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Nombre de documents : 7.


Spatial modelling of Hypsignathus monstrosus movement and habitat use to explore the risk of Ebola virus transmission. Lee Cruz Larisa, Lenormand Maxime, Degenne Pascal, Schloesing Elodie, Cappelle Julien, Caron Alexandre, De Nys Hélène, Roger François, Tran Annelise. 2023. . GRC. Lucca : GRC, 1 p. Movement Ecology of Animals, Proximate and Ultimate Drivers of Animal Movement, Gordon Research Seminar, Lucca, Italie, 28 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.
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Dynamics of antibodies to Ebolaviruses in an Eidolon helvum bat colony in Cameroon. Meta Djomsi Dowbiss, Mba Djonzo Flaubert Auguste, Ndong Bass Innocent, Champagne Maëliss, Lacroix Audrey, Thaurignac Guillaume, Esteban Amandine, De Nys Hélène, Bourgarel Mathieu, Akoachere Jane-Francis, Delaporte Eric, Ayouba Ahidjo, Cappelle Julien, Mpoudi Ngole Eitel, Peeters Martine. 2022. Viruses, 14 (3):560, 13 p.


Wide diversity of coronaviruses in frugivorous and insectivorous bat species: A pilot study in Guinea, West Africa. Lacroix Audrey, Vidal Nicole, Keita Alpha Kabinet, Thaurignac Guillaume, Esteban Amandine, De Nys Hélène, Diallo Ramadan, Toure Abdoulaye, Goumou Souana, Soumah Abdoul Karim, Povogui Moriba, Koivogui Lamine, Monemou Jean-Louis, Raulino Raisa, Nkuba Antoine, Foulongne Vincent, Delaporte Eric, Ayouba Ahidjo, Peeters Martine. 2020. Viruses, 12 (8):855, 17 p.


Understanding Ebola virus and other zoonotic transmission risks through human-bat contacts: Exploratory study on knowledge, attitudes and practices in Southern Cameroon. Baudel Helene, De Nys Hélène, Mpoudi-Ngole Eitel, Peeters Martine, Desclaux Alice. 2019. Zoonoses and Public Health, 66 (3) : 288-295.


Bats, coronaviruses, and deforestation: Toward the emergence of novel infectious diseases? Afelt Aneta, Frutos Roger, Devaux Christian. 2018. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:702, 5 p.

Ebola virus maintenance: If not (only) bats, what else? Caron Alexandre, Bourgarel Mathieu, Cappelle Julien, Liégeois Florian, De Nys Hélène, Roger François. 2018. Viruses, 10 (10):549, 13 p.


Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of new bat astroviruses detected in Gabon, Central Africa. Rougeron V., Suquet E., Maganda Gael D., Jiolle Davy, Mombo I.M., Bourgarel Mathieu, Motsch Peggy, Arnathau Céline, Durand Patrick, Drexler Jan Felix, Drosten Christian, Renaud François, Prugnolle Franck, Leroy Eric M.. 2016. Acta Virologica, 60 (4) : 386-392.

Liste générée le Mon Mar 3 17:34:50 2025 CET.