
Résultats pour : "facteur anthropogène"

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Nombre de documents : 31.


Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats. Hordijk Iris, Bialic-Murphy Lalasia, Lauber Thomas, Routh Devin, Poorter Lourens, Rivers Malin C., Ter Steege Hans, Liang Jingjing, Reich Peter B., de-Miguel Sergio, Nabuurs Gert-Jan, Gamarra Javier Garcia Perez, Chen Han Y. H., Zhou Mo, Wiser Susan, Pretzsch Hans, Paquette Alain, Picard Nicolas, Herault Bruno, Bastin Jean-François, Alberti Giorgio, Abegg Meinrad, Adou Yao Yves C., Almeyda Zambrano Angélica María, Alvarado Braulio Vilchez, Álvarez-Dávila Esteban, Alvarez-Loayza Patricia, Alves Luciana F., Ammer Christian, Antón-Fernández Clara, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Arroyo Luzmila, Avitabile Valerio, Aymard Corredor Gerardo A., Baker Timothy R., Banki Olaf, Barroso Jorcely G., Bastian Meredith, Birigazzi Luca, Birnbaum Philippe, Bitariho Robert, Boeckx Pascal, Bongers Frans, Bouriaud Olivier, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Brandl Susanne, Brienen Roel, Broadbent Eben North, Bruelheide Helge, Bussotti Filippo, Cazzolla Gatti Roberto, César Ricardo G., Cesljar Goran, Chazdon Robin L., Chisholm Chelsea, Cienciala Emil, Clark Connie J., Clar David B., Colletta Gabriel, Coomes David A., Cornejo Valverde Fernando, Corral-Rivas José Javier, Crim Philip, Cumming Jonathan, Dayanandan Selvadurai, De Gasper André Luis, Decuyper Mathieu, Derroire Géraldine, DeVries Ben, Djordjevic Ilija, Iêda Amaral, Dourdain Aurélie, Dolezal Jiri, Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Enquist Brian, Eyre Teresa J., Belarmain Fandohan Adandé, Fayle Tom M., Ferreira Leandro V., Feldpausch Ted R., Finér Leena, Fischer Markus, Fletcher Christine D., Frizzera Lorenzo, Gianelle Damiano, Glick Henry B., Harris David, Hector Andrew, Hemp Andreas, Hengeveld Geerten M., Herbohn John, Hillers Annika, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Hui Cang, Cho Hyunkook, Ibanez Thomas, Jung Ilbin, Imai Nobuo, Jagodzinski Andrzej M., Jaroszewicz Bogdan, Johannsen Vivian Kvist, Joly Carlos Alfredo, Jucker Tommaso, Karminov Viktor, Kartawinata Kuswata, Kearsley Elizabeth, Kenfack David, Kennard Deborah K., Kepfer-Rojas Sebastian, Keppel Gunnar, Latif Khan Mohammed, Killeen Timothy J., Seok Kim Hyun, Kitayama Kanehiro, Köhl Michael, Korjus Henn, Kraxner Florian, Laarmann Diana, Lang Mait, Lewis Simon L., Lu Huicui, Lukina Natalia, Maitner Brian S., Malhi Yadvinder, Marcon Eric, Schwantes Marimon Beatriz, Marimon-Junior Ben Hur, Marshall Andrew Robert, Martin Emanuel, Martynenko Olga V., Meave Jorge A., Melo-Cruz Omar, Mendoza Casimiro, Merow Cory, Miscicki Stanislaw, Monteagudo Mendoza Abel L., Moreno Vanessa S., Mukul Sharif A., Mundhenk Philip, Nava-Miranda Maria Guadalupe, Neill David, Neldner Victor J., Nevenic Radovan V., Ngugi Michael R., Niklaus Pascal A., Oleksyn Jacek, Ontikov Petr V., Ortiz-Malavasi Edgar, Pan Yude, Parada-Gutierrez Alexander, Parfenova Elena I., Park Minjee, Parren Marc, Parthasarathy Narayanaswamy, Peri Pablo Luis, Pfautsch Sebastian, Phillips Oliver L., Piedade Maria Teresa F., Piotto Daniel, Pitman Nigel C.A., Polo Irina, Dalberg Poulsen Axel, Poulsen John R., Ramirez Arevalo Freddy, Restrepo-Correa Zorayda, Rodeghiero Mirco, Rolim Samir, Roopsind Anand, Rovero Francesco, Rutishauser Ervan, Saikia Purabi, Salas-Eljatib Christian, Schall Peter, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Schmid Bernhard, Schöngart Jochen, Searle Eric B., Seben Vladimir, Serra-Diaz Josep M., Sheil Douglas, Shvidenko Anatoly Z., Silva-Espejo Javier, Silveira Marcos, Singh James, Sist Plinio, et al.. 2024. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (10):e13889, 21 p.

Fragmentation is the main driver of residual forest aboveground biomass in West African low forest-high deforestation landscapes. Traore Soulemane, Zo-Bi Irie Casimir, Piponiot Camille, Aussenac Raphaël, Herault Bruno. 2024. Trees, Forests and People, 15:100477, 14 p.

Land use influences the diet of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in South Africa. Kennedy Overton Elizabeth, Bernard Alice, Renaud Pierre-Cyril, Hall Grant, Guerbois Chloé, Fritz Hervé, Prugnolle Franck, Rougeron Virginie. 2024. Global Ecology and Conservation, 54:e03100, 13 p.


Anthropic disturbances impact the soil microbial network structure and stability to a greater extent than natural disturbances in an arid ecosystem. Maurice Kenji, Bourceret Améliia, Youssef Sami, Boivin Stéphane, Laurent-Webb Liam, Damasio Coraline, Boukcim Hassan, Selosse Marc-André, Ducousso Marc. 2023. Science of the Total Environment, 907:167969, 11 p.

From west to east: Heterogeneity in the life history traits of a small pelagic fish (Sardina pilchardus) throughout the Mediterranean. Caballero Huertas Marta, Frigola-Tepe Xènia, Viñas Jordi, Muñoz Marta. 2023. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 13 p.

Long-term anthropogenic management and associated loss of plant diversity deeply impact virome richness and composition of Poaceae communities. Maclot François, Debue Virginie, Malmstrom Carolyn M., Filloux Denis, Roumagnac Philippe, Eck Mathilde, Tamisier Lucie, Blouin Arnaud G., Candresse Thierry, Massart Sébastien. 2023. Microbiology Spectrum, 11 (2), 17 p.

Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions. Delavaux Camille S., Crowther Thomas W., Zohner Constantin M., Robmann Niamh M., Lauber Thomas, van den Hoogen Johan, Kuebbing Sara, Liang Jingjing, de-Miguel Sergio, Nabuurs Gert-Jan, Reich Peter B., Abegg Meinrad, Adou Yao Yves C., Alberti Giorgio, Almeyda Zambrano Angélica María, Alvarado Braulio Vilchez, Álvarez-Dávila Esteban, Alvarez-Loayza Patricia, Alves Luciana F., Ammer Christian, Antón-Fernández Clara, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Arroyo Luzmila, Avitabile Valerio, Aymard Gerardo A., Baker Timothy R., Bałazy Radomir, Banki Olaf, Barroso Jorcely G., Bastian Meredith, Bastin Jean-François, Birigazzi Luca, Birnbaum Philippe, Bitariho Robert, Boeckx Pascal, Bongers Frans, Bouriaud Olivier, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Brandl Susanne, Brienen Roel, Broadbent Eben North, Bruelheide Helge, Bussotti Filippo, Cazzolla Gatti Roberto, César Ricardo G., Cesljar Goran, Chazdon Robin L., Chen Han Y. H., Chisholm Chelsea, Cho Hyunkook, Cienciala Emil, Clark Connie J., Clark David B., Colletta Gabriel, Coomes David A., Cornejo Valverde Fernando, Corral-Rivas José Javier, Crim Philip, Cumming Jonathan, Dayanandan Selvadurai, De Gasper André Luis, Decuyper Mathieu, Derroire Géraldine, DeVries Ben, Djordjevic Ilija, Dolezal Jiri, Dourdain Aurélie, Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Enquist Brian, Eyre Teresa J., Fandohan Adandé Belarmain, Fayle Tom M., Feldpausch Ted R., Ferreira Leandro V., Fischer Markus, Fletcher Christine D., Frizzera Lorenzo, Gamarra Javier Garcia Perez, Gianelle Damiano, Glick Henry B., Harris David, Hector Andrew, Hemp Andreas, Hengeveld Geerten M., Herault Bruno, Marcon Eric, Sist Plinio, et al.. 2023. Nature, 621 : 773-781.


Des océans indigestes : l'émergence de l'eutrophisation côtière comme problème environnemental global. Levain Alix, Barthélémy Carole, Bourblanc Magalie, Douguet Jean-Marc, Euzen Agathe, Souchon Yves. 2021. VertigO (33), h.s. La mer, un objet hautement politique, 32 p.

Irrigation, damming, and streamflow fluctuations of the Yellow River. Yin Zun, Ottle Catherine, Ciais Philippe, Zhou Feng, Wang Xuhui, Jan Polcher, Dumas Patrice, Peng Shushi, Li Laurent, Zhou Xudong, Bo Yan, Xi Yi, Piao Shilong. 2021. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25 (3) : 1133-1150.


Suivi de l'anthropisation du paysage dans la région forestière de Babagulu, République Démocratique du Congo. Kabuanga Joël Masimo, Adipalina Guguya Blaise, Ngenda Okito Elvis, Maestripieri Nicolas, Saqalli Mehdi, Rossi Vivien, Iyongo Waya Mongo Léon. 2020. VertigO, 20 (2), 28 p.


Beyond species richness and biomass: Impact of selective logging and silvicultural treatments on the functional composition of a neotropical forest. Yguel Benjamin, Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Mirabel Ariane, Dourdain Aurélie, Herault Bruno, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Forget Pierre-Michel, Fontaine Colin. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 433 : 528-534.

Current genetic admixture between relictual populations might enhance the recovery of an elusive carnivore. Pigneur Lise-Marie, Caublot Gaëlle, Fournier-Chambrillon Christine, Fournier Pascal, Giralda-Carrera Gloria, Grémillet Xavier, Le Roux Bruno, Marc Daniel, Simonnet Franck, Smitz Nathalie, Sourp Eric, Steinmetz Julien, Urra-Maya Fermin, Michaux Johan. 2019. Conservation Genetics, 20 (5) : 1133-1148.
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Drivers of biomass recovery in a secondary forested landscape of West Africa. N'Guessan Anny Estelle, N'dja Justin Kassi, Yao Olivier N., Amani Bienvenu H.K., Gouli Roseline G.Z., Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Zo-Bi Irie Casimir, Herault Bruno. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 433 : 325-331.

Trajectoires paysagères et biodiversité : effets de l'anthropisation sur les plantes envahissantes à l'échelle de l'Aire Protégée Togodo et sa périphérie dans le sud-est du Togo. Akodewou Amah. 2019. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 301 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'environnement : AgroParisTech


Analysing plausible futures from past patterns of land change in West Burkina Faso. Jahel Camille, Vall Eric, Rodriguez Zermeño, Bégué Agnès, Baron Christian, Augusseau Xavier, Lo Seen Danny. 2018. Land Use Policy, 71 : 60-74.

Environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the increasing occurrence of shark-human interactions around a fast-developing Indian Ocean island. Lagabrielle Erwann, Allibert Agathe, Kiszka Jeremy J., Loiseau Nicolas, Kilfoil James P., Lemahieu Anne. 2018. Scientific Reports, 8 (1):3676, 13 p.

Functional traits partially mediate the effects of chronic anthropogenic disturbance on the growth of a tropical tree. Amahowe Isidore O., Gaoue Orou G., Natta Armand K., Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Zobi Irie Casimir, Herault Bruno. 2018. AoB Plants, 10 (3):ply036, 13 p.

Landscape changes and policies for biodiversity and environment conservation in Southeast Asia. Cornu Jean-François, Lajaunie Claire, Laborde Henri, Morand Serge. 2018. In : Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia: challenges in a changing environment. Morand Serge (ed.), Lajaunie Claire (ed.), Satrawaha Rojchai (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 49-66. (Earthscan conservation and development series) ISBN 978-1-138-23204-4

Structure et dynamique de la diversité génétique de l'amandier cultivé au Liban : facteurs biologiques et anthropiques. Hamadeh Bariaa. 2018. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 192 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie et biodiversité : Université de Montpellier

Towards place-based research to support social–ecological stewardship. Cockburn Jessica, Cundill Georgina, Shackleton Sheona, Rouget Mathieu. 2018. Sustainability, 10 (5):1434, 21 p.


Impact du mode de gestion de la subéraie de la Maâmora (Maroc) sur la diversité des champignons ectomycorhiziens associés à Quercus suber. Maghnia Fatima Zahra, Sanguin Hervé, Abbas Younes, Verdinelli Marcello, Kerdouh Benaissa, El Ghachtouli Naima, Lancellotti Enrico, Bakkali Yakhlef Salah eddine, Duponnois Robin. 2017. Comptes Rendus. Biologies, 340 (5) : 298-305.


Influence des activités agricoles sur la végétation le long d'un gradient pluviométrique nord-sud du Burkina Faso. Akoudjinb Massouroudini, Kiéma Sébastien, Sangaré Mamadou, César Jean, Bouyer Jérémy, Kaboré Zoungrana Chantal. 2016. VertigO, 16 (1), 16 p.

Les espèces invasives. Tassin Jacques. 2016. Revue Juridique de l'Environnement, 41 (3) : 497-507.
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Remote sensing and measuring deforestation. Blanc Lilian, Gond Valéry, Tong Minh Dinh Ho. 2016. In : Land Surface Remote Sensing: Environment and Risks. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : Elsevier-ISTE Press, 27-53. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set) ISBN 978-1-78548-105-5

The potential of sentinel satellites for burnt area mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin forests. Verhegghen Astrid, Eva Hugh D., Ceccherini Guido, Achard Frédéric, Gond Valéry, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Cerutti Paolo Omar. 2016. Remote Sensing, 8 (986), 22 p.


La vie sociale des plantes cultivées. L'interaction G x E x S comme langage d'interface entre les sciences biologiques et sociales. Leclerc Christian. 2015. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 59 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université Montpellier 2


New insights for estimating the genetic value of segregating apple progenies for irregular bearing during the first years of tree production. Durand Jean-Baptiste, Guitton Baptiste, Peyhardi Jean, Holtz Yan, Guédon Yann, Trottier Catherine, Costes Evelyne. 2013. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64 (16) : 5099-5113.

A patchy model for Chikungunya-like diseases. Bowong Samuel, Dumont Yves, Tewa Jean Jules. 2013. Biomath, 2 (1), 19 p.




Impacts anthropiques sur les termes du bilan hydrologique d'un aquifère alluvial dans le Nordeste semi-aride, Brésil. Burte Julien, Coudrain Anne, Frischkorn Horst, Chaffaut Isabelle, Kosuth Pascal. 2005. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50 (1) : 95-110.

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