
Résultats pour : "moyens d'existence"

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Nombre de documents : 30.


Manure contribution to rural livelihoods at farm and landscape levels: a systemic approach in semi-arid Central Tunisia. Alary Véronique, Frija Aymen, Abdeladhim Mohamed, Sghaier Mariem, Leauthaud Crystèle, Farhat Manel, Sghaier Mariem. 2024. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 29 p.

Rise from the ashes! Resilience patterns in Patagonia pastoralist communities. Laborda Luciana, Easdale Marcos Horacio, Fallot Abigail, Ocariz M. Paula, Tittonell Pablo. 2024. Sustainable Development, 32 (2), n.spéc. Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Resilience for Sustainable Development : 1428-1445.
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Co-production, uptake of weather and climate services, and welfare impacts on farmers in Senegal: A panel data approach. Chiputwa Brian, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Steward Peter, Andrieu Nadine, Ndiaye Ousmane. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 195:103309, 21 p.

Dairy farming, cooperatives and livelihoods: Lessons learned from six Indian villages. Gaillard Cédric, Dervillé Marie. 2022. Journal of Asian Economics, 78:101422, 16 p.

Enabling institutional environments conducive to livelihood improvement and adapted investments in sustainable land and water uses. Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Lejars Caroline, Farolfi Stefano, Adamczewski-Hertzog Amandine, Hassenforder Emeline, Faysse Nicolas, Jamin Jean-Yves. 2022. Rome : FAO, 58 p. (SOLAW Background Thematic Report, 21) ISBN 978-92-5-136633-2

Equitable livelihoods must underpin food systems transformation. Huang Jikun, Neufeld Lynnette M., Badiane Ousmane, Caron Patrick, Forsse Lisa S.. 2022. Nature Food, 3 (6) : 394-396.


Developing small-scale bamboo enterprises for livelihoods and environmental restoration in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia. Boissière Manuel, Atmadja Stibniati Soeria, Benmakhlouf S., Beyessa M., Kassa Habtemariam, Hunde T., Assefa F.. 2020. International Forestry Review, 22 (3) : 306-322.

Food security, poverty alleviation and diversification—the relative contribution of livestock activities in the rural households' livelihoods in the Middle Egypt. Martin Vincent, Alary Véronique, Daburon Annabelle, Ali Ahmed, Osman Mona-Abdelzaher, Salah Ehab, Aboulnaga Adel M., Hassan Eitedal, Abdel Aziz Adel, Dutilly Céline. 2020. African Studies Quarterly, 19 (1) : 65-88.

Households' livelihood strategies facing market uncertainties: How did Thai farmers adapt to a rubber price drop? Nicod Timothée, Bathfield B., Bosc Pierre-Marie, Promkhambut Arunee, Duangta Kanchana, Chambon Bénédicte. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 182:102846, 11 p.
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The economics of pastoralism in Argentina, Chad and Mongolia. Market participation and multiple livelihood strategies in a shock-prone environment. Wane Abdrahmane, Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Duteurtre Guillaume, Touré Ibra, Ndiaye Alioune, Alary Véronique, Juanes Xavier, Ickowicz Alexandre, Ferrari Serena, Velasco Gregorio. 2020. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 92 p. (FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, 182) ISBN 978-92-5-133377-8 ; 978-2-87614-760-7


Sociologie de l'alimentation de rue. La socialisation alimentaire aux seuils des espaces publics et privés dans les kampungs à Jakarta. Arciniegas Laura. 2019. Toulouse : Université de Toulouse, 504 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sociologie : Université de Toulouse


Agricultural intensification and policy interventions: Exploring plausible futures for smallholder farmers in Southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N., Descheemaeker Katrien, Traore Bouba, Bayoko Arouna, Giller Ken E.. 2018. Land Use Policy, 70 : 623-634.

Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). 2018. Cham : Springer, 340 p. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9


Mathematical modelling of the dynamics of the socio-economic vulnerability of rural Sahelian households in a context of climatic variability. Zorom Malicki, Barbier Bruno, Gouba Elisée, Somé Blaise. 2018. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 4 (3) : 1213-1223.
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Conservation agriculture and gendered livelihoods in Northwestern Cambodia: decision-making, space and access. Sumner Daniel, Christie Maria Elisa, Boulakia Stéphane. 2017. Agriculture and Human Values, 34 (2) : 347-362.
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Cultural and participatory mapping. Kingsolver Ann, Boissière Manuel, Padmanaba Michael, Sadjudin Ermayanti, Balasundaram Sasikumar. 2017. In : Mapping across academia. Stanley D. Brunn (ed.), Martin Dodge (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 305-322. ISBN 978-94-024-1009-9

Recent evolutions of forest concessions status and dynamics in Central Africa. Karsenty Alain, Ferron C.. 2017. International Forestry Review, 19 (S2), n.spéc. Forest concessions in Central Africa : 8-23.

The effectiveness of payments for environmental services. Börner Jan, Baylis Kathy, Corbera Esteve, Ezzine de Blas Driss, Honey-Rosés Jordi, Persson U. Martin, Wunder Sven. 2017. World Development, 96 : 359-374.

The role of bushmeat in urban household consumption: Insights from Bangui, the capital city of the Central African Republic. Fargeot Christian, Drouet-Hoguet Nolwenn, Le Bel Sébastien. 2017. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (332) : 31-42.


Avances en la comprensión de la transición forestal en fincas costarricenses. Louman Bastiaan, Gutiérrez Isabel, Le Coq Jean-François, Brenes Cristian, Wulfhorst J.D., Casanoves Fernando, Yglesias Maribel, Rios Sandra. 2016. Revista Iberoamericana de Economia Ecologica, 26 : 191-206.

Financial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in Cameroon: Inputs to the development of public policy. Lescuyer Guillaume, Nasi Robert. 2016. International Forestry Review, 18 (1), n.spéc. Valuing the Cameroonian Forest : 97-107.

Multiple and intertwined impacts of illegal forest activities. Pacheco Pablo, Cerutti Paolo Omar, Edwards David P., Lescuyer Guillaume, Mejia Elena, Navarro Guillermo, Obidzinski Krystof, Pokorny Benno, Sist Plinio. 2016. In : Illegal logging and related timber trade - dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses: a global scientific rapid response assessment report. Kleinschmit Daniela (ed.), Mansourian Stephanie (ed.), Wildburger Christoph (ed.), Purret Andre (ed.). Vienne : IUFRO, 99-116. (IUFRO World Series, 35) ISBN 978-3-902762-70-2

Panarchy of an indigenous agroecosystem in the globalized market: The quinoa production in the Bolivian Altiplano. Winkel Thierry, Bommel Pierre, Chevarria-Lazo Marco, Cortes Geneviève, Del Castillo Carmen, Gasselin Pierre, Leger François, Nina-Laura Juan-Peter, Rambal Serge, Tichit Muriel, Tourrand Jean-François, Vacher Jean-Joinville, Vassas-Toral Anaïs, Vieira Pak Manuela, Joffre Richard. 2016. Global Environmental Change, 39 : 195-204.

Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N.. 2016. Wageningen : Wageningen University, 219 p. ISBN 978-94-6257-759-6. Thesis Ph. D. : Wageningen University

What are the impacts of deforestation on the harvest of non-timber forest products in Central Africa? Gillet Pauline, Vermeulen Cédric, Doucet Jean-Louis, Codina Llavina Elisabet, Lehnebach Charlotte, Feintrenie Laurène. 2016. Forests, 7 (5):e106, 15 p.


Le système familial multilocalisé. Proposition analytique et méthodologique pour interroger les liens entre migrations et développement rural au Sud. Freguin-Gresh Sandrine, Cortes Geneviève, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Guetat-Bernard Hélène. 2015. Mondes en Développement (172) : 13-32.

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