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Aller à 2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2016 | 2015

Nombre de documents : 11.


Spatial mechanistic modelling to simulate movements and contacts between wildlife and livestock in Southern Africa. Rumiano Florent, Miguel Eve, Dufleit Victor, Degenne Pascal, Gaucherel Cédric, Valls Fox Hugo, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Gandiwa Edson, Caron Alexandre, Tran Annelise. 2024. Ecological Modelling, 498:110863, 15 p.


Combined use of remote sensing and spatial modelling: When surface water impacts buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) movements in savanna environments. Rumiano Florent, Gaucherel Cédric, Degenne Pascal, Miguel Eve, Chamaille-Jammes Simon, Valls-Fox Hugo, Cornélis Daniel, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Fritz Hervé, Caron Alexandre, Tran Annelise. 2021. In : XXIV ISPRS Congress "Imaging today, foreseeing tomorrow". Paparoditis N. (ed.), Mallet C. (ed.), Lafarge F. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Jiang J. (ed.), Shaker A. (ed.), et Al.. Hanovre : ISPRS, 631-638. (ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3) ISPRS Congress 2021 Commission III. 24, s.l., Allemagne, 5 Juillet 2021/9 Juillet 2021.

The combined use of remote sensing and spatial modelling for animal movement - Application to the study of wildlife/livestock contacts and the risk of pathogen transmission in Southern Africa. Rumiano Florent. 2021. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 277 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie : Université de Montpellier


Are fission-fusion dynamics consistent among populations? A large-scale study with Cape buffalo. Wielgus Elodie, Cornélis Daniel, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Cain Bradley, Fritz Hervé, Miguel Eve, Valls-Fox Hugo, Caron Alexandre, Chamaille-Jammes Simon. 2020. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (17) : 9240-9256.

Tracing cross species transmission of Mycobacterium bovis at the wildlife/livestock interface in South Africa. Sichewo Petronillah Rudo, Hlokwe Tiny, Etter Eric, Michel Anita Luise. 2020. BMC Microbiology, 20:49, 9 p.


African buffalo movement and zoonotic disease risk across transfrontier conservation areas, Southern Africa. Caron Alexandre, Cornélis Daniel, Foggin Chris, Hofmeyr Markus, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2016. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22 (2) : 277-280.


New insights on African buffalo genetics. Smitz Nathalie, Cornélis Daniel, Chardonnet Philippe, Caron Alexandre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Jori Ferran, Van Hooft Pim, Heller Rasmus, Michaux Johan. 2015. Gnusletter (1), « n.spéc. » African Buffalo, Résumé : 19-20. Symposium on African Buffalo. 1, Paris, France, 5 Novembre 2014/6 Novembre 2014.

Proceeding of the 1st Symposium on African Buffalo. Chardonnet Philippe (ed.), Mallon D. (ed.), Shurter Steve (ed.), Fusari Alessandro (ed.), Cornélis Daniel (ed.), Caron Alexandre (ed.). 2015. Gnusletter (1), « n.spéc. » African Buffalo : 1-53. Symposium on African Buffalo. 1, Paris, France, 5 Novembre 2014/6 Novembre 2014.

Spatial overlap between sympatric wild and domestic herbivores links to resource gradients. Zengeya Fadzai, Murwira Amon, Caron Alexandre, Cornélis Daniel, Gandiwa Patience, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2015. Remote Sensing Applications. Society and Environment, 2 : 55-65.

An investigation of social dynamics in Cape buffalo and implications for disease transmission at wildlife/domestic interfaces in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Caron Alexandre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Miguel Eve, Grosbois Vladimir, Foggin Chris, Hofmeyr Markus, Cornélis Daniel. 2015. Gnusletter (1), « n.spéc. » African Buffalo, Résumé : 21-22. Symposium on African Buffalo. 1, Paris, France, 5 Novembre 2014/6 Novembre 2014.

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