
From local to global: collective governance and participatory tools for developping a collective trademark for Andean quinoa

Bazile Didier, Andreotti Federico, Chevarria Lazo Marco Allan. 2021. From local to global: collective governance and participatory tools for developping a collective trademark for Andean quinoa. In : 34th International Geographical Congress, program book. Turkish Geographical Society, International Geographical Union. Istanbul : Turkish Geographical Society, Résumé, p. 224. International Geographical Congress (IGC 2021). 34, Istanbul, Turquie, 16 Août 2021/20 Août 2021.

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Matériel d'accompagnement : 1 diaporama (11 vues)

Résumé : Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) was domesticated more than 7000 years ago in the Andes. Its potential was promoted during the International Year of Quinoa in 2013 (IYQ-2013) by the United Nations (UN). Quinoa gained global importance due to its high nutritional value and tolerance of abiotic stresses passing from smallholder in the Andes (minor crop) to worldwide farming systems (major crop). Today, more than 125 countries are testing or cultivating quinoa crop in all the continents. There is a new challenge today for promoting and maintening the recognition of the Andes as the center of origin of quinoa crop against the competition from new areas of production. The attributes and the values for the recognition and the promotion of the Andean quinoa have to be co-constructed from the village, to the region, to the States of the Andes territory (Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina). The three main objectives of this research are to recall the place of origin of quinoa, to valorise the systems diversity with local agroecological practices, and to accompany the farmers' organizations of the Andean Altiplano for connecting them to the global market through a Collective Trademark (CT).Using geographical participatory tools and approaches for categorizing the key actors of the sustainable food system, we develop common perspectives among producers for promoting inclusive development, collective governance and organizational tools as key factors for redefining local/global foodscape approaches through singularities at each scale from local to global. Concretizing innovation pathways with the establishment of a collective trademark for the Andean quinoa, farmers discussed different viewpoints regarding the future that they would like to develop. Farmers consider at the same time their biocultural heritage and lanscape, their collective organizations and introduced novel technologies. Designing innovations pathway from their values and production practices facilitates the agroecological transition that many stakeholders currently predict.

Mots-clés libres : Globalization, Localization, Food markets, Quinoa, Collective trademark

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Bazile Didier, CIRAD-ES-UMR SENS (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-5617-9319
  • Andreotti Federico, CIRAD-ES-UMR SENS (FRA)
  • Chevarria Lazo Marco Allan

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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