
Résultats de recherche pour (title:("theobroma" OR cacao* OR cocoa* OR cacau* OR chocolat*) OR event_title:("theobroma" OR cacao* OR cocoa* OR cacau* OR chocolat*) OR book_title:("theobroma" OR cacao* OR cocoa* OR cacau* OR chocolat*) OR motscles_libres:("theobroma" OR cacao* OR cocoa* OR cacau* OR chocolat*) OR agrovoc_mat_motcle:("cacao" OR "theobroma" OR "fève de cacao" OR "cacao en poudre" OR "industrie du cacao" OR "chocolat" OR "beurre de cacao" OR "coque de cacao")) AND type:(article OR "these" OR actes_congres OR hdr OR ouvrage OR chapitre_ouvrage OR brevet) AND date:(2008 OR 2009 OR 2010 OR 2011 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2014 OR 2015 OR 2016 OR 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 OR 2021 OR 2022 OR 2023 OR 2024 OR 2025 OR 2026)

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1. Shade tree functional traits drive critical ecosystem services in cocoa agroforestry systems. Addo-Danso Shalom D., Asare Richard, Tettey Abigail, Schmidt Jennifer E., Sauvadet Marie, Coulis Mathieu, Belliard Nelly, Isaac Marney E.. 2024. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 372:109090, 10 p.
2. Discriminating three lab scale dark chocolate bars from fine Cameroon cocoa hybrids using sensorial evaluation and organic acid content. Akoa Simon Perrez, Boulanger Renaud, Manga Ndjaga Jude, Effa Onomo Pierre, Lebrun Marc, Eyenga Eliane Flore, Morel Gilles, Nkongho Raymond N., Djocgoue Pierre-François. 2024. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 14 p.
3. Microclimatic variations in cocoa-based agroforestry systems affect citrus Phytophthora foot rot disease intensity. Akoutou Mvondo Etienne, Dzokouo Dzoyem Camille Ulrich, Bissohon Mélaine, Bidzanga Nomo Lucien, Bella Manga Faustin, Ambang Zachée, Cilas Christian, Ndo Eunice Golda Danièle. 2024. Agroforestry Systems, 98 (4) : 837-851.
4. Ca-oxalate crystals are involved in cadmium storage in a high Cd accumulating cultivar of cacao. Blommaert Hester, Castillo-Michel Hiram, Veronesi Giulia, Tucoulou Rémi, Beauchêne Jacques, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Smolders Erik, Sarret Géraldine. 2024. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 221:105713, 11 p.
5. Effectual behaviour and frugal innovations: Learning from women cocoa farmers in South West Cameroon. Boutiller Sophie, Mathe Syndhia, Geitzenauer Maria. 2024. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 52 (1) : 86-115.
6. Temporal behaviour of cacao clone production over 18 years. Dessauw Dominique, Phillips-Mora Wilbert, Mata-Quiros Allan, Bastide Philippe, Johnson Vincent, Castillo-Fernandeza José, Ribeyre Fabienne, Cilas Christian. 2024. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44:34, 14 p.
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7. Dynamics of soil organic carbon pools following conversion of savannah to cocoa agroforestry systems in the Centre region of Cameroon. Eteckji Fonkeng Eltson, Chevallier Tiphaine, Sauvadet Marie, Enock Seguy, Rakotondrazafy Nancy, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Takoutsing Bertin, Tabi Fritz Oben, Harmand Jean-Michel. 2024. Geoderma Regional, 36:e00758, 14 p.
8. New insights in the evolutionary history of cacao-infecting badnaviruses. Gonzalez Grande Patricia Lorena, Micheli Fabienne. 2024. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 130:102242, 20 p.
9. Shade tree trait diversity and functions in agroforestry systems: A review of which traits matter. Isaac Marney E., Gagliardi Stephanie, Ordoñez J. C., Sauvadet Marie. 2024. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61 (6):n.spéc. The global energy transition: Ecological impact, mitigation and restoration : 1159-1173.
10. High-resolution multispectral and RGB dataset from UAV surveys of ten cocoa agroforestry typologies in Côte d'Ivoire. Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Akpa Lucette, Danumah Jean Homian, Assoua Brou Yves Laurent, N'Dja Kassi Justin. 2024. Data in Brief, 55:110664, 7 p.
11. Pheromone traps and climate variations influence populations of Sahlbergella singularis (Hemiptera: Miridae) and associated damage of cocoa in Cameroon. Mahot Hermine Claudine, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Mahob Raymond, Begoudé Aimé-Didier B., Fotso Kuate Apollin, Membang Gertrude, Ewane Nathalie, Kemga Adolph, Bilong Charles F.B., Hall David R., Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Hanna Rachid. 2024. Environmental Entomology, 53 (2) : 249-258.
12. Disentangling shade effects for cacao pest and disease regulation in the Peruvian Amazonia. Ramos Marcos Javier, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Alvarado Jhoner, Rapidel Bruno, Allinne Clémentine. 2024. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44:11, 17 p.
13. Shade canopy density variables in cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems. Somarriba Eduardo, Saj Stéphane, Orozco-Aguilar Luis, Somarriba Aurelio, Rapidel Bruno. 2024. Agroforestry Systems, 98 : 585-601.
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14. Does seasonal flowering and fruiting patterns of cacao only depend on climatic factors? The case study of mixed genotype populations in Côte d'Ivoire. Wibaux Thomas, Normand Frédéric, Vezy Rémi, Durand Jean-Baptiste, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2024. Scientia Horticulturae, 337:113529, 15 p.
15. The selenium-independent phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase from Theobroma cacao (TcPHGPX) protects plant cells against damages and cell death. do Carmo Santos Maria Luíza, Araújo Santos Taís, Dos Santos Lopes Natasha, Macêdo Ferreira Monaliza, Martins Alves Akyla Maria, Priminho Pirovani Carlos, Micheli Fabienne. 2024. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 207:108332, 15 p.
16. Environmental assessment of the Ecuadorian cocoa value chain with statistics-based LCA. Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel. 2023. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28 : 1495-1515.
17. Diverse farmer livelihoods increase resilience to climate variability in southern Colombia. Bernal Núñez Angie Paola, Gutiérrez-Montes Isabel, Hernández-Núñez Héctor Eduardo, Gutiérrez Suárez David Ricardo, Gutiérrez García Gustavo Adolfo, Suarez Juan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Flora Cornelia, Sibelet Nicole. 2023. Land Use Policy, 131:106731, 13 p.
18. Establishing mixed-species planted forests for restoration and production in Brazil. De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Guillemot Joannès, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Teixeira Mendes João Carlos, De Vicente Ferraz Alexandre, Behling Maurel, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2023. In : Towards more resilient and diverse planted forests. Sarre A. (ed.), Varley B. (ed.). Rome : FAO, 55-59. (Unasylva, 74, Vol.74:n°254) ISBN 978-92-5-138357-5
19. Patterns of shade plant diversity in four agroforestry systems across Central America: a meta-analysis. Esquivel M. Jimena, Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Harvey Celia A., Ospina Mayra A., Somarriba Eduardo, Deheuvels Olivier, Virginio Filho Elias de Melo, Haggar Jeremy, Detlefsen Guillermo, Cerdan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Ordonez Jenny. 2023. Scientific Reports, 13:8538, 12 p.
20. Link between flavor perception and volatile compound composition of dark chocolates derived from trinitario cocoa beans from Dominican Republic. Guzman Penella Santiago, Boulanger Renaud, Maraval Isabelle, Kopp Gabi, Corno Marcello, Fontez Bénédicte, Fontana Angélique. 2023. Molecules, 28 (9):3805, 22 p.
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