
Résultats pour : "couverture du sol"

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Nombre de documents : 42.


Influence of a cover crop on ants and dermapterans in banana plantations: Consequences for the regulation of the banana weevil. Carval Dominique, Resmond Rémi, Gbèblonoudo Dassou Anicet, Cotte Violaine, Achard Raphaël, Tixier Philippe. 2024. International Journal of Pest Management, 70 (4) : 719-728.
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Analysis of four decades of land use and land cover change in semiarid Tunisia using Google Earth Engine. Kadri Nesrine, Jebari Sihem, Augusseau Xavier, Mahdhi Naceur, Lestrelin Guillaume, Berndtsson Ronny. 2023. Remote Sensing, 15 (13), n.spéc. Advances in Mapping Land Cover and Land Use Based on Remotely Sensed Data:3257, 16 p.

Woody biomass increases across three contrasting land uses in Hurungwe, mid-Zambezi valley, Zimbabwe. Gotore Tatenda, Bowers Samuel, Ndagurwa Hilton G.T., Kativu Shakie, Muchawona Anderson, Mutete Pomerayi, Tembani Mduduzi, Murepa Ruramai, Mureva Admore, Ryan Casey, Gautier Denis, Gazull Laurent. 2023. Southern Forests, 85 (3-4) : 152-161.



Logging residues promote rapid restoration of soil health after clear-cutting of rubber plantations at two sites with contrasting soils in Africa. Perron Thibaut, Kouakou Aymard, Simon Charlotte, Mareschal Louis, Gay Frédéric, Soumahoro Mouman, Kouassi Daouda, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Rapidel Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul, Brauman Alain. 2022. Science of the Total Environment:151526, 12 p.


Towards user-adaptive remote sensing: knowledge-driven automatic classification of Sentinel-2 time series. Arvor Damien, Betbeder Julie, Daher Felipe R.G., Blossier Tim, Le Roux Renan, Corgne Samuel, Corpetti Thomas, De Freitas Silgueiro Vinicius, Da Silva Jr Carlos Antonio. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264:112615, 27 p.

The combined use of remote sensing and spatial modelling for animal movement - Application to the study of wildlife/livestock contacts and the risk of pathogen transmission in Southern Africa. Rumiano Florent. 2021. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 277 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie : Université de Montpellier


Implantation des cultures intermédiaires: assurer la réussite de la levée pour produire les services écosystémiques visés. Constantin Julie, Tribouillois Hélène, Justes Eric. 2020. In : Réussir l'implantation des cultures : Enjeux agroécologiuqes, itinéraires techniques. Boiffin Jean (ed.), Laurent François (ed.), Richard Guy (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae-Arvalis, 315-328. (Savoir-faire) ISBN 978-2-7592-2955-0

Restauration agro-écologique des sols de savanes d'Afrique de l'Ouest avec des rameaux d'arbres. Manlay Raphaël, Barthès Bernard, Cabral Anne-Sophie, Deleporte Philippe, Hien Edmond, Kabré Guillaume, Penche Aurélien. 2020. In : Carbone des sols en Afrique : Impacts des usages des sols et des pratiques agricoles. Chevallier Tiphaine (ed.), Razafimbelo Tantely M. (ed.), Chapuis-Lardy Lydie (ed.), Brossard Michel (ed.). Marseille : IRD-FAO, 175-191. (Synthèses) ISBN 978-2-7099-2836-6

Toward spatio-spectral analysis of sentinel-2 time series data for land cover mapping. Gbodjo Jean Eudes, Ienco Dino, Leroux Louise. 2020. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17 (2) : 307-311.


Comportamiento productivo de coberturas vivas de leguminosas herbáceas en una plantación de Guayaba (Psidium guajava L.) Var. Enana Roja Cubana EEA-1840. Fontes Dayami, Mazorra Carlos Armando, Acosta Yanier, Pardo Julio, Martínez Jorge, Hernández Javier, González Abel, Fernandes Paula, Lavigne Christian. 2018. Universidad and Ciencia, 7 (2) : 297-308.

Landscape changes and policies for biodiversity and environment conservation in Southeast Asia. Cornu Jean-François, Lajaunie Claire, Laborde Henri, Morand Serge. 2018. In : Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia: challenges in a changing environment. Morand Serge (ed.), Lajaunie Claire (ed.), Satrawaha Rojchai (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 49-66. (Earthscan conservation and development series) ISBN 978-1-138-23204-4

Linking crop structure, throughfall, soil surface conditions, runoff and soil detachment: 10 land uses analyzed in Northern Laos. Lacombe Guillaume, Valentin Christian, Sounyafong Phabvilay, De Rouw Anneke, Soulileuth Bounsamai, Silvera Norbert, Pierret Alain, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Ribolzi Olivier. 2018. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617 : 1330-1338.

Mapping ecosystem services at the regional scale: the validity of an upscaling approach. Le Clec'h Solen, Sloan Sean, Gond Valéry, Cornu Guillaume, Decaëns Thibaud, Dufour Simon, Grimaldi Michel, Oszwald Johan. 2018. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32 (8) : 1593-1610.
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Reducing risks by transforming landscapes: Cross-scale effects of land-use changes on ecosystem services. Fedele Giacomo, Locatelli Bruno, Djoudi Houria, Colloff Matthew J.. 2018. PloS One, 13 (4):e0195895, 21 p.


Improving global terrestrial evapotranspiration estimation using support vector machine by integrating three process-based algorithms. Yao Yunjun, Liang Shunlin, Li Xianglan, Chen Jiquan, Liu Shaomin, Zhang Xiaopeng, Xiao Zhiqiang, Fisher Joshua B., Mu Qiaozhen, Pan Ming, Liu Meng, Cheng Jie, Jiang Bo, Xie Xianhong, Grünwald Thomas, Bernhofer Christian, Roupsard Olivier. 2017. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 242 : 55-74.

Sensitivity of the landslide model LAPSUS_LS to vegetation and soil parameters. Rossi L.M.W., Rapidel Bruno, Roupsard Olivier, Villatoro-Sánchez Mario, Mao Zhun, Nespoulous Jérôme, Perez Jean-Marc, Prieto Iván, Roumet Catherine, Metselaar K., Schoorl J.M., Claessens Lieven, Stokes A.. 2017. Ecological Engineering, 109 (Part B) : 249-255.
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Supervised image segmentation using Q-Shift Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform coefficients with a texton approach. Kennel Pol, Fiorio Christophe, Borne Frédéric. 2017. Pattern Analysis and Application, 20 (1) : 227-237.
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Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world. Ellison David, Morris Cindy E., Locatelli Bruno, Sheil Douglas, Cohen Jane, Murdiyarso Daniel, Gutierrez Victoria, Van Noordwijk Meine, Creed Irena F., Pokorny Jan, Gaveau David L.A., Spracklen Dominick V., Bargués Tobella Aida, Ilstedt Ulrik, Teuling Adriaan, Gebreyohannis Gebrehiwot Solomon, Sands David C., Muys Bart, Verbist Bruno, Springgay Elaine, Sugandi Yulia, Sullivan Caroline A.. 2017. Global Environmental Change, 43 : 51-61.

Using land cover changes and demographic data to improve hydrological modeling in the Sahel. Paturel Jean-Emmanuel, Mahé Gil, Diello Pierre, Barbier Bruno, Dezetter Alain, Dieulin Claudine, Karambiri Harouna, Yacouba Hamma, Maiga Amadou Hama. 2017. Hydrological Processes, 31 (4) : 811-824.

Vegetation as a driver of temporal variations in slope stability: The impact of hydrological processes. Kim John H., Fourcaud Thierry, Jourdan Christophe, Maeght Jean-Luc, Mao Zhun, Metayer James, Meylan Louise, Pierret Alain, Rapidel Bruno, Roupsard Olivier, De Rouw Anneke, Villatoro-Sánchez Mario, Wang Yan, Stokes Alexia. 2017. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (10) : 4897-4907.
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Effect of cover crop residues on white grubs and adults of Heteronychus bituberculatus (Coleoptera: Dynastidae) and on the damage they cause to upland rice. Rafarasoa Lala Sahondra, Letourmy Philippe, Naudin Krishna, Andrianantoandro A., Rajaonera Tahina Ernest, Randriamanantsoa Richard, Ratnadass Alain. 2016. African Entomology, 24 (1) : 75-79.

Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites. Zhou Yanlian, Wu Xiaocui, Ju Weimin, Chen Jiquan, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Huimin, Yuan Wenping, Black Andrew, Jassal Rachhpal, Ibrom Andreas, Han Shijie, Yan Junhua, Margolis Hank, Roupsard Olivier, Li Yingniam, Zhao Fenghua, Kiely Gérard, Starr Gregory, Pavelka Marian, Montagnani Leonardo, Wohlfahrt Georg, D'Odorico Petra, Cook David, Arain M. Altaf, Bonal Damien, Beringer Jason, Blanken Peter D., Loubet Benjamin, Leclerc Monique Y., Matteucci Giorgio, Nagy Zoltan, Olejnik Janusz, Paw U Kyaw Tha, Varlagin Andrej. 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 121 (4) : 1045-1072.


Ecosystem services of regulation and support in Amazonian pioneer fronts: searching for landscape drivers. Grimaldi Michel, Oszwald Johan, Dolédec Sylvain, Del Pilar Hurtado Maria, Miranda Izildinha de Souza, De Sartre Xavier Arnaud, Santos de Assis William, Castañeda Edna, Desjardins Thierry, Dubs Florence, Guevara Edward, Gond Valéry, Lima Tâmara Thaiz Santana, Marichal Raphaël, Michelotti Fernando, Mitja Danielle, Noronha Norberto Cornejo, Delgado Oliveira Mariana Nascimento, Ramirez Bertha, Rodriguez Gamadiel, Sarrazin Max, Da Silva Jr Mário Lopes, Costa Luiz Gonzaga Silva, De Souza Simao, Veiga Iran, Velasquez Elena, Lavelle Patrick. 2014. Landscape Ecology, 29 (2) : 311-328.

How reliable is the MODIS land cover product for crop mapping Sub-Saharan agricultural landscapes? Leroux Louise, Jolivot Audrey, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Danny, Zoungrana Bernardin. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (9) : 8541-8564.

Smallholders' agricultural practices trajectories in Amazonia. Billard Cécile, Gond Valéry, Oszwald Johan, Arnauld de Sartre Xavier, Pokorny Benno. 2014. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (319) : 53-64.

Spatio-temporal patterns and landscape-associated risk of buruli ulcer in Akonolinga, Cameroon. Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean, Carolan Kevin, Lo Seen Danny, Guégan Jean-François, Eyangoh Sara, Fontanet Arnaud, Texier Gaëtan. 2014. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (9):e3123, 11 p.

Topography and land cover of watersheds predicts the distribution of the environmental pathogen Mycobacterium ulcerans in aquatic insects. Carolan Kevin, Garchitorena Andres, Garcia-Pena Gabriel E., Morris Aaron, Landier Jordi, Fontanet Arnaud, Le Gall Philippe, Texier Gaëtan, Marsollier Laurent, Gozlan Rodolphe Elie, Eyangoh Sara, Lo Seen Danny, Guégan Jean-François. 2014. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (11):e3298, 11 p.


Estimating deforestation in tropical humid and dry forests in Madagascar from 2000 to 2010 using multi-date Landsat satellite images and the random forests classifier. Grinand Clovis, Rakotomalala Fety, Gond Valéry, Vaudry Romuald, Bernoux Martial, Vieilledent Ghislain. 2013. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139 : 68-80.


Consequences of underestimating ancient deforestation in South India for global assessments of climatic change. Bourgeon Gérard, Nair K.M., Ramesh B.R., Lo Seen Danny. 2012. Current Science, 102 (12) : 1699-1703.

Multivariate analyses in soil microbial ecology: A new paradigm. Thioulouse Jean, Prin Yves, Duponnois Robin. 2012. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19 (4) : 499-520.

Object-based image analysis for operational fine-scale regional mapping of land cover within river corridors from multispectral imagery and thematic data. Tormos Thierry, Kosuth Pascal, Durrieu Sylvie, Dupuy Stéphane, Villeneuve B., Wasson Jean-Gabriel. 2012. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (14) : 4603-4633.

Situation du verger villageois de palmiers à huile de la région de Sassandra : Rapport de mission en Côte d'Ivoire du 5 au 16 février 2012. Jannot Claude. 2012. Montpellier : CIRAD-PERSYST, 33 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-PERSYST N°2456

Trade-offs between biomass use and soil cover. The case of rice-based cropping systems in the Lake Alaotra Region of Madagascar. Naudin Krishna, Scopel Eric, Andriamandroso A.L.H., Rakotosolofo M., Andriamarosoa Ratsimnazafy Ny Riana Solomalala, Rakotozandriny Jean de Neupomuscène, Salgado Paulo, Giller Ken E.. 2012. Experimental Agriculture, 48 (2) : 194-209.


Can a 25-year trend in Soudano-Sahelian vegetation dynamics be interpreted in terms of land use change? A remote sensing approach. Bégué Agnès, Vintrou Elodie, Ruelland D., Claden M., Dessay Nadine. 2011. Global Environmental Change, 21 (2) : 413-420.

Occupation du sol et climat : forêts tropicales et cycle du carbone. Blanc Lilian, Guitet Stéphane, Baralato Christopher, Chave Jérôme. 2011. In : De la recherche en Guyane : la science par l'exemple. Carme Bernard (ed.), Charles-Dominique Pierre (ed.), Fotsing Jean-Marie (ed.), Gombauld Pascal (ed.), Grenand Pierre ed.), Lacombe Philippe (ed.). Matoury : Ibis Rouge, 57-58. ISBN 978-2-84450-403-6


Soil carbon stocks, deforestation and land-cover changes in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot (India). Lo Seen Danny, Ramesh B.R., Nair K.M., Martins Manuel, Arrouays Dominique, Bourgeon Gérard. 2010. Global Change Biology, 16 (6) : 1777-1792.


Analysis of 1982-2006 sudano-sahelian vegetation dynamics using NOAA-AVHRR NDVI data and normalized rain-used efficiency. Vintrou Elodie, Claden M., Bégué Agnès. 2009. In : International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARRS 09), 12-17 July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa. s.l. : s.n., 4 p. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 12 Juillet 2009/17 Juillet 2009.


Increased isolation of two Biosphere Reserves and surrounding protected areas (WAP ecological complex, West Africa). Clerici Nicola, Bodini Antonio, Eva Hugh D., Gregoire Jean-Marie, Dulieu Dominique, Paolini Carlo. 2007. Journal for Nature Conservation, 15 (1) : 26-40.

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