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Nombre de documents : 20.


Effect of maize seed treatment on oviposition preference, larval performance and foliar damage on the fall armyworm. Seye Djiby, Silvie Pierre, Brévault Thierry. 2023. Journal of Applied Entomology, 147 (5) : 299-306.
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Besides medical and veterinary entomology, research in agricultural entomology is also central to the one health concept. Ratnadass Alain, Martin Thibaud, Deguine Jean-Philippe. 2022. . ESA. Annapolis : ESA, 1 p. Annual ESA International Branch Virtual Symposium. 5, s.l., États-Unis, 25 Avril 2022/27 Avril 2022.

Le biocontrôle en France : de quoi parle-t-on ? Deguine Jean-Philippe, Ledouble Hélène. 2022. Cahiers Agricultures, 31:19, 8 p.


Integrated pest management: Good intentions, hard realities. A review. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Flor Rica Joy, Lescourret Françoise, Wyckhuys Kris, Ratnadass Alain. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41:38, 35 p.

Landscape drivers of pests and pathogens abundance in arable crops. Delaune Thomas, Ouattara Malick S., Ballot Rémy, Sausse Christophe, Felix Irène, Maupas Fabienne, Chen Mathilde, Morison Muriel, Makowski David, Barbu Corentin. 2021. Ecography, 44 (10) : 1429-1442.

Prototyping a knowledge-based system to identify botanical extracts for plant health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Silvie Pierre, Martin Pierre, Huchard Marianne, Keip Priscilla, Gutierrez Alain, Sarter Samira. 2021. Plants, 10 (5):896, 24 p.


Agroecological management of stem borers for healthy seed production in sugarcane. Nikpay Amin, Vejar-Cota Guadalupe, Budeguer Florencia, Qin Zhen-Qiang, Perera María Francisca, Goebel François-Régis. 2020. In : Advances in seed production and management. Tiwari Ajay Kumar (ed.). Singapour : Springer, 43-77. ISBN 978-981-15-4197-1

Field evaluation of infestation levels of the sugarcane mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell) on different sugarcane varieties in Guangxi Province, China: Preliminary results. Qin Zhen-Qiang, Luo Ya-Wei, Li De-Wei, Song Xiu-Peng, Wei Jin-Ju, Wei Chun-Yan, Nikpay Amin, Goebel François-Régis. 2020. International Sugar Journal, 122 (1461) : 648-653.


Effect of crop residue management on damage and eggs parasitism by Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in sugarcane. Pérez Maria L. del P., Isas Marcos G., Goebel François-Régis, Ayup Ma. Marta, Padilla Agustin, Salvatore Analia R., Gastaminza Gerardo. 2019. In : Proceedings of the XXX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Congress. ISSCT. Tucuman : ISSCT, 1090-1093. ISBN 978-616-92761-0-4 ISSCT Congress. 30, Tucuman, Argentine, 2 Septembre 2019/5 Septembre 2019.

Outbreaks of the African sugarcane stalk borer Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in sugarcane plantations of the northern Ivory Coast: management strategies under implementation. Boua Mélanie, Coulibaly-Ouattara Yah, Goebel François-Régis. 2019. In : Proceedings of the XXX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Congress. ISSCT. Tucuman : ISSCT, 880-890. ISBN 978-616-92761-0-4 ISSCT Congress. 30, Tucuman, Argentine, 2 Septembre 2019/5 Septembre 2019.

Spatial distribution of pink stalk borers Sesamia spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sugarcane fields in south-western Iran. Nikpay Amin, Linhares Volpe Haroldo Xavier, Goebel François-Régis. 2019. In : Proceedings of the XXX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Congress. ISSCT. Tucuman : ISSCT, 207-213. ISBN 978-616-92761-0-4 ISSCT Congress. 30, Tucuman, Argentine, 2 Septembre 2019/5 Septembre 2019.


Ten broad spectrum resistances to downy mildew physically mapped on the sunflower genome. Pecrix Yann, Penouilh-Suzette Charlotte, Muños Stéphane, Vear Felicity, Godiard Laurence. 2018. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1780, 15 p.


A simulation tool to support the design of crop management strategies in fruit tree farms. Application to the reduction of pesticide use. Pissonnier Solène, Lavigne Claire, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2017. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142 : 260-272.


Arrêt sur un programme de recherche à Biopass, Dakar, Sénégal. La biodiversité au service de régulation des insectes ravageurs de cultures. Brévault Thierry. 2016. . CBGP. Montpellier : CBGP, Résumé, 1 p. Rencontres et animations du CBGP "Biologie pour la gestion des populations", Montpellier, France, 9 Juillet 2015/9 Juillet 2015.
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Farmers' knowledge and perception of grain legume pests and their management in the Eastern province of Kenya. Abtew Andnet Bayleyegn, Niassy Saliou, Affognon Hippolyte, Subramanian Sevgan, Kreiter Serge, Tropea Garzia Giovanna, Martin Thibaud. 2016. Crop Protection, 87 : 90-97.

Improving rubber smallholdings productivity and resilience through adoption of good agricultural practices. Gohet Eric, Lacote Régis, Leconte Antoine, Chapuset Thierry, Rivano Franck, Chambon Bénédicte. 2016. . Singapour : s.n., 15 p. Focus Forum on Natural Rubber Sustainability, Singapour, Singapour, 10 Mai 2016/11 Mai 2016.

Knowledge management for a wonderful (computerized) world. Martin Pierre, Silvie Pierre, Goebel François-Régis. 2016. In : 25th International Congress of Entomology: Entomology without borders. ESA. Orlando : ESA, Résumé, 1 p. International Congress of Entomology. 25, Orlando, États-Unis, 25 Septembre 2016/30 Septembre 2016.
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On vector-borne plant diseases. Dumont Yves. 2016. In : Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology. Aix-Marseille University. Marseille : s.n., 1 p. International Conférence MPDE' 2016. 10, Marseille, France, 5 Septembre 2016/9 Septembre 2016.


Optimiser le biocontrôle de la canne à sucre par l'informatisation de l'expertise. Martin Pierre, Auzoux Sandrine, Goebel François-Régis. 2015. In : Cinquième conférence internationale sur les méthodes alternatives de protection des plantes. AFPP. Maisons-Alfort : AFPP, 663-672. Conférence internationale sur les méthodes alternatives de protection des plantes. 5, Lille, France, 11 Mars 2015/13 Mars 2015.


Review of new technologies critical to effective implementation of Decision Support Systems (DSS's) and Farm Management Systems (FMS's). Been Thomas, Berti Antonio, Evans Neal, Gouache David, Gutsche V., Jensen Jens Erik, Kapsa Josefa, Munier-Jolain Nicolas, Nibouche Samuel, Raynal Marc, Rydahl Per. 2009. s.l. : ENDURE, 128 p.

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