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Nombre de documents : 14.


Influence of chemical forms and homogenization process on the stability of vitamin A in infant follow-on formulas. Cancalon Mathilde, Villeneuve Pierre, Barouh Nathalie, Baréa Bruno, Durand Erwann, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Hemery Youna. 2024. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 210:116830, 10 p.


Exploring fruit lipid diversity in a neglected group of tropical palms: The tribe Phytelepheae. Romero-Estévez David, Vaissayre Virginie, Morcillo Fabienne, Montúfar Rommel, Dussert Stéphane. 2023. JSFA Reports, 3 (11) : 549-560.
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Effect of the thermal state during Manila mango processing by mild flash vacuum-expansion on carotenoids and enzymatic activity. Marin-Castro Ubaldo Richard, Pallet Dominique, Garcia-Alvarado M.A., Vargas Ortiz Manuel Alejandro, Salgado-Cervantes Marco, Servent Adrien. 2022. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 75:102900, 9 p.
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Impact of storage on the functional characteristics of a fermented cereal product with probiotic potential, containing fruits and phytosterols. Lingua Mariana, Gies Magali, Descalzo Adriana Maria, Servent Adrien, Páez Roxana B., Baroni María V., Blajman Jesica E., Dhuique-Mayer Claudie. 2022. Food Chemistry, 370:130993, 9 p.

Nutrition, healthcare benefits and phytochemical properties of cassava (Manihot esculenta) leaves sourced from three countries (Reunion, Guinea, and Costa Rica). Boukhers Imane, Boudard Frédéric, Morel Sylvie, Servent Adrien, Portet Karine, Guzman Caroline, Vitou Manon, Kongolo Joelle, Michel Alain, Poucheret Patrick. 2022. Foods, 11 (14):2027, 15 p.


Cyanogenic, carotenoids and protein composition in leaves and roots across seven diverse population found in the world cassava germplasm collection at CIAT, Colombia. Ospina Maria Alejandra, Pizarro Monica, Tran Thierry, Ricci Julien, Belalcazar John, Luna Jorge, Londoño Luis Fernando, Salazar Sandra, Ceballos Hernan, Dufour Dominique, Becerra López-Lavalle Luis Agusto. 2021. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 (3), n.spéc. Consumers have their say: Assessing preferred quality traits of roots, tubers and cooking bananas, and implications for breeding : 1343-1353.

Natural diversity in the carotene, tocochromanol and fatty acid composition of crude palm oil. Morcillo Fabienne, Vaissayre Virginie, Serret Julien, Avallone Sylvie, Domonhedo Hubert, Jacob Florence, Dussert Stéphane. 2021. Food Chemistry, 365:130638, 10 p.

Spectral subdomains and prior estimation of leaf structure improves PROSPECT inversion on reflectance or transmittance alone. Spafford Lynsay, Le Maire Guerric, MacDougall Andrew, De Boissieu Florian, Feret Jean Baptiste. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 252:112176, 15 p.


A kinetic study of carotenoid degradation during storage of papaya chips obtained by vacuum frying with saturated and unsaturated oils. Soto Marvin, Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Servent Adrien, Jimenez Nadiarid, Vaillant Fabrice, Achir Nawel. 2020. Food Research International, 128:108737, 11 p.


Phylogenetic origin of primary and secondary metabolic pathway genes revealed by C. maxima and C. reticulata diagnostic SNPs. Do Amaral Santos Milena, Barbosa de Paula Márcia Fabiana, Ollitrault Frédérique, Rivallan Ronan, De Andrade Silva Edson Mario, Da Silva Gesteira Abelmon, Luro François, Garcia Dominique, Ollitrault Patrick, Micheli Fabienne. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1128, 15 p.


Artisanal mills and local production of palm oil by smallholders. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Nanda Doris, Genot Claude. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Volume 2: Diseases, pests, quality and sustainability. Rival Alain (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 407-434. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 28) ISBN 978-1-78676-108-8


Impact of processing on the stability and bioaccessibility of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in biofortified cassava Roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). Aragon Ingrid, Dufour Dominique, Escobar Andrés, Calle Fernando, Ceballos Hernan, Ferruzzi Mario G.. 2016. . AAA, APS, ASBMB, ASIP, ASN, ASPET. San Diego : AAA, 1 p. Experimental Biology 2016 (EB 2016), San Diego, États-Unis, 2 Avril 2016/4 Avril 2016.

Secondary metabolite diversity in taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, corms. Muñoz-Cuervo Ismael, Malapa Roger, Michalet Serge, Lebot Vincent, Legendre Laurent. 2016. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 52 : 24-32.


Antioxidant and enzymatic responses to oxidative stress induced by pre-harvest water supply reduction and ripening on mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. 'Cogshall') in relation to carotenoid content. Rosalie Rémy, Joas Jacques, Deytieux-Belleau Christelle, Vulcain Emmanuelle, Payet Bertrand, Dufossé Laurent, Lechaudel Mathieu. 2015. Journal of Plant Physiology, 184 : 68-78.

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