Nombre de documents : 25.
Modelling the population dynamics of Rift Valley fever virus mosquito vectors in the western Mediterranean Basin.
Drouin Alex, Balenghien Thomas, Durand Benoit, Aranda Carles, Bennouna Amal, Bouattour Ali, Boubidi Saïd-Chaouki, Conte Ann Amaria, Delacour Sarah, Goffredo Maria, Himmi Oumnia, L'Ambert Grégory, Schaffner Francis, Chevalier Véronique.
Ecological Modelling,
502:111013, 14 p.
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Complex systems in ecology: A guided tour with large Lotka-Volterra models and random matrices.
Akjouj Imane, Barbier Matthieu, Clenet Maxime, Hachem Walid, Maïda Mylène, Massol François, Najim Jamal, Tran Viet Chi.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
480 (2285), 35 p.
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Hierarchizing multi-scale environmental effects on agricultural pest population dynamics: A case study on the annual onset of Bactrocera dorsalis population growth in Senegalese orchards.
Caumette Cecile, Diatta Paterne, Piry Sylvain, Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Faye Emile, Sigrist Fabio, Martin Olivier, Papaïx Julien, Brévault Thierry, Berthier Karine.
Peer Community Journal,
4:e65, 23 p.
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Merging an agent-based modelling approach of nutritional ecology and a population dynamics model at landscape level for the management of the Senegalese grasshopper.
Diouf Esther, Piou Cyril, Cease Arianne J., Toure Mamour, Baron Christian, Marescot Lucile.
In : ECEM 2023 Book of abstracts. UFZ
. Leipzig : UFZ, Résumé, p. 304.
European Conference on Ecological Modelling (ECEM 2023). 9, Leipzig, Allemagne, 4 Septembre 2023/8 Septembre 2023.
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Genetic studies of fall armyworm indicate a new introduction into Africa and identify limits to its migratory behavior.
Nagoshi Rodney N., Goergen Georg, Koffi Djima, Agboka Komi, Mawuko Adjevi Anani Kossi, Du Plessis Hannalene, Van den Berg Johnnie, Tepa-Yotto Ghislain T., Winsou Jeannette K., Meagher Jr. Robert L., Brévault Thierry.
Scientific Reports,
12:1941, 12 p.
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Tree growth and mortality of 42 timber species in central Africa.
Ligot Gauthier, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Daïnou Kasso, Gilet Jean-François, Rossi Vivien, Mazengue Mathurin, Nna Ekome Stevy, Nkoulou Yanick Serge, Zombo Isaac, Forni Eric, Doucet Jean-Louis.
Forest Ecology and Management,
505:119889, 13 p.
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A review of the biology, ecology, and management of the south american locust, Schistocerca cancellata (Serville, 1838), and future prospects.
Trumper Eduardo, Cease Arianne J., Cigliano Maria Marta, Bazán Fernando Copa, Lange Carlos E., Medina Héctor, Overson Rick P., Therville Clara, Pocco Martina E., Piou Cyril, Zagaglia Gustavo, Hunter David.
Agronomy (Basel),
12 (1):135, 20 p.
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Describing fine spatiotemporal dynamics of rat fleas in an insular ecosystem enlightens abiotic drivers of murine typhus incidence in humans.
Tran Annelise, Le Minter Gildas, Balleydier Elsa, Etheves Marie Anaïs, Laval Morgane, Boucher Floriane, Guernier Vanina, Lagadec Erwan, Mavingui Patrick, Cardinale Eric, Tortosa Pablo.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
15 (2):e0009029, 16 p.
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Complementarity of empirical and process-based approaches to modelling mosquito population dynamics with Aedes albopictus as an example - Application to the development of an operational mapping tool of vector populations.
Tran Annelise, Mangeas Morgan, Demarchi Marie, Roux Emmanuel, Degenne Pascal, Haramboure Marion, Le Goff Gilbert, Damiens David, Gouagna Louis-Clément, Herbreteau Vincent, Dehecq Jean-Sébastien.
PloS One,
15 (1):e0227407, 21 p.
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Rift Valley fever in northern Senegal: A modelling approach to analyse the processes underlying virus circulation recurrence.
Durand Benoit, Lo Modou Moustapha, Tran Annelise, Ba Aminata, Sow Fafa, Belkhiria Jaber, Gueye Fall Assane, Biteye Biram, Grosbois Vladimir, Chevalier Véronique.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
14 (6):e0008009, 21 p.
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ALBORUN, an operational predictive tool to map Aedes albopictus mosquito populations in Reunion Island.
Tran Annelise, Demarchi Marie, Mangeas Morgan, Roux Emmanuel, Degenne Pascal, Herbreteau Vincent, Dehecq Jean-Sébastien.
. Montpellier : CIRAD-ENVT, 1 poster
ISESSAH 2018 conference, Montpellier, France, 14 Mai 2018/15 Mai 2018.
Modeling Aedes albopictus response to control methods based on sterilized males release.
Haramboure Marion, Labbé Patrick, Baldet Thierry, Bouyer Jérémy, Tran Annelise.
In : 21st E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting Abstract Book. Arthropod Vector Science for the benefit of society: Educate, Empathize, Engage. E-SOVE
. Palermo : E-SOVE, Résumé, 146.
E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting. 21, Palermo, Italie, 22 Octobre 2018/26 Octobre 2018.
Moon phase effect on mosquito vectors of West Nile virus in Madagascar: biodiversity, abundance, host attractiveness and feeding rates.
Tantely Luciano Michaël, Guis Hélène, Raharinirina Manou Rominah, Randrianandrianina L., Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire, Girod Romain.
In : ASTMH 67th Annual Meeting Abstract Book. ASTMH
. New Orleans : ASTMH, 48.
ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) 67th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, États-Unis, 28 Octobre 2018/1 Novembre 2018.
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