
Résultats pour : "moteur diésel"

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Aller à 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2005 | 1997 | 1996 | 1991

Nombre de documents : 20.


Experimental study of vegetable oil droplets vaporization under low temperature conditions such as those found in diesel engine cold parts. Zongo Sampawinde Augustin, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Caillol Christian, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal. 2024. International Journal of Engine Research, 12 p.

Use of cashew nut shell liquid as biofuel blended in diesel: Optimisation of blends using additive acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE (361)). Gwoda Sabba, Valette Jérémy, Sidibé Sayon Sadio, Piriou Bruno, Blin Joël, Ouédraogo Igor W.K.. 2024. Cleaner Chemical Engineering, 9:100117, 8 p.

The influence of synthetic antioxidants on the evaporation process of linseed and coconut oil droplets for their potential use as fuel in diesel engines. Zongo Sampawinde Augustin, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Caillol Christian, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal. 2024. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 14 (12) : 3415-3440.


A phenomenological description of biomass powder combustion in internal combustion engines. Stover Luke, Caillol Christian, Piriou Bruno, Mayer-Laigle Claire, Rouau Xavier, Vaitilingom Gilles. 2023. Energy, 274:127287, 13 p.


Experimental study on performance and combustion analysis of a diesel engine fueled with diesel and jatropha oil blended with heptane. Gounkaou Yomi Woro, Daho Tizane, Diane Ali, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Sanogo Oumar, Béré Antoine. 2021. Energy and Power Engineering, 13 (1), 16 p.


Comparative study of three ways of using Jatropha curcas vegetable oil in a direct injection diesel engine. Sidibe Sayon, Blin Joël, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Koulidiati Jean. 2020. Scientific African, 7:e00290, 18 p.


Temperature dependence of density, viscosity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity of vegetable oils for their use as biofuel in internal combustion engines. Zongo Augustin Sampawindé, Vaitilingom Gilles, Daho Tizane, Caillol Christian, Hoffmann Jean-François, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal. 2019. Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 9 (1) : 44-64.


The effect of atmospheric oxygen on the puffing and bursting phenomena during vegetable oils droplets vaporization process for their use as biofuel in diesel engine. Zongo Augustin Sampawindé, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Caillol Christian, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal, Koulidiati Jean. 2018. Energy and Power Engineering, 10 (12) : 518-533.


Guide technique pour l'utilisation d'huile végétale carburant dans les moteurs diesel stationnaires. Blin Joël (ed.), Mouras Sylvie (ed.), Sidibe Sayon, Girard Philippe, Vaitilingom Gilles, Pechine Bruno. 2014. Ouagadougou : L'Harmattan Burkina Faso-Fondation 2iE, 109 p. ISBN 978-2-67792161-1


Characteristics of vegetable oils for use as fuel in stationary diesel engines-Towards specifications for a standard in West Africa. Blin Joël, Brunschwig Christel, Chapuis Arnaud, Changotadé Odilon A., Sidibe Sayon, Noumi Eric Serges, Girard Philippe. 2013. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22 : 580-597.

Influence of engine load and fuel droplet size on performance of a CI engine fueled with cottonseed oil and its blends with diesel fuel. Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Ouiminga Salifou Kouchka, Piriou Bruno, Zongo Augustin Sampawindé, Ouoba Samuel, Koulidiati Jean. 2013. Applied Energy, 111 : 1046-1053.


Contribution à l'étude des huiles végétales de coton et de Jatropha curcas comme biocarburant dans les moteurs diesels à injection directe. Sidibe Sayon. 2011. s.l. : Fondation 2iE-Université de Ouagadougou, 234 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences et Technologies de l'Eau, l'Energie et l'Environnement. Energétique et Combustion : Institut international d'ingénierie de l'eau et de l'environnement


Use of crude filtered vegetable oil as a fuel in diesel engines state of the art: Literature review. Sidibe S.S., Blin Joël, Vaitilingom Gilles, Azoumah Yao. 2010. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14 (9) : 2748-2759.


Biocarburant : caractérisation et expérience Cirad. Vaitilingom Gilles, Rousset Patrick. 2005. In : Seminario Franco-Brasileiro sobre Biodesiel: Experiências Francesas et Brasileiras na Produção de Biocombustiveis, 4 de Julho 2005, São Paulo, Brasil. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (62 vues) Seminario Franco-Brasileiro sobre Biodesiel: Experiências Francesas et Brasileiras na Produção de Biocombustiveis, São Paulo, Brésil, 4 Juillet 2005.

Palm oil and derivatives : fuels or potential fuels? Pioch Daniel, Vaitilingom Gilles. 2005. OCL. Oléagineux Corps gras Lipides, 12 (2) : 161-169.



Etude de la qualité de carburants dérivés des huiles végétales. Approche méthodologique. Chirat Nathalie. 1996. Montpellier : ENSCM, 276 p. Thèse d'université : Chimie Organique, Minérale, Industrielle : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc


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