Résultats pour : "Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense"
Nombre de documents : 3.
The separation of trypanosomes from blood by anion exchange chromatography: From Sheila Lanham's discovery 50 years ago to a gold standard for sleeping sickness diagnosis.
Lejon Veerle, Büscher Philippe, Nzoumbou-Boko Romaric, Bossard Géraldine, Jamonneau Vincent, Bucheton Bruno, Truc Philippe, Lemesre Jean-Loup, Solano Philippe, Vincendeau Philippe.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
13 (2):e0007051, 5 p.
 Prévisualisation |
Tolerance to trypanosomatids: A threat, or a key for disease elimination?
Berthier David, Brenière Simone Frédérique, Bras-Gonçalves Rachel, Lemesre Jean-Loup, Jamonneau Vincent, Solano Philippe, Lejon Veerle, Thevenon Sophie, Bucheton Bruno.
Trends in Parasitology,
32 (2) : 157-168.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:36:27 2025 CET.