ITandC and citizen science for a better management of weeds in the western Indian Ocean region.
Le Bourgeois Thomas, Grard Pierre, Balasubramanian Dhandapani, Ramesh B.R., Gaungoo Azaad, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Randriamampianina Jean Augustin, Yahaya Ibrahim, Marnotte Pascal.
In : Environmental weeds and invasive plants. Fried Guillaume (ed.), Bon M.-C. (ed.), Brundu G. (ed.), Chauvel B. (ed.), Cheptou P.-O. (ed.), Hatcher P.E. (ed.), Haury J. (ed.), Jourdan M. (ed.), Kazakou E. (ed.), Le Bourgeois Thomas (ed.), Mandon-Dalger I. (ed.), Marchante H. (ed.), et al.. EWRS, Anses, Montpellier SupAgro, MAAF-DGAI, USDA ARS-EBCL, CSIRO, CIRAD, FCBN
. Montpellier : EWRS, 198.
International Symposium on Weeds and Invasive Plants. 4, Montpellier, France, 18 Mai 2014/23 Mai 2014.