL-LMGC. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 157-176. Architecture, structure, mécanique de l'arbre. 8, Montpellier, France, 12 Juillet 1995/13 Juillet 1995.

Modélisation de l'architecture du pin maritime, Pinus pinaster Ait. (Pinaceae) : premiers résultats. Coudurier T., Barthélémy Daniel, Chanson Bernard, Courdier Florence, Loup Caroline. 1995. In : Architecture des arbres fruitiers et forestiers. Bouchon Jean (ed.). INRA. Paris : INRA, 305-321. ISBN 2-7380-0623-X Colloque sur l'architecture des arbres fruitiers et forestiers, Montpellier, France, 23 Novembre 1993/25 Novembre 1993.

Utility of terpenes to assess population structure and mating patterns in conifers. Baradat Philippe, Maillart M., Marpeau A., Slak M.F., Yani A., Pastuszka. 1995. In : Population genetics and genetic conservation of forest trees. Baradat Philippe (ed.), Adams W.Thomas (ed.), Mueller Starck G. (ed.). CIRAD-CP, INRA. Amsterdam : SPB Academic Publishing, 5-27. ISBN 90-5103-109-2 International symposium on population genetics and gene conservation, Carcan Maubuisson, France, 24 Août 1992/28 Août 1992.


Germination and regeneration mechanisms in Mediterranean degenerate forests. Bacilieri Roberto, Bouchet M.A., Bran D., Grandjanny M., Maistre M., Perret Phillippe, Romane F.. 1993. Journal of Vegetation Science (4) : 241-246.

Modélisation mécanique des vibrations propres d'un arbre soumis aux vents, en fonction de sa morphologie. Fournier Meriem, Rogier P., Costes Evelyne, Jaeger Marc. 1993. Annales des Sciences Forestières, 50 : 401-412.



Expertise de matériel de carbonisation. Girard Philippe. 1988. Nogent-sur-Marne : CIRAD-CTFT, 22 p.


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