
Résultats pour : "Quercus petraea"

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Nombre de documents : 34.


Physical properties of four ring-porous hardwood species: Influence of wood rays on tangential and radial wood shrinkage. Elaieb Mohamed Tahar, Shel Foued, Jalleli Mounir, Langbour Patrick, Candelier Kévin. 2019. Madera y Bosques, 25 (2):e12521695, 18 p.


Conservation of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) requires complementary resources at the landscape and local scales. Moquet Laura, Laurent Estelle, Bacchetta Rossana, Jacquemart Anne-Laure. 2018. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11 (1) : 72-87.


Prediction of oak wood mechanical properties based on statistical exploitation of vibrational response. Faydi Younes, Brancheriau Loïc, Pot Guillaume, Collet Robert. 2017. BioResources, 12 (3) : 5913-5927.

Tree phenological ranks repeat from year to year and correlate with growth in temperate deciduous forests. Delpierre Nicolas, Guillemot Joannès, Dufrêne Eric, Cecchini Sébastien, Nicolas Manuel. 2017. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234-235 : 1-10.


Productivity and carbon allocation in European forests: a process-based modelling approach. Guillemot Joannès. 2015. Orsay : Université Paris-Sud, 236 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie : Université Paris-Sud

The oak gene expression atlas: insights into Fagaceae genome evolution and the discovery of genes regulated during bud dormancy release. Lesur Isabelle, Le Provost Grégoire, Bento Pascal, Da Silva Corinne, Leplé Jean-Charles, Murat Florent, Ueno Saneyoshi, Bartholomé Jérôme, Lalanne Céline, Ehrenmann François, Noirot Céline, Burban Benoit, Léger Valérie, Amselem Joelle, Belser Caroline, Quesneville Hadi, Stierschneider Michael, Fluch Silvia, Feldhahn Lasse, Tarkka Mika, Herrmann Sylvie, Buscot François, Klopp Christophe, Kremer Antoine, Salse Jérôme, Aury Jean-Marc, Plomion Christophe. 2015. BMC Genomics, 16:112, 23 p.


Relationship between the weathering of clay minerals and the nitrification rate: A rapid tree species effect. Mareschal Louis, Turpault Marie Pierre, Bonnaud Pascal, Ranger Jacques. 2013. Biogeochemistry, 112 (1-3) : 293-309.

Spatial pattern of trees influences species productivity in a mature oak-pine mixed forest. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Perot Thomas, De Coligny François, Goreaud François. 2013. European Journal of Forest Research, 132 (5-6) : 841-850.


Always Look on Both Sides: Phylogenetic Information Conveyed by Simple Sequence Repeat Allele Sequences. Barthe Stéphanie, Gugerli Felix, Barkley Noelle A., Maggia Laurent, Cardi Céline, Scotti Ivan. 2012. PloS One, 7 (7):e40699, 9 p.


Point process models for mixed sessile forest stands. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Molino Jean-François, Goreaud François. 2011. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (2) : 267-274.


Identifying ontogenetic, environmental and individual components of forest tree growth. Chaubert-Pereira Florence, Caraglio Yves, Lavergne Christian, Guédon Yann. 2009. Annals of Botany, 104 (5) : 883-896.

Rapid clay weathering in the rhizosphere of norway spruce and oak in an acid forest ecosystem. Calvaruso Christophe, Mareschal Louis, Turpault Marie Pierre, Leclerc Elisabeth. 2009. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73 (1) : 331-338.


Quantitative assessment of total phenol contents of European oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) by diffuse reflectance NIR spectroscopy on solid wood surfaces. Zahri Sofia, Moubarike Amine, Charrier Fatima, Chaix Gilles, Baillères Henri, Nepveu Gérard, Charrier Bertrand. 2008. Holzforschung, 62 (6) : 679-687.


First typology of oak and Scots pine mixed stands in Orléans Forest (France), based on the canopy spatial structure. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Ginisty Christian, Goreaud François, Perot Thomas. 2006. New Zealand journal of forestry science, 36 (2-3) : 325-346.

Modelling the spatial structure of heterogeneous stands. Example of Oak - Scots pine mixed stans of the Orleans forest (France) : [Abstract and Poster]. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange. 2006. In : Natural disturbance-based silvicluture : Managing for complexity, Québec, Canada, 14-18 May 2006. IUFRO. s.l. : s.n., 2 p. Natural disturbance-based silvicluture : Managing for complexity, Québec, Canada, 14 Mai 2006/18 Mai 2006.


Spatial structure : a way to understand the dynamics and to model the growth of mixed stands. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Ginisty Christian, Goreaud François, Perot Thomas. 2005. In : Fifth Workshop on Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality : Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software, 20-27 November 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. IUFRO. s.l. : s.n., 1-29. Workshop on Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality : Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software. 5, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande, 20 Novembre 2005/27 Novembre 2005.


Analysis of longitudinal data applied to plant architecture study. Véra Carine, Guédon Yann, Lavergne Christian, Caraglio Yves. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 65-69. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Simulating realistic spatial structure for forest stands: a mimetic point process. Goreaud François, Loussier B., Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Allain Régis. 2004. In : Interdisciplinary Spatial Statistics Workshop 2004, 2-3 December 2004, Paris, France. s.l. : s.n., 1-22.


Multiplication végétative et foresterie. Marien Jean-Noël, Verger M.. 2002. In : Multiplication végétative des ligneux forestiers, fruitiers et ornementaux : troisième rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine, Orléans du 22 au 24 novembre 2000. Verger M. (ed.). Loiret-Conseil général, Ville d'Orléans, INRA, CTA, CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-498-0 Rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine. 3, Orléans, France, 22 Novembre 2000/24 Novembre 2000.


Quelques réalisations en bois. Vernay Michel. 2000. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (263) : 92-94.


Characterisation of structural tree root architecture using 3D digitising and AMAPmod software. Danjon Frédéric, Sinoquet Hervé, Godin Christophe, Colin François, Drexhage M.. 1999. Plant and Soil, 211 : 241-258.


Analyse des composantes de la croissance en hauteur et de la formation du tronc chez le chêne sessile (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Fagaceae). Heuret Patrick. 1998. Nancy : Université de Nancy 1, 20 p. Mémoire DEA : Fin d'Etudes en Biologie Forestière : Université de Nancy I


Structuration géographique de la diversité génétique chez les chênes à feuilles caduques européens. Ducousso A., Bacilieri Roberto, Demesure B., Dumolin Lapègue S., Kremer Antoine, Petit R., Zanetto Anne. 1997. Bulletin Technique - Office National des Forêts (33) : 7-19.


Mating system and asymmetric hybridization in a mixed stand of European oaks. Bacilieri Roberto, Ducousso A., Petit R.J., Kremer Antoine. 1996. Evolution, 50 (2) : 900-908.


Comparison of morphological and genetic traits of Pedunculate OAK (Q. robur L.) and sessile oak (Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl.). Kleinschmit J.R.G., Bacilieri Roberto, Kremer Antoine, Roloff A.. 1995. Silvae Genetica, 44 (5-6) : 256-269.


Régime de reproduction et flux géniques dans un peuplement mixte de chêne sessile (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) et chêne pédonculé (#Quercus robur L.). Bacilieri Roberto. 1994. Montpellier : USTL, 88 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des Populations et Ecologie : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc


Hybridization and mating system in a mixed stand of sessile and pedunculate oak. Bacilieri Roberto, Roussel G., Ducousso A.. 1993. Annales des Sciences Forestières, 50, suppl. 1 : 122s-127s.


Existe-t-il des hybrides entre chêne sessile et pédonculé. Ducousso A., Bacilieri Roberto, Expert F., Roussel G., Zanetto Anne, Kremer Antoine. 1992. Bulletin Technique - Office National des Forêts (23) : 37-43.

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