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Nombre de documents : 14.


Tree diversity reduces variability in sapling survival under drought. Blondeel Haben, Guillemot Joannès, Martin-StPaul Nicolas K., Druel Arsène, Bilodeau-Gauthier Simon, Bauhus Jürgen, Grossiord Charlotte, Hector Andrew, Jactel Hervé, Jensen Joel, Messier Christian, Muys Bart, Serrano-León Hernán, Auge Harald, Barsoum Nadia, Birhane Emiru, Bruelheide Helge, Cavender-Bares Jeannine, Chu Chengjin, Cumming Jonathan, et al.. 2024. Journal of Ecology, 112 (5) : 1164-1180.
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Can agroforestry provide a future for cocoa? Implications for policy and practice. Olwig Mette Fog, Asare Richard, Vaast Philippe, Bosselmann Aske Skovmand. 2023. In : Agroforestry as climate change adaptation: The case of cocoa farming in Ghana. Olwig Mette Fog (ed.), Bosselmann Aske Skovmand (ed.), Owusu Kwadwo (ed.). Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 147-166. ISBN 978-3-031-45634-3

Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Dubo Titouan, Palomo Ignacio, Camacho Lucía Laorden, Locatelli Bruno, Cugniet Audrey, Racinais Natacha, Lavorel Sandra. 2023. Regional Environmental Change, 23:12, 15 p.


Agricultural adaptation to climate change through Small Irrigation Schemes (SIS) - The Bambey-Diourbel region case study (Senegal). Belard Amandine, Biard Yannick, Catherine Youri, Lavaine Emmanuelle, Parrot Laurent, Posada Borrero Catalina, Roussel Sébastien. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD-CEE-M, 9 p.

How agro-environmental and climate measures are affecting farming system performances in Guadeloupe?: Lessons for the design of effective climate change policies. Fanchone Audrey, Nelson Laetitia, Dodet Nastassja, Martin Luc, Andrieu Nadine. 2022. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (7) : 1348-1359.


Climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture: Why agroforestry should be part of the solution. Cardinael Rémi, Cadisch Georg, Gosme Marie, Oelbermann Maren, Van Noordwijk Meine. 2021. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319:107555, 7 p.

Planificación local para la resiliencia climática: Experiencias en Honduras. Obando Bonilla Diego, Duron Marlon, Martinez Oscar Amado, Le Coq Jean-François. 2021. Rome : CGIAR, 6 p. (CCAFS Info Note)


Barriers and strategies to boost soil carbon sequestration in agriculture. Demenois Julien, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Arnoult Matthieu H., Eglin Thomas, Masse Dominique, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Blanfort Vincent, Chenu Claire, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Médoc Jean-Michel, Sall Saidou Nourou. 2020. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:37, 14 p.

Pearl millet genomic vulnerability to climate change in West Africa highlights the need for regional collaboration. Rhone Bénédicte, Defrance Dimitri, Berthouly-Salazar Cécile, Mariac Cédric, Cubry Philippe, Couderc Marie, Dequincey Anaïs, Assoumane Aichatou, Kane Ndjido Ardo, Sultan Benjamin, Barnaud Adeline, Vigouroux Yves. 2020. Nature Communications, 11:5274, 9 p.



Mise en oeuvre des politiques de changement climatique dans le domaine agricole au Honduras et en Colombie : synergies, tensions et problèmes de coordination entre secteurs et échelles. Le Coq Jean-François, De Varax Magali, Senegas Cécile, Howland Fanny, Andrieu Nadine. 2018. In : Politiques agricoles et alimentaires : trajectoires et réformes. SFER. Montpellier : SFER, 5 p. Colloque SFER 2018, Montpellier, France, 20 Juin 2018/22 Juin 2018.


Long-term change in rainfall distribution in Northeast Thailand: Will cropping systems be able to adapt? Lacombe Guillaume, Polthanee Anan, Trébuil Guy. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (2):e25001, 10 p.


Dinitrogen fixation by the legume cover crop Pueraria phaseoloides and transfer of fixed N to Hevea brasiliensis—Impact on tree growth and vulnerability to drought. Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, Suvannang Nopmanee, Pongwichian Pirach, Cheylan Vincent, Hammecker Claude, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2016. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 217 : 79-88.

Understanding the socio-institutional context to support adaptation for future water security in forest landscapes. Devisscher Tahia, Vignola Raffaele, Coll Besa Monica, Cronenbold Romy, Pacheco Nelson, Schillinger Ralf, Canedi Virgina, Sandoval Claudio, Gonzalez Diego, Leclerc Grégoire. 2016. Ecology and Society, 21 (4):48, 31 p.

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